The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 59 Did the operation fail?

Chapter 59 Did the operation fail?
Tang Tai and Mu Hong drove a car each, and the two cars quickly drove out of the military compound.

"I'll go, the car is driving so fast, who is going to trouble me?"

The guard standing guard at the gate pouted when he saw the two cars driving so fast.

Naturally, Tang Tai and Mu Hong couldn't hear the guard's words. They drove so fast because they were worried about A Biao's injury. On the way to the hospital, Tang Tai had already called the hospital and asked the hospital to arrange the operating room. He was operated on immediately upon arrival.

"Is the operating room ready?"

Tang Tai's car stopped, and as soon as he jumped out of the car, he saw Zhao Mingjie was already waiting for him at the door.

"Well, it's ready, who will do the surgery?"

At this time Ji Yang was still in the car, and Tang Tai hadn't told Zhao Mingjie who was going to perform the operation before, so Zhao Mingjie asked.

"Dr. Zhao, we meet again. I will perform the surgery."

The last time he scraped Mu An's bone to treat poison, Zhao Mingjie saw the whole process. When he saw that Ji Yang was in charge of the operation, he also remembered the scene of the operation on Mu An that day, and swallowed secretly.

"Ji Yang's medical skills are absolutely impeccable. Since he is the one to perform this operation, I think A Biao can be saved."

Zhao Mingjie also admired Ji Yang's medical skills, but he admired Ji Yang's courage even more. He dared to scrape the bone to treat the poison of the spine. people do.

Ji Yang smiled confidently, and soon changed into surgical gowns with Li Zixuan. As the two entered the operating room, Tang Tai and Mu Hong were left waiting outside the operating room.

Previously, he only knew that A Biao's injury had worsened from Tang Tai's mouth, but he didn't see A Biao. After seeing A Biao in the operating room, Ji Yang's face became more and more ugly after another examination.

"It's really strange. The injured viscera have begun to heal, why did they suddenly collapse, and the broken bones were fixed but there was no sign of recovery? What's going on?"

"Could it be that Ah Biao's recovery ability is too poor to be like this, but his physical fitness shouldn't be like this."

Ji Yang stared at A Biao without blinking. It was not the first time for Li Zixuan to be Ji Yang's assistant, but it was the first time she saw Ji Yang's serious expression.

Even the last time Ji Yang scraped Mu An's bone to heal the poison, apart from being very careful, he didn't show anything special.

Could it be that A Biao's situation is more serious than Mu An's?

Li Zixuan didn't dare to disturb Ji Yang, she just stood aside silently.

Ji Yang stood there for a few minutes, and finally made up his mind, no matter what, he will operate on A Biao first.

"Zixuan, as usual, give me the silver needle."

Li Zixuan was already used to Ji Yang's operation after anesthesia with silver needles to put people to sleep. After hearing what Ji Yang said, she gave Ji Yang the silver needles she had prepared.

With the silver needle in his hand, Ji Yang also stuck the silver needle on A Biao's body. With the needle piercing, A Biao's breathing became smoother and more even, and then he fell asleep.

"Ready for surgery, scalpel."

With Li Zixuan handing over the scalpel to Ji Yang, Ji Yang's treatment of A Biao officially began.

Outside the operating room, Mu Hong and Tang Tai were waiting.

At this time, Tang Tai looked worried, and looked towards the operating room from time to time.

"Tang Tai, I didn't realize that you cared about A Biao so much. I thought the only thing that could make you feel good was a beautiful woman."

Looking at Tang Tai at this moment, Mu Hong also changed from his usual indifference, and couldn't help but tease him.

"I'm a human being, and I have feelings. A Biao has been with me for so many years, saving me in times of crisis. He even blocked a bullet for me half a year ago and almost died."

"Although I, Tang Tai, are known as Huahua Dashao, I regard A Biao as a brother. If I were really given a chance to choose, even if the world's most beautiful woman and A Biao asked me to choose one, I would choose A Biao. .”

"Women are like clothes, brothers are like brothers and sisters. This sentence is not without reason."

Tang Tai's voice was very soft, and he was also taken aback when he heard Mu Hong.

It seems that I underestimated Tang Tai before.

"Tang Tai, I found that you are not as annoying as before."

Mu Hong said softly.

"So you're starting to like me."

The corners of Tang Tai's mouth turned up into a smirk, and his eyes looked at Mu Hong with some playfulness.

"A dog can't change Chixiang, I really wonder if what you said just now came from your mouth."

Tang Tai at this time was the Tang Tai in Mu Hong's impression.

Hearing Mu Hong's words, Tang Tai froze instantly.

"Phew... I've already stitched up the open wound, and I've also helped him reset the broken bone. It's up to him to do the rest."

More than an hour later, Ji Yang in the operating room also let out a long breath and said in a deep voice.

After the operation, Ji Yang and Li Zixuan pushed A Biao out of the operating room.

"Ji Yang, was the operation successful?"

Seeing A Biao being pushed out, Tang Tai rushed to meet him.

At this time, A Biao was still in a deep sleep state, and his face looked very pale.

"The operation was successful, and the rest will depend on A Biao's own recovery ability."

After sending A Biao back to the intensive care unit, Ji Yang took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket, which contained Li Shizhen's healing medicine.

The operation on A Biao was just the beginning, the real key was Li Shizhen's healing medicine.

A black pill was poured into the hands, Tang Tai and the three of them could smell a strange medicinal fragrance, Ji Yang put the healing medicine into A Biao's mouth, and then gave A Biao to drink some water, A Biao took the healing medicine .

"Ji Yang, what kind of medicine did you give A Biao?"

Li Zixuan asked curiously.

"The healing medicine developed by Li Shizhen, the sage of medicine."

Ji Yang said casually.

"If you don't want to say it, let it go, and return the healing medicine developed by Li Shizhen. Why don't you talk about the elixir of the Supreme Lord, hum."

Ji Yang's answer was really unacceptable, and Li Zixuan snorted dissatisfiedly when she heard Ji Yang's words.

I have clearly told the truth, but others don't believe me, what can I do.

Some questions are too brain-intensive to deceive the other party with a bunch of lies, it is easier to tell the truth, anyway, the other party does not believe it at all, and Ji Yang is like this now.

"Ji Yang, this is 100 million. Thank you for treating A Biao."

Ji Yang's operation was successful, and Tang Tai handed over the 100 million check to Ji Yang as agreed earlier.

Ji Yang was not polite, anyway, he deserved the 100 million. Mu Hong and Li Zixuan saw that Ji Yang had accepted Tang Tai's 100 million, but they didn't ask any questions.

"I've accepted the money. Then you arrange someone to take care of him. Normally, he should wake up tomorrow. If there is any emergency, you can call me. This is my phone number..."

After Ji Yang left his phone number to Tang Tai, he left with Mu Hong and Li Zixuan.

Originally, Ji Yang's words to call me in case of an emergency were just polite words, but unexpectedly, a few hours after Ji Yang returned to Mu's house, Tang Tai actually called him.

"Ji Yang, Ah Biao's injury has worsened again. The wound you stitched up is open. Come and take a look."

Ji Yang was stunned when he heard this, did his operation fail this time?

(End of this chapter)

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