The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 6 Xiaobai is so awesome

Chapter 6 Xiaobai is so awesome

Yang Wei's face turned green in an instant, and he looked around for help. Zhang Lili was sitting beside him. Seeing his begging eyes, Zhang Lili also lowered her head.

""Pingmai Fa" is too difficult, and it was just taught yesterday, so I can't memorize it."

Zhang Lili's voice was very small, but Yang Wei still heard it.

"Then quickly look through the book!"

Yang Wei said anxiously, but he underestimated Juejue Shitai's hearing ability. He thought he was already very quiet, but Juejue still heard him.

"Yang Wei, who do you want to ask to help you read the book? Zhang Lili, if you dare to remind him, you will fail the final exam with him."

Miejue Shitai's extinction nature was also revealed at this time, but no one in the class thought Yang Wei was pitiful, but congratulated secretly, who made Yang Wei always bully them on weekdays.

Zhang Lili had already turned to "Pingmai Fa" at this time, but after hearing what Miejue Shitai said, how could she dare to remind Yang Wei, and finally she could only look at Yang Wei helplessly, and lowered her head even lower.

At this time, Ji Yang took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Ma Mian.

"Ma Mian, help me, can you find Zhang Zhongjing?"

"Zhang Zhongjing is right next to me. We are buddies. If you have anything to say, I will definitely help you if you can do it."

Zhang Zhongjing was right next to Ma Mian, which made Ji Yang a little excited.

"Ma Mian, can you ask Zhang Zhongjing to give me his Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases?"

As soon as the words were uttered, Ji Yang also became anxious, time was passing, Miejue Shitai was about to ask himself, this is a major matter related to failing the final exam.

"Zhang Zhongjing requests to add you as a friend."

I didn't see Ma Mian's reply, but waited for Zhang Zhongjing's friend request, which must be agreed.

"Xiaobai, if you want my "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", you can, but you can't take it for nothing."

Zhang Zhongjing wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob, but Ji Yang didn't care too much, no matter what the other party asked, he could only agree first.

"Success, why are you willing to give it to me?"

"I want you to exchange it with something. The sweet and sour pork with pineapple was delicious last time. You have to give me two recipes that I haven't tried before."

Damn, it's so simple, don't say two things, even if there are twenty things, it's not a matter of surfing the Internet for 1 minute.

"No problem, give it to me quickly, I need it urgently."

"Okay, send it."

As soon as he saw Zhang Zhongjing's reply, Ji Yang felt a pain in his head and black eyes.


Ji Yang's head was dizzy, and he hit the table directly. The sound of the collision was quite loud, and everyone in the classroom looked at Ji Yang.

"Ji Yang, what do you want to do, rebel?"

Exterminator said too coldly.

"Ms. Su, you are my most respected teacher. How could I rebel in your class? Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Ji Yang rubbed his forehead, stood up and said with a smile.

"Hmph, don't think that I won't punish you if you are sweet-talking. Can you recite "Pingmai Fa"? If you can't, prepare to copy "Pingmai Fa" ten times. If you don't copy it, you will fail."

Everyone likes to hear nice words, and so does Miejue Shitai. Although her tone is still cold, her complexion is obviously much better.

As soon as Master Miejue spoke, there was a lot of banter in the classroom.

Everyone knew that although Ji Yang worked very hard on weekdays, his grades were really mediocre. Everyone did not believe that Ji Yang could recite "Pingmai Fa".

"He can recite it, and I will kick his head as a ball."

Yang Wei said without thinking.

"Yang Wei is the one who said this, I didn't force you, so just wash your head and play it like a ball for me."

Ji Yang smiled coldly, and then continued to speak under the gaze of the whole class: "I'm sorry, let me raise my voice first, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the first chapter of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" "Planning the Pulse", Question: How does the pulse know the diagnosis of qi, blood and viscera? The master said: the pulse is the first to see the qi and blood.

When Ji Yang started to recite, some people also turned the book to "Pingmai Fa", and their eyes widened when they heard Ji Yang memorize "Pingmai Fa" verbatim.

Miejue Shitai's eyes were also brightened, she didn't expect that Ji Yang, who is usually not very brilliant, could really recite the "Pingmai Method" that she just talked about yesterday.

"...Ask again: Why do you get this vomit? The master said: Maybe someone took medicine in the past, but it still occurs today, so it is called strange ear."

After reciting the "Pingmai Fa", Ji Yang looked around with a look on his face.

"Ji Yang is awesome and handsome."

I don't know who yelled, and then there was a thunderous applause, and Ji Yang felt that he became taller in an instant.

"Impossible, impossible, he must have recited it wrongly, wrongly."

Yang Wei shouted in disbelief.

"Yang Wei, you are so muddy that you can't support the wall. Ji Yang's memorization is not bad. Can you recite it? If you can’t hand it in, you’ll fail.”

Miejue Shitai looked at Yang Wei indifferently, and said loudly.

"Teacher, didn't you say it ten times, why did you say it twenty times?"

Yang Weiwei shouted, "Pingmai Fa" twenty times, then his hand is still not useless.

"Because two people caught the red flower this time, the punishment is doubled. If you can recite it, you don't have to copy it."

Miejue Shitai said calmly.

"Teacher, that's not what the rules say, you can't..."

Yang Wei still wanted to refute, but before he finished speaking, Miejue Shitai interrupted him.

"I make the rules. If I say it twenty times, I will make it twenty times. If you talk too much, I will make you copy it fifty times."

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The bell for the end of get out of class also rang at this time, and following Miejue Shitai's announcement that get out of class was over, there was also a burst of excited shouts in the classroom, but this sound was full of sarcasm in Yang Wei's ears.

"Contacts, this is connections. I am a person who goes to the heavens and descends to the underworld. I want to create the best circle of friends. Beauty, money, here I come hahaha..."

After leaving the classroom, Ji Yang opened WeChat again to see if there were any new developments in Moments.

At this time in the underworld, Ma Mian was drinking with Zhang Zhongjing, and there was a large plate of pineapple sweet and sour pork in front of them.

"This bono sweet and sour pork (pineapple sweet and sour pork) is sweet and sour, good for stomach and digestion, good stuff, good stuff."

Zhang Zhongjing spoke indistinctly while eating.

"That's right, this is a delicacy in the world, don't eat it so fast, save some for me."

While talking, Ma Mian also put a piece of sweet and sour meat in his mouth.

"The mortal world? Could it be that Xiaobai is a mortal?"

Zhang Zhongjing stared at the boss, and asked in disbelief, the law of the three realms is not a joke, this WeChat either comes from heaven or hell, but mortals never have.

"Keep your voice down, this matter was only said yesterday after King Chu Jiang had a big appetite, and he drank too much with the other nine kings of Hades. I didn't understand the details of Xiaobai being a predestined person or a savior. , in short, keep your mouth shut and be careful not to cause trouble."

"Xiaobai is so awesome, don't worry, I'm keeping my mouth shut, if you don't worry, I'll cover my mouth with meat."

Zhang Zhongjing said softly, and at the same time he did not forget to put a piece of sweet and sour pork in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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