The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 61 It's This Xiaobai Again

Chapter 61 It's This Xiaobai Again
Ask the handsome ghost?
Both Ma Mian and Hei Wuchang are one of the top ten handsome men in the underworld, and Ji Yang has no shortage of friends in this regard.

Although Hua Tuo didn't know how to get rid of the ghost poison, and now time was running out, Hua Tuo also gave Ji Yang some advice.

What's more, I might turn to Hua Tuo for help in the future. Ji Yang also said a few words to the other party politely, and said thank you for his advice before going to other people for help.

At this time in the underworld, the bull head and the horse face have no errands to do today, so they are going to patrol the underworld and take a stroll. When the two came to Tongue Pulling Hell, they saw a man riding a tiger. A middle-aged Taoist suddenly appeared.

This Taoist is wearing a blue and red embroidered dragon Taoist robe, a golden lotus flower crown on his head, phoenix eyes and sparse eyebrows, a ruddy complexion, an elegant demeanor, a face of great righteousness, and a majestic tiger under his crotch. Seeing this Taoist priest, the bull head and the horse He hurriedly greeted him.

"See Master Zhengyi, why do you come to the underworld when you have time?"

This Taoist is no one else, but one of the three ancestors of Taoism, the founder of Taoism, Zhengyimeng Weidao, also known as Zhang Daoling, the founder of Tianshidao, also known as Zhang Tianshi among the people.

Under the check and balance of the laws of the three realms, although the underworld and the heaven cannot go to the mortal world at will, the heaven and earth and the underworld can communicate with each other.

Zhang Daoling's status in the Three Realms is extremely high, he rarely came to the underworld, suddenly saw Zhang Daoling appearing in the underworld, the bull head and horse face were also surprised, and asked cautiously.

Zhang Daoling sat straddling the tiger, his phoenix eyes were tightly closed, he didn't know what he was thinking, when he heard someone asking, he opened his eyes.

Seeing the bull's head and the horse's face, Zhang Daoling stroked his beard with his hands, nodded and said softly, "Where is King Chujiang?"

"King Chujiang is in the hall, I will take you there right now."

This Daoling is a big shot, so Niutou and Mamian must deal with it carefully. When Zhang Daoling wanted to find the King of Chujiang, Niutou said respectfully, and then led Zhang Daoling together with Mamian.

Hearing Niutou's words, Zhang Daoling nodded slightly and closed his eyes again, the tiger under his crotch shook his head, and also followed.

"The world is delicious, the world is delicious, delicious, delicious."

At this time, King Chujiang was eating in the Hall of King Yama. There were several large plates on the table, each of which was several times larger than normal plates. The food in these plates was exactly what Ji Yang had provided to the underworld. Sweet and sour pork with pineapple, pot-packed pork and dry fried tenderloin.

King Chujiang put a piece of dry fried tenderloin in his mouth, and it was delicious.

Before Zhang Daoling, the bull head and the horse face entered the hall, Zhang Daoling sniffled, opened his closed eyes instantly, and said secretly: "It smells so good."

I didn't see how he moved, but when he was talking, he had already arrived at King Chujiang's table. With a simple move, a pair of chopsticks also appeared in his hand, and he immediately picked up a piece of pot-packed meat and put it in his mouth.

"Sweet and sour, charred on the outside and inside, delicious."

King Chujiang was eating happily with his head bowed. Zhang Daoling had already arrived at the table before the bull's head and horse noodles could be announced, so he didn't know that Zhang Daoling had come to the underworld.

Seeing that someone took away a piece of pot-packed meat, King Chujiang's face changed, and he raised his head and shouted loudly.

"Who is so bold, dare to..."

"Master Zhengyi, why is it you?"

King Chujiang originally wanted to reprimand someone for being so ignorant of the rules. Even if the other Nine Palace Hades came here and wanted to eat their own food, they still had to say hello.

But when he saw that the person opposite turned out to be Zhang Daoling, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

"Don't mention it. I've been out in a bad mood recently. Your food is good. There's a new chef in the underworld. I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time?"

While talking, Zhang Daoling didn't forget to put a piece of pineapple sweet and sour meat in his mouth.

Hearing Zhang Daoling's words, King Chujiang smiled mysteriously.

With Zhang Daoling's eyesight, he felt something wrong when he saw King Chujiang's smile.

"Why, did I say something wrong? It wasn't made by the cooks from the Underworld, you wouldn't have dug the cooks from the Heavenly Court here, would you?"

King Chu Jiang shook his head when he heard Zhang Daoling's words, let alone that he couldn't go to the heavenly court to dig a cook, even if he dug a cook from the heavenly court, he couldn't make these dishes.

Then he said in a loud voice with a proud face: "It's true that the cook is from the underworld, but this recipe is from the mortal world."

Hearing the word "mortal world", Zhang Daoling was stunned for a moment. The law of the three realms checks and balances. Neither the underworld nor the heavens can go to the mortal world at will. It is really strange that this recipe comes from the mortal world.

But after thinking about it, Zhang Daoling thought of something.

Some shady and handsome ghost agents in the underworld can go to the mortal world at certain times to run errands, but according to the requirements of the Three Realms, these shady and handsome ghost agents are not allowed to harass mortals at will, and they cannot even be easily seen by the other party.

If you are seen, you have to erase the memory of the other party about yourself, otherwise you will be punished.

Could it be said that this recipe was made by the handsome ghosts when they were on business in the mortal world? If so, these handsome ghosts also violated the rules.

Thinking of this, Zhang Daoling's face became a little ugly.

"King Chujiang, there are rules in the three realms. As one of the kings of Hades in the ten halls of the underworld, you must not take the lead in breaking the rules."

Zhang Daoling said he broke the rules? ,
King Chu Jiang was also unhappy, what does this mean, he said that the recipe came from the mortal world, and he broke the rules.

"I said Zhang Daoling, you have made it clear, don't use the shit pot to buckle around, how can I take the lead in breaking the rules."

It doesn't matter that King Chu Jiang got angry. Zhang Daoling, who was already in a depressed mood recently, didn't want to. He stood up directly. Seeing Zhang Daoling's posture, his tiger's eyes widened, and its mouth cracked open to reveal sharp teeth. , with the posture of rushing towards King Chujiang at any time.

Looking at the posture of the two, Ma Mian and Niutou were stupefied, neither King Chu Jiang nor Zhang Daoling could control them anymore, even if they wanted to persuade them, they didn't know how to speak.

They can only look at each other helplessly with the horse's eyes and the bull's eyes.

"You connive at stealing recipes from the mortal world when you are on business in the mortal world, isn't that breaking the rules?"

When Zhang Daoling saw King Chujiang blowing his beard and staring at him, he also said what he was thinking, but when he heard Zhang Daoling's words, King Chujiang laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"What are you laughing at? Am I wrong?"

Seeing that King Chujiang laughed out loud after hearing what he said, Zhang Daoling frowned and felt even more strange.

"Of course you are wrong, and you are very wrong. This recipe is not stolen from the mortal world by my subordinates, but a gift from the mortal world."

"In your capacity, you must know that the Jade Emperor asked Taibai Jinxing to find Xiaobai in the mortal world. Xiaobai gave me this recipe."

It turned out to be a misunderstanding, but with the identities and tolerance of King Chu Jiang and Zhang Daoling, the misunderstanding was resolved, and the two calmed down.

It's just that although King Chujiang calmed down, he found that Zhang Daoling's expression was still a bit wrong.

Just when King Chu Jiang thought Zhang Daoling was still thinking about something, he heard Zhang Daoling yell softly.

"Xiaobai, it's this Xiaobai again."

(End of this chapter)

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