The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 601 Remnant Souls Are Brave

Chapter 601 The Remnant Soul Is Also Brave (Part [-])

Chi You, this name is too shocking.

Just hearing this name, Zhu Jiumei and the others felt chills running down their backs. Chi You, the number one warrior god among the top ten demon gods in ancient times (the God of War and the God of War are honorific titles, and those who denounce him call Chi You the culprit. Xing Tian was separated, so I wrote God of War), Nima is real or fake.

Zhu Jiumei, Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao looked at Ji Yang questioningly, Ji Yang shook his head and said softly.

"I'll tell you about this after I leave here, but I can assure you that he is really Chi You."

Now is not the time to explain the problem, and Ji Yang himself is actually a little confused.

The descendants of Jiuli?

He turned out to be a descendant of Jiuli.

Hu Zhongxian also heard what Ji Yang said, and when he heard that it was indeed Chi You, Hu Zhongxian tightened his grip on the sword.

"Hu Zhongxian, do you think that Huangdi and Yinglong can completely destroy me?"

"You have been with me for so long, don't you know how strong I am?"

Looking at the Hu Zhongxian who was nervous because of fear, Chi You grinned, but this smile seemed a bit pervasive.

If you take a photo of Chi You's smile and put it at the door, it will definitely be more effective than the door god.

It doesn't matter if you are a human, a god or a ghost, your heart trembles when you see this smile, and your child will cry when you see it.

Hu Zhongxian once stayed by Chi You's side. Could it be that he is Chi You's subordinate and also a member of Jiuli?
Chi You's words sounded very confusing.

"No, no, it's impossible."

"I watched you die, no, you are not Chi You, you are just a soul."

"No, you are not even a soul, you are just a remnant soul!"

Although Hu Zhongxian was nervous, he had been observing Chi You.

As Chi You said, Hu Zhongxian was very familiar with Chi You, so after careful observation, Hu Zhongxian discovered Chi You's problem.

Even though the other party revealed the truth, Chi You's remnant soul still had a calm expression, such a calm expression made Hu Zhongxian unable to calm down.

"Chi You, I was coerced by you ten thousand years ago and had no choice but to work for you."

"But things are different now, and you are no longer the God of War and Demon God, and I am not a little weapon spirit either."

"For the sake of how nice you were to me back then, I will let them leave this world in the pot today, and you and I will no longer have any fetters in the future!"

Hu Zhongxian tried his best to behave calmly.

What he said was arrogant, but according to what he meant, he wanted to let Ji Yang and the others go.

If so, it seems that even facing Chi You's remnant soul, Hu Zhongxian is still afraid.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Immortal in the pot, do you still remember that you are a weapon spirit, without me, would you become the weapon spirit of the demon refining pot?"

"Let's leave the world in the pot. Do you think I'll get rid of me if I show up?"

"This kid's comprehension is good, I think you might as well recognize him as the master?"

The amount of information in the conversation between Chi You and Hu Zhongxian is getting bigger and bigger.

Ji Yang, Peng Caixuan, Zhu Jiumei and Yanjiao looked at the Immortal in the Pot with shocking faces. This guy turned out to be a weapon spirit, and the spirit of the Demon Refining Pot.

What is the demon refining pot? It is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times.

According to legend, in ancient times, Nu Wa created all things in the sky, but realized that her nature was fierce and brutal. In order not to destroy the Tai Chi balance of heaven and earth, she cast a bronze pot that could purify the cruelty.

It is hoped that with the help of refining this pot, the cruel demons, beasts, monsters, etc. will be sublimated, so as to maintain the harmony between heaven and earth.

This demon refining pot also has a name, that is Jiuli pot, because Chi You once owned it.

Ji Yang had seen this information in books before, but he didn't know how true it was.

But listening to the conversation between Chi You and Hu Zhongxian, it seems that these future generations made up random information, or the information collected by the people is still of some value.

"Impossible, Chi You, you are dreaming."

"If you want me to be his magic weapon, let me recognize him as the master, this is absolutely impossible."

The Immortal in the Pot yelled a little frantically.

Ji Yang's strength is not as good as his, and the current Immortal in the Huzhong is not the newly formed weapon spirit back then. After ten thousand years, his strength has also reached a terrifying level.

Facing Chi You at this time, Immortal Huzhong will be weak again and again, this is just an instinctive fear from the bottom of his heart.

These are all because he knows Chi You too well, and when he was Chi You's magic weapon, Chi You cast a shadow on his heart.

The fear in his heart made Hu Zhongxian very uncomfortable. Chi You was one of the top ten demon gods in ancient times, and he himself was also one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times.

And the other party is just a remnant soul, why should I be afraid of him?

There is an independent world in the demon refining pot. This world is called the world in the pot, and the fairy in the pot is the master who is responsible for managing the world in the pot.

In his own world, why should he be afraid of Chi You? Hu Zhongxian became more and more irritable when he thought about it.

The suppressed Hu Zhongxian was very dissatisfied with the dynamics in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out, and the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. Finally, he stared at Chi You and made a decision in his heart.

"Chi You, today I will destroy you!"

Yes, Hu Zhongxian had the idea of ​​killing Chi You.

As long as Chi You is killed, these strange inner dynamics will no longer exist.

While speaking, the Immortal in the Pot waved the long sword in his hand, and there was a roaring sound. The sound was truly earth-shaking.

The ground trembled violently, and the tower everyone was in began to fall apart. In the blink of an eye, the tower had turned into a pile of rubbish.

The tower disappeared, and Ji Yang could see the outside world clearly.

At this time, their position was no longer a mountain of swords, nor a sea of ​​fire. They were standing on an empty land at this time.

The empty land, looking around, there is nothing, and there is no end to see.

The world in the pot, the world controlled by the fairy in the pot, he can change it into whatever he wants here.

"Chi You, today I will break up your remnant soul."

A gust of wind blew, and the clothes on Hu Zhongxian's body fluttered with the wind, and his body rushed towards Chi You.

Swinging the long sword in his hand, streams of sword energy flew towards Chi You.


Seeing that the Immortal Hu Zhong was really attacking him, Chi You spit out two streams of white air from his nose, his red eyes flashed a red light, and he stomped the ground with his feet, creating a deep hole in the ground.

Swinging the big ax in his hand, with the swing of the big axe, all the sword qi flying towards him were instantly shattered.

When several sword qis were shattered, Hu Zhongxian also came to Chi You, and stabbed Chi You's eye with the long sword in his hand.


Just when the sword was about to stab Chi You's eyes, Chi You swung his ax and collided with Hu Zhongxian's long sword.

Then Chi You picked up the ax in his hand, and Immortal Hu Zhong was shocked by the force from the ax and flew backwards.

The body flew upside down, Hu Zhongxian frowned closely, and said in his heart: "Chi You is Chi You, although it is only a remnant soul, but it is still extremely brave, and its strength cannot be underestimated."

(End of this chapter)

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