The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 62 Xiaobai asks how to solve ghost poison

Chapter 62 Xiaobai asks how to solve ghost poison

Hearing Zhang Daoling's words, it seemed that he was no stranger to Xiaobai, but there was a bit of anger in his tone. Could it be that he had something to do with Xiaobai?

Looking at Zhang Daoling who was obviously not quite right, Niutou and Mamian must not have dared to speak, only King Chujiang came to ask.

"It's Xiaobai, that's right, why are you so excited, did he offend you?"

After all, the problem of my poor appetite was cured by Xiaobai's help, and I couldn't forget the other party's help.

Now Zhang Daoling seems to be a little unhappy with Xiaobai, if possible, King Chujiang is also ready to reconcile it.

"Hey, forget about it..."

Zhang Daoling had a displeased face just now, but when he heard King Chu Jiang ask this question, the displeasure on his face also turned into a gloomy one, and he sighed.

"This Xiaobai didn't offend me, but the poker he taught Taibai Jinxing tricked me. I lost 10,000+ merits in the past few days."

10,000+ merit?
Let me go, this is too arrogant.

The bull's head and horse's face on the side couldn't help swallowing their saliva, how long will it take to earn 10,000+ merits.

However, King Chu Jiang's mind is different from that of Bull Head and Horse Face. After all, he is one of the top ten Kings of Hades. Although the merits of 10,000+ are quite a lot, he can still show them.

Instead, he was more interested in what Zhang Daoling said about poker. He didn't know what poker was before.

But listening to Zhang Daoling's words, this poker seems to be a mortal thing.

"What is this poker thing? How did you lose so much merit?"

Zhang Daoling was upset because of poker, but King Chujiang opened his mouth to ask about poker now, Zhang Daoling's face turned dark, you boy are adding salt to my wound.

But who knows that there are no new things to play for so many years, this poker is quite interesting to play, although I hate poker in my heart, but I also have love.

Now that King Chu Jiang asked, Zhang Daoling couldn't help but started talking. When he talked about poker, Zhang Daoling looked beaming, and he didn't look like someone who had been injured by poker.

"King Chujiang, let me tell you, if you don't play poker, you don't know it. Once you play it, you can't forget it. Although I lost 10,000+ merits, I still can't help playing it."

"The old boy Taibai Jinxing has won me so much, sooner or later I will make him double, or ten times, and spit it out for me."

Zhang Daoling said indignantly.

In Zhang Daoling's mind, the reason why he lost so much to the opponent must be because Taibai Jinxing learned to play the Seven Kings Five Two Three first. If he had learned it first, he would never lose.

King Chu Jiang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he wished he could set up a poker set and find someone to play with.

"This poker sounds really good, why don't we play it?"

King Chujiang looked at Zhang Daoling expectantly and said softly.

"Success, then let's play two games."

While speaking, Zhang Daoling changed into a deck of poker according to the poker style he played with Taibai Jinxing.

It was also the first time King Chu Jiang saw this style of poker, and he rubbed his hands together when he saw cards with hearts, black flowers, and characters.

And just when King Chu Jiang was about to play two games with Zhang Daoling, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"Ding dong, ding dong!"

When the voice came, King Chu Jiang frowned, and looked up at the horse's face.

When Ma Mian saw King Chu Jiang, he also lowered his head in embarrassment. Why did he forget to turn off the WeChat reminder? Who is so good at choosing time to find himself at this time.

The current interest in poker is only King Chu Jiang, and Ma Mian and Niu Tou are also looking forward to learning how to play poker. When there is no errand in the future, the two of them can also play.

"Ma Mian, how many times have I told you that when you come to the Palace of the King of Hell, you have to turn off the sound of your phone, what's wrong with you?"

Not to mention that the king of Chujiang had already given orders, even if there was no order, the voice still disturbed him when he was about to learn how to play poker.

Upon hearing King Chujiang's scolding, Ma Mian lowered his head even lower, and at the same time scolded the person who sent him WeChat countless times.

"King Chujiang, don't reprimand him anymore. Ma Mian has been with you for so many years. It's just a trivial matter. Don't get angry."

"Ma Mian, be more careful in the future, don't upset King Chu Jiang because of a trivial matter."

"Look at your WeChat, if there is something urgent for you."

Zhang Daoling also stood up to be a peacemaker at this time.

As soon as Zhang Daoling spoke, King Chu Jiang's complexion improved a lot, but he still did not forget to stare at Ma Mian, his meaning was obvious, so pay attention in the future.

Ma Mian also thanked Zhang Daoling gratefully, and then took out his mobile phone.

"Which blind person is looking for me at this time, if it's nothing serious, don't blame me for falling out with you."

Thinking of this in his heart, Ma Mian also looked at WeChat, and he was taken aback when he saw the person looking for him.

The person looking for him turned out to be Xiaobai, this Xiaobai has always been the master of the Three Treasures Hall, so what is the matter looking for him at this time.

"What happened to the horse face? Who is looking for you?"

Niutou is also a little strange, why is the horse face staring so big, who is looking for him?

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai is looking for me."

Mamian said softly.


Upon hearing these two words, both Zhang Daoling and King Chujiang became interested.

The last time I had a bad appetite, Xiaobai helped to cure him, but King Chu Jiang never talked to Xiaobai. Now that he knows that Xiaobai can get many things that are not available in the underworld and heaven, he also moved with Xiaobai. Talk about your thoughts.

As for Zhang Daoling, let alone, he had long wanted to learn how to play two-handed poker from Xiaobai, and then go to Taibai Jinxing Dou for a fight.

"Ask Xiaobai, what's the matter with him."

This sentence was said almost simultaneously from King Chujiang and Zhang Daoling. After they finished speaking, they looked at each other, as if what do you want to do.

Seeing that Zhang Daoling and King Chujiang were about to fight again, Ma Mian tactfully hurried to see what Xiaobai was looking for him for.

"Ma Mian, how to get rid of ghost poison?"

Ji Yang's question was short but direct.

When he saw the word ghost poison, Ma Mian's expression was a little weird.

Seeing the strange expression on Ma Mian's face, Niu Tou also leaned over, and when he saw that Xiaobai asked about ghost poison, he was also the boss who stared at him.

"What expressions do you two have? Mamian, I'll let you see what Xiaobai said, what kind of eyes are you staring at, and the bull's head, why are you joining in the fun? Are your eyes bigger than anyone else's?"

King Chujiang was a little anxious. Needless to say, the eyes of the horse face and the bull head are natural enough. I can't compare with the two eyes that are widened to the maximum, but you don't have to show off in front of me.

This time Zhang Daoling didn't speak, anyway, King Chu Jiang spoke, this is his territory, why he wants to overwhelm the host, just watch carefully, anyway, once he speaks, Ma Mian will definitely say it.

Sure enough, upon hearing King Chujiang's question, Ma Mian came back to his senses and said, "Xiaobai asked me how to get rid of ghost poison."

(End of this chapter)

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