The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 7 Heroes Save America

Chapter 7 Heroes Save America
In the rental room, Ji Yang turned on the computer, quickly found a recipe for pot-wrapped pork and dry-fried tenderloin, and sent it to Zhang Zhongjing.

"It's not difficult to borrow and borrow again. If you promise to give Zhang Zhongjing the recipe, you can't break your promise, and you must be quick, so that it will be easier to ask him for help in the future."

"The recipe has been received. If you have anything to do in the future, feel free to ask. I, Zhang Zhongjing, will definitely help if I can help."

As soon as the recipe was sent out, Zhang Zhongjing's reply came, and Ji Yang smiled slightly, and it was done.

The sky was getting dark, looking at the menu on the computer, Ji Yang also swallowed his saliva, he was so happy that he forgot about the meal.

Just when Ji Yang was thinking about going out to eat something, he heard his cell phone ringing.

"Fatty, why are you calling brother at this time?"

The fat man that Ji Yang said is in the same class as Ji Yang, and the two have a good relationship. The fat man's real name is Hou Senpang. I don't know if it's because of the name, but he is indeed quite fat.

"I didn't go to class today because I have something to do. I heard that you are very imposing today. You can recite the "Pingmai Method". That boy Yang Wei was fined to copy the "Pingmai Method" twenty times, making him arrogant every day. What a shame, you deserve it."

"My buddy is in a great mood to hear it. Isn't it time for dinner, and I want to ask you to come out to eat skewers, come or not?"

"Come on, the old place, I'll be right there."

He was worrying about what to eat, and now someone asked him to eat skewers, and Ji Yang agreed without even thinking about it.

When Ji Yang was tens of meters away from the barbecue stand, he saw Hou Senpang. Who made him look so obvious? Hou Senpang waved his hand when he saw Ji Yang arrived.

"Ji Yang is here, my brother treats guests today, order what you want to eat."

Hou Senpang patted his stomach generously.

"Hey, then I won't be polite. The boss will bring me ten skewers of fat beef, five chicken feet, ten skewers of large pieces of meat, and a dozen beers first."

Hou Senfat's family runs a pharmacy. Although he is not very rich, he is still a standard well-off. Ji Yang is not afraid that ordering these by himself will make the fat man feel sad.

"You ordered quite a lot?"

Hou Senpang looked at Ji Yang with disdain, and said softly.

"Fatty, is your heart hurting?"

"Just kidding, let go and eat!"

Ji Yang and Hou Senpang were joking, and the beer and skewers were quickly served.

Ji Yang and Hou Senpang also chatted while eating, and when they talked about what happened at school today, they couldn't help laughing.

"Who are you, let go, I don't know you."

Just when Ji Yang and Hou Senpang were happily chatting, they suddenly heard an anxious and angry shout.

Following the sound, Ji Yang saw a tall, fat middle-aged man with a bald head at the entrance of a hotel less than 100 meters away from him, pulling a woman to the side of the van.

"I said, Xiaoqing, just listen to your brother and go home with your brother. After you ran away from home, your parents were sick. Be obedient and go back with your brother."

While pulling the girl, the bald man said softly, his voice sounded a bit sentimental, he really thought it was a good brother trying to persuade his sister who had run away from home to go home.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that something is wrong. Which brother would pull his sister so hard that his sleeves were ripped off. Looking at the expression of the bald head, there is still a smirk on his ferocious face, no matter how you look at it, it is not right.

"Who is your sister and who is Xiaoqing? You have misunderstood the person. Let me go."

"Help, help..."

The bald head has a lot of strength, no matter how hard the girl struggles, she can't break free.

When the girl looked at Ji Yang, Ji Yang was shocked.

Because of this girl, both Ji Yang and Hou Senpang knew each other.

"Ji Yang, isn't this Li Zixuan, our school's school belle? I'll go, this Li Zixuan can do whatever she wants. Why does her brother look like this? He must not be her own."

Hou Senpang also recognized Li Zixuan, but as soon as he said that, Qin Yuxuan almost hit him on the head with a wine bottle.

"Fatty, are you out of your senses when you go out? That's not Li Zixuan's brother at all. He is going to kidnap Li Zixuan."

While speaking, Ji Yang picked up a wine bottle and ran towards the hotel quickly.

Li Zixuan was already a little desperate at this time, although there were many people around watching, but no one was willing to help her, seeing that she was about to be pulled aside by the van by the bald head, and she was really finished when she got in the van.


But at this moment, Li Zixuan saw a person rushing towards him like the wind, a wine bottle hit the bald head directly on the head, broken glass and wine splashed everywhere, and the bald head also let go, holding Li Zixuan's hand.

"How dare you hit me, are you looking for death!"

The bald head wiped his own head, and the broken beer bottle was mixed with blood on his hands, and he looked very angry.

"It's not too many to kill you."

Ji Yang pulled Li Zixuan up from the ground, Li Zixuan also saw Ji Yang clearly at this time, he was tall and a little thin, and he looked handsome, but the expression on his face was a bit ruffian.

When the bald head heard what Ji Yang said, his face changed slightly, and he denied it flatly: "You kid, don't talk nonsense, she is my sister, how can I kidnap my sister if I take her home."

"Are you his sister?"

Ji Yang smiled coldly, and asked softly to Li Zixuan who was pale.

"He lied, I didn't know him at all."

Seeing Ji Yang asking herself, Li Zixuan held onto Ji Yang's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that Ji Yang would not believe what she said.

"She doesn't want to go home with me, that's why she doesn't recognize me as her brother, Xiaoqing, why are you so disobedient, come home with me quickly."

The bald head had already expected that Li Zixuan would say this, so as soon as Ji Yang finished speaking, the bald head took a big step forward and grabbed Li Zixuan with one hand.

"She said that you are not her brother. If you insist on saying yes, I think it's better to go to the police station. It will be clear after investigation."

Ji Yang reached out with his right hand, and grabbed Li Zixuan's hand before the bald hand touched Li Zixuan.

With a bald head and a fixed look in his eyes, he found that when Ji Yang grabbed his hand, it was like a pair of iron clamps clamped his hand, and he couldn't stretch it forward, and couldn't pull it back.

If it was Ji Yang before, his strength would definitely not be so great.

But after eating the elixir of Taishang Laojun, Ji Yang has been completely reborn, after successfully cutting hair and washing marrow.

He found that his strength was several times stronger than before, and his eyesight, hearing, smell and other sensory abilities had also been greatly improved. If not for this, he would not have dared to be a hero to save the beauty.

At this moment, the bald head understood that Ji Yang in front of him was here to find trouble. If he couldn't settle him down, he would definitely not be able to take Li Zixuan away today.

"Boy, I advise you to let go, don't stop me from taking my sister home, or I will be rude to you."

There was a strong sense of threat in the bald-headed voice, and his eyes became fierce...

(End of this chapter)

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