The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 585 Confession

Chapter 585 Confession (Part [-])
There is no information record, which means a few things.

It was also said earlier that there were records of information about the forbidden area by the old valley owner, which would be helpful for everyone to see what happened after they came to the forbidden area.

Now that the first thing is wrong, forget it, why hasn’t it been recorded later.

Then the information on this life is useful, Ji Yang and others are not all on their own.

"Yanjiao, what do you mean by your words? How could there be no subsequent records in the life of the old valley owner?"

"Did the old valley owner leave the forbidden area after getting rid of the tornado?"

Peng Caixuan really didn't understand, didn't it mean that the old valley owner stayed in the forbidden area for a while.

If it really stayed for a while, how could there be only records of tornadoes and nothing else.

"What I said is true, there really won't be too many records later."

"You're right. The old valley owner did leave the forbidden area after getting rid of the tornado, but it took him three full days to get rid of the tornado."

"During these three days, the old valley owner not only suffered physical injuries, but also exhausted his true energy. He spent seven days recuperating outside the forbidden area, and then left directly."

"It's just that other people don't know about this matter, and they all think that the old valley owner stayed in the forbidden area for ten days."

"For the sake of his own face and his own status, the old valley owner did not explain this matter."

No wonder Yanjiao got that expression just now, it turns out that this matter is related to the reputation of the first generation owner of Fenghuo Valley, and it can also be regarded as related to Fenghuo Valley's face.

The old owner of the valley considered it a fraud back then, and if the news spread, it would not be a good thing for Fenghuogu.

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me this time. In fact, I asked Grandpa to bring up the forbidden area."

"Caixuan and I haven't seen each other for ten years. A lot of things have happened to both of us in ten years. We are no longer the kids we were back then. We are strangers at all."

"I can't accept the fact that two strangers get married. Let Caixuan and I come to the forbidden area. One is to increase our relationship in danger. I also have my own selfish (desire)..."

Back then, when the first generation owner of Fenghuo Valley came to the forbidden area, his Fire Phoenix Art had not yet reached the point of mastery.

But in the forbidden area, it took a total of ten days from encountering the tornado to recuperating.

During these ten days, not only did he heal his injuries, but he also discovered a secret.

That is, in the forbidden area, the cultivation speed of the Fire Phoenix Jue was very fast, and it was also during these ten days that his Huo Feng Jue broke through to Dacheng.

"My Fire Phoenix Jue has been refined to the brink of great success, but I have been unable to break through it for a long time."

"I wanted to learn from the old Valley Master, so I came to the forbidden area. I'm really sorry. I brought you to the dangerous forbidden area."

"The exit is there, everyone can leave now because it's really dangerous here."

After Yanjiao finished telling the story of the old valley owner, she also told her own story.

When she was talking, she was always observing the changes in the expressions of Ji Yang and others.

It's just that she found that when she said this, apart from Peng Caixuan's unnatural expression, Ji Yang and Zhu Jiumei were actually very calm.

"The little girl is quite honest, and she knows how to tell the matter herself. In fact, we knew about it last night."

"I thought you were going to hide it for how long, but I didn't expect you to say it so soon. Since you know you are wrong, what can we say?"

Zhu Jiumei looked at Yanjiao and said with a smile on her face.

It turned out that when Peng Tianlong was fighting Yan Lie yesterday, Zhu Jiumei was curious, so she went secretly.

Just overheard the conversation between the two, so she already knew this last night.

This morning, Zhu Jiumei also told Ji Yang about this matter, and the two decided not to expose it for now, they have to wait for Yanjiao to admit it.

"Boss, Zhu Jiumei, you two are too careless!"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Going around, I'm just a fool who doesn't know anything.

Peng Caixuan was depressed, and asked angrily.

"Isn't it boring to tell you? Wait for her to tell you in person, so that it will be emotional."

Ji Yang raised his eyebrows at Peng Caixuan.

When Peng Caixuan saw Ji Yang like this, what could he do, he had to endure it.

"Caixuan, I..."

"Forget it, forget it, things have come to this point, what else can I do."

"I also have a part in objecting to marriage, and your choice is very good."

Yanjiao originally wanted to apologize to Peng Caixuan, but Peng Caixuan acted so open-minded.

It's just that at the end of the talk, Peng Caixuan looked a little embarrassed, and looked at Yanjiao with weird eyes.

He actually said that Yanjiao's choice was very good, what does he mean by this very good, could it be that Yanjiao's method of promoting feelings is good?

Ji Yang looked at Peng Caixuan with disdain, and said disdainfully.

"You also told me that I don't judge people by their appearance. When I see someone beautiful, my heart is moved, right?"

"Everyone loves beauty, what's wrong with me."

Well, Peng Caixuan said all the shameless things, so what else is there to say.

Listening to the quarrel between Peng Caixuan and Ji Yang, Yanjiao's face turned red, and her eyes glanced at Peng Caixuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Don't guess what a woman's mind is, you can only guess more and more confused in the end.

But looking at Yanjiao like this, it's obvious that she is already emotionally overwhelmed.

"Okay, you two stop talking there, and you stop flirting with him."

"We are very close to the exit now, and now we want to leave even if we come in a hurry, whether to leave or not, you can tell, anyway, I am here to make soy sauce."

Zhu Jiumei really couldn't stand it any longer. Even if the three of them treated her like air, shouldn't they also consider the current situation.

"I just came in to protect you. The boss will give you this little brother the right to make a decision this time. You can choose."

Ji Yang handed over the decision to Peng Caixuan.

Peng Caixuan thought for a while, and finally looked at Yanjiao, he was going to let the other party choose.

"Yanjiao, what do you want to do?"

The right to decide is returned to Yanjiao's hands, which is not equivalent to turning the problem around.

Yanjiao lowered her head, frowning and thinking, then looked at Peng Caixuan and the others with firm eyes.

"I want to stay. After I came here, I practiced the Fire Phoenix Jue, and it is indeed much more active than outside."

"I will only leave after I have practiced the Fire Phoenix Jue to a great success. You don't need to accompany me to take risks."

Yanjiao gave her choice, she wants to stay.

"Yanjiao, who do you think I am, Peng Caixuan? How could I leave you here alone? If you stay, I will accompany you."

Come on, Peng Caixuan also chose to stay.

Do Ji Yang and Zhu Jiumei have any other choice? The two shrugged and could only stay by their side.

When everyone decided to stay, it was to discuss the following matters.

"Anyway, we want to stay here, why don't we move forward."

"There is a very weird aura in this forbidden area, I want to find out."

After some discussion, Ji Yang made a choice for everyone, and everyone agreed after thinking about it.

Ji Yang and the others continued their journey to the forbidden area...

 One update will be sent, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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