The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 586 Lost Earthquake

Chapter 586 Lost Earthquake (Part [-])
When they first arrived in the forbidden area of ​​Fenghuogu, the four of Ji Yang experienced a passion full of thunder and lightning.

Now the four of them continued to move forward, surrounded by ancient trees and overgrown vegetation. Occasionally, a mouse or two rabbits ran past them.

These small animals that are usually afraid of people are not afraid of Ji Yang and the others, some are just curious.

Only when the aura of Ji Yang and others changes and a sense of crisis emerges, will these rabbits and mice run away.

But he didn't run far, still watching from a distance.

"These animals are familiar and not afraid of strangers."

Looking at a hare not far away, Zhu Jiumei said with a smile.

In places outside the forbidden area, there are not many hares nowadays, and these hares will run far away when they see humans.

This forbidden area feels like a world outside the forbidden area, and it seems like two different worlds.

"Don't look at the hare, look around, why do I feel like we've been spinning in circles?"

The surrounding trees are all about the same size, and the four of Ji Yang have been walking for almost an hour.

But for an hour, Ji Yang felt like he was walking around, but he always circled around the origin.

Hearing Ji Yang's reminder, the three of Zhu Jiumei also observed the surrounding scenery, it seemed that they had indeed been here before.

But isn't the whole forest like this? It looks similar, but it doesn't mean it's spinning around in place.


After observing for a while, Zhu Jiumei kicked a big tree, and the big tree made a muffled noise, and with a click, it broke immediately.

"Just use it as a mark, let's continue walking, and I will lead the way."

Barbaric, really barbaric.

Even if you want to make a mark, you don't have to kick the tree directly.

Ji Yang and others were convinced by Zhu Jiumei's approach, and secretly thought Zhu Jiumei, you are awesome, Zhu Jiumei, you are fierce enough.

The forest is the home of Zhu Jiumei.

Zhu Jiumei has seen countless forests, big and small, and she can't count how many forests she has lived in.

But no matter how big the forest is, Zhu Jiumei has never lost her way, and she doesn't believe that she can still be planted here today.

Zhu Jiumei walked in the front, and Ji Yang and others followed behind her.

The body followed, but the three of Ji Yang did not relax their vigilance for a moment. The forbidden area was quiet for more than an hour, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

This is the performance of a kind of cheap skin. Let them live a good life, but they will not live a good life.

After walking for another ten minutes, Zhu Jiumei stopped, and there was a broken tree in front of her.

"We're literally going in circles."

Although he didn't want to admit it, the truth was in front of him, the broken tree in front of Zhu Jiumei was the one she kicked down.

Today, Zhu Jiumei really fell. A monster who has lived in various forests for more than 600 years has lost her way in the forest.

"Just now we should go to the east, this time we will go to the west, let's go!"

Ji Yang's eyes narrowed, and he said in a cold voice.

Everyone followed what Ji Yang said, changed their direction, and moved on.

Only ten minutes later, everyone returned to the position of the broken tree.

"Go south!"

Ten minutes later, the location of the broken tree was still there.

"Go north!"

Four directions, southeast, northwest, and this is the last direction.

It's a pity that the result of this last direction is that they returned to the broken tree again.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on, why we keep spinning in circles."

Returning to the broken tree again, Ji Yang's face flushed red, and he kicked the broken tree.

The tree that had already been broken by kicking turned into two pieces under Ji Yang's foot.

"Calm down, it's no use being angry."

"When the thunder and lightning happened just now, I felt weird. Now that we are spinning around in place, I feel that we should have entered some kind of formation."

"If you want to leave, you can only break through this formation. I have been observing just now, but no matter which direction it is, I can't find the eye of the formation."

Zhu Jiumei seemed to be much calmer, and her words got everyone's approval.

Now that everyone has nothing to do in a short time, they simply sit down and rest first.


When everyone was resting, there was a rumbling sound.

"Could it be thunder and lightning again, can't we change it?"

Hearing this rumbling sound, Peng Cai wanted to hear the thunder and lightning from before.

"No, it's not Thunderbolt this time, it should be something else."

"And this sound is not from the sky at all, but from the ground."

Ji Yang shook his head, pointed to the clear sky, and said in response.

This rumbling sound did not come from the sky, but from the surroundings, from the ground.

"No, Ji Yang, quickly take them to fly, there's an earthquake!"

Zhu Jiumei moved her ears and looked behind her. Following the rumbling sound, she saw a big tree falling, the ground was shaking violently, and cracks were spreading towards everyone.

"No, I can do it myself, just bring Caixuan with you!"

"Fire Phoenix Art!"

It was the first time Yanjiao used the Fire Phoenix Art in front of everyone. With the use of the Fire Phoenix Art, Yanjiao's skin turned red, a circle of hot flames condensed around her, and the surrounding temperature instantly increased.


The flames condense around Yanjiao's body, this is nothing.

But when two huge flame wings appeared behind her, Ji Yang and others were surprised.

"It's not a bad thing, it's a practice passed down from ancient times, it's really not bad."

Two flame wings appeared, flapping the wings, Yanjiao directly flew up.

Ji Yang grabbed Peng Caixuan, his feet condensed the surrounding wind, and his body also rose into the air.

As for Zhu Jiumei, it was even simpler. She jumped up and jumped directly onto the cloud head.

The four of them got into the air, looked down and saw several huge cracks appearing on the ground centered on the position where everyone was just now, and the trees fell one after another. It really was an earthquake.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The earthquake lasted for about half an hour, and Ji Yang and others also stayed in the air for more than half an hour.

They waited for the quake to subside before returning to the ground.

It's just that when everyone was waiting for the earthquake to subside in the air and was about to fall back to the ground, several bursts of wind suddenly sounded.

With the sound of breaking wind, vines as thick as arms flew towards the air.

"Be careful with these vines, don't get entangled or touched by the vines, these vines have barbs, and they seem to be poisonous!"

The flying vines are not only thick and thick, but also densely covered with barbs, and some purple liquid is dripping from the vines.

Seeing these liquids, Ji Yang thought of poison.

Although it is not certain that the purple liquid is indeed poisonous, even if it is not poisonous, the barbs on the vines are enough to bear.

Ji Yang pulled Peng Caixuan, his body dodged the vines in the air.

Yanjiao's movements are the same as Ji Yang's, they are also flying around in the air.

Zhu Jiumei was relaxed, she stood tall and could see far away, these vines couldn't hit her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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