Chapter 60

"Impossible, there must be no problem with the operation process, and there is absolutely no problem with the treatment method."

Ji Yang was sure that there were no problems during his entire operation, and he believed that his operation was a success.

But why did A Biao's wound open again, and after taking the healing medicine researched by Li Shizhen, with the help of Li Shizhen's healing medicine, the wound should heal quickly, and it is absolutely impossible to crack, this is too abnormal.

I can't figure it out just by thinking about it. Ji Yang has to go to the hospital to see for himself.

After finding Mu Hong, Mu Hong was also stunned when she heard that A Biao's injury had worsened again. Mu Hong knew that time was running out and hurriedly drove Ji Yang to the military hospital.

"Ji Yang, didn't you say that the operation was successful, didn't you mean that A Biao would wake up tomorrow, but what's going on now?"

Tang Tai was very excited when he saw Ji Yang, grabbed Ji Yang by the collar and asked loudly.

Seeing Tang Tai so excited, Ji Yang also frowned, but he didn't get angry.

He could understand Tang Tai. After all, he was the one who said that A Biao was fine, and he had received a check for 200 million. Now that A Biao's injury worsened, he was also responsible.

"Tang Tai, calm down first, let Ji Yang see how A Biao is doing."

Seeing Tang Tai's excitement, Mu Hong hurriedly opened her mouth, and at the same time pulled Tang Tai's hand away from Ji Yang.

"You wait for me here, I'll go in and have a look."

"Don't worry, since I said I would cure A Biao, I will do what I say."

Looking at Tang Tai with a calm face, Ji Yang walked into A Biao's ward alone after speaking.

When he came to A Biao's hospital bed and looked at A Biao with a very pale face, Ji Yang cut his pulse again. After all these pulses, Ji Yang's face also became ugly.

I obviously restored the broken bones on his body before, and treated the injured viscera, and finally gave him Li Shizhen's healing medicine.

But now A Biao's condition is very bad, and he feels worse than before his treatment.

"What's going on here? Is it true that my treatment method is wrong? No, I have to ask someone."

Puzzled in his heart, Ji Yang also decisively took out his mobile phone. The most suitable person to ask this kind of thing is Hua Tuo.

"Hua Tuo, are you there?"

Finding Hua Tuo from the address book, Ji Yang also sent a WeChat message.

"Xiaobai, what are you looking for from me? Are you planning to repay my merits?"

When Ji Yang saw Hua Tuo's words, his face darkened, and he almost forgot about it. He had learned his experience from Hua Tuo before, and promised to give him [-] merits.

But because money is tight, I only gave the other party five hundred, and now I still owe the other party nine thousand and five.

The previous debts have not been paid, and now he is asking the other party for something, Ji Yang himself feels embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry, the Tianlei assessment is approaching, and I don't have enough money, please allow me a while, and I will pay you back once the Tianlei assessment is over."

In real life, although Ji Yang doesn't have much money, he seldom asks others to borrow money, and even if he borrows money, he will pay it back immediately.

He himself doesn't like the feeling of not paying back what he owes.

"Well, since you didn't come to me to repay your merits, it seems that you have other things, so tell me what it is."

This Hua Tuo has a good temper, and he feels good to Ji Yang.

He didn't get angry because Ji Yang didn't repay his merits, nor did he reprimand Ji Yang.

Seeing Hua Tuo's reaction made Ji Yang even more embarrassed.

He has [-] merits in his hands now, but if Hua Tuo is repaid now, it will be very difficult for him to earn [-] merits in the next month to face the Tianlei assessment.

"Hey, forget it, let's delay it for now, and pay Hua Tuo some merits later."

Finally, after thinking about it, Ji Yang decided not to pay it back. After all, the day of Tianlei's assessment is getting closer, and he already lacks merits, so he can't be impulsive.

Then Ji Yang told Hua Tuo about A Biao's condition, the process of his operation, and the fact that he gave A Biao Li Shizhen's healing medicine.

"According to what you said, your treatment is fine, and the operation procedure is correct, but instead of improving, the patient's injury worsened, which is indeed abnormal."

"Can you tell me how this man got hurt?"

After hearing what Ji Yang said, Hua Tuo also said that Ji Yang did the right thing. If he wants to find out the problem, it seems that he needs to know the antecedent.

When chatting with Hua Tuo, Ji Yang didn't need to hide it. Anyway, the other party is in the underworld, so it is certainly not surprising that the ghost is upper body.

"He was injured by a man with a ghost on his body."

"What did you say, he was injured by someone with a ghost upper body, that's right, I know the reason, I know."

now it's right?What does it mean.

This Hua Tuo obviously meant something. It seems that the aggravation of A Biao's injury is really related to the process of the injury.

But what is the relationship, Ji Yang can't understand.

"Hua Tuo, the matter is urgent, please explain clearly."

Ji Yang asked anxiously.

"If he was injured normally, your treatment must be effective, but if he was injured by someone with a ghost on his body, it's different."

"A person with a ghost upper body will have a death energy on him. When attacking people, this death energy will turn into ghost poison when it hurts others. The ghost poison enters the body. Normal treatment is useless unless the ghost poison Get rid of it, otherwise no matter how you treat him, you won't be able to change the status quo, and he will definitely die."

Hua Tuo didn't talk nonsense to Ji Yang, but directly explained the reason, but seeing Hua Tuo's words, Ji Yang was dumbfounded again.


This is the first time Ji Yang has heard of this term. When it comes to injuries, he was also injured by a thin bamboo pole. It stands to reason that he should also be poisoned by ghosts, but why is he fine?

If there is any difference between me and A Biao, it is that I have taken the elixir of Taishang Laojun. Is it because this elixir has changed my body, so the ghost poison has no effect on me? This is the only reason explanation of.

"Now that I know the cause of the ghost poison, how can I get rid of the ghost poison?"

Once the reason is found, it will be easy to solve it. Since Hua Tuo has mentioned the ghost poison, the other party should have a solution to the ghost poison.

It's just that Ji Yang thought too well, Hua Tuo's next words undoubtedly poured cold water on his head.

"Hey, even though I have served the King of Hades and the handsome ghosts in the underworld for many years, I have no way to cure this ghost poison. You should ask other people for help."

Hua Tuo's words were somewhat helpless.

"Then who can cure this ghostly poison?"

That's what Hua Tuo said. Judging from the situation of Ji Yang chatting with Hua Tuo, the other party would not lie to himself about it.

Since Hua Tuo said he couldn't solve it, he could only ask the other party who could solve the ghost poison.

"To be honest, I don't know who can detoxify ghost poison, but you can ask Yin Shuai and ghost messengers, they know more about ghost poison than I do, maybe they will have a solution."

 There was a problem with the network, and I almost couldn’t upload it. Fortunately, it was solved in time, and I didn’t miss the time for everyone to watch

(End of this chapter)

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