The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 602 No longer being a melon eater

Chapter 602

"Boom bang bang..."

Chi You sent the Immortal in the Pot flying, his eyes turned cold, and he rushed towards the Immortal in the Pot.

As soon as Chi You ran, the whole ground trembled, as if an earthquake had struck, every time his foot landed, a big footprint would be left on the ground.

Looking at the row of footprints on the ground, Ji Yang swallowed.

He felt that Chi You was indeed strong enough. Ji Yang just tried the hardness of the ground under his feet. It was much harder than ordinary ground, and it felt like a stone.

Chi You was just running, not doing it on purpose, all of which can cause footprints on the ground, if it is serious, I don't know what will happen.

"Nimma, it's really awesome. No wonder Hu Zhongxian was scared to pee his pants when he saw Chi You."

Ji Yang secretly praised Chi You.

Hu Zhongxian, who was flying upside down, turned pale when he saw Chi You rushing forward. The strength of Chi You's remnant soul exceeded his imagination.


"Being sealed for many years, I haven't moved my body for a long time, and my body is almost stiff. If you accompany me today, let's have a good fight."


Although Chi You was sealed, the remnant soul of Chi You in the seal never gave up cultivation. Although it was just a remnant soul, he still practiced hard.

After so many years, although Chi You's remnant soul has not reached the strength of its heyday, it is still a very powerful existence.

The demon refining pot back then was his magic weapon, the Immortal in the Pot knew Chi You, and Chi You also knew the Immortal in the Pot.

It is because of his not too weak strength, coupled with his understanding of Hu Zhongxian, that he can shake Hu Zhongxian back.

Chi You was known for being good at war in ancient times.

If it wasn't for Chi You's bravery, Huang Di and Yan Di would not have been beaten back and forth by him. In the end, it was tricks and helpers who killed him.

The current Chi You is completely a ferocious beast that escaped from the cage, and the suppressed desire to fight in his body completely exploded at this moment.

The big ax in his hand slashed towards Hu Zhongxian. Although Hu Zhongxian's expression was wrong, he still reacted quickly.

The long sword in his hand swung quickly, trying to block Chi You's axe.

It's just that just as his long sword touched Chi You's axe, there was a clicking sound from the blade, and then it broke.

The long sword broke, and Immortal Hu Zhong was startled. Although Suo Xingjian was broken, it still stopped Chi You's attack. Taking advantage of this time, Immortal Hu Zhong hurriedly retreated.

If he hadn't retreated quickly, he would have been chopped down by Chi You's axe.


The ax Chi You slashed fell to the ground, and the entire body of the ax sank into the soil, and an earthquake-like crack spread towards the Immortal in the Pot.

The crack spread for 30 meters before it stopped, and this distance was just at the feet of Hu Zhongxian who was retreating.

Immortal Huzhong looked at Chi You with lingering fear, he must not let up in the slightest now, he must seize every opportunity to attack.

The current Chi You still maintains the posture of striking the ground with an axe. It seems that his old strength has just gone, and his new strength has not yet been born. This is a good opportunity.


Hu Zhongxian stretched out his hand and pointed at Chi You's position, and let out a soft drink.

As his voice fell, there was a strange sound from the ground around Chi You, and then a thick layer of soil spread towards Chi You's body along Chi You's feet and the axe.

The soil spread very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Chi Youde's whole body was covered by the soil, even his head was covered.

The current Chi You looks like a clay figurine.


The mud covered Chi You was not over yet, and the fairy in the pot had strange handprints, and the mud covering Chi You's body seemed to be more solidified, and the mud looked like a layer of rock.

If Chi You was a clay figurine just now, he is really a stone sculpture now.

Chi You, who is like a stone sculpture, still maintains the movement of the axe, it seems that he is really trapped.

Looking at Chi You at this time, Immortal Hu Zhong showed a relaxed smile on his face, finally he was trapped.

Although Chi You's remnant soul has not been destroyed at this time, and Chi You's breath can still be felt from the stone carving, but as long as Chi You is trapped, Hu Zhongxian believes that with the advantage of the world in the pot, he will definitely be able to kill him.

"Chi You, Chi You, I gave you a chance just now and promised to let you go, but you don't agree."

"Now you are trapped by me, then don't blame me for not remembering the old love, I will completely kill you today, and send him, the so-called descendant of Jiuli, to be buried with you by the way!"

Hu Zhongxian looked at the stone sculpture Chi You with a sneer, pointed at Ji Yang, and said coldly.

Being pointed at by the fairy in the pot, Ji Yang's expression was a little unnatural.

Lao Tzu is a melon-eating crowd, just now Hu Zhongxian fought Chi You, he didn't even do such things as cheering up, now Hu Zhongxian wants to kill him, this is too wronged.

After Hu Zhongxian stretched out his finger to Ji Yang, his body shook and he disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Hu Zhongxian had already arrived beside Chi You, looked at Chi You complicatedly, then looked at Ji Yang, and disappeared again.

After Hu Zhongxian disappeared this time, Ji Yang's eyes flickered, and the black sword slashed towards the void in front of him.

Ji Yang felt that a dangerous aura appeared in front of him.

"Hmph, it seems that you have absorbed my breath in the blood mist just now, and you are quite clever."

"But even your ancestor Chi You was trapped by me, do you think you can escape?"

Ji Yang's feeling was right, the Immortal in the Pot disappeared this time, and the target was Ji Yang.

Ji Yang slashed out with a sword, the air in the void trembled, the Pot Immortal had appeared again, and his right hand was holding Ji Yang's black sword.

The silver light flickered on the black light sword, Ji Yang had already performed the Nine Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, and the power of thunder and lightning ran wildly on the sword.

But these are of no use to Immortal in the Pot.

He was still holding the black sword tightly with one hand.

Grasping the black sword in one hand, Immortal Hu Zhong raised his other hand, with his middle and index fingers together, he pointed towards Ji Yang's head.

If this finger of his hit Ji Yang, Ji Yang would definitely be finished.

Just when Ji Yang thought he was going to die, Chi You, who was like a stone sculpture, heard a bang, and the rock-like soil all over his body split and splashed instantly.

"Hmph, Immortal in the Pot, you dare to use such a little trick on me. With just these, can you trap me?"

The soil flew, and the flying soil seemed to have eyes, and they flew towards the Immortal in the Pot.

The speed of the flying soil was so fast that Immortal Huzhong had to retract his attacking hand on Ji Yang, and quickly let go of the hand holding the black sword. His clothes fluttered and his body quickly flew high into the sky.


He was almost killed by the fairy in the pot just now, and Ji Yang saw that the fairy in the pot wanted to hide, so he didn't intend to be a melon eater anymore.

With a wave of the black sword in his hand, several bolts of lightning flew towards the fairy in the pot.

Ji Yang planned to help Chi You, even if his Thunderbolt could not kill the Pot Immortal, it would be good to cause him some trouble.

 The third update is here. The update ends today and will continue tomorrow. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Please recommend and reward

(End of this chapter)

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