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Chapter 603 Ancient Artifact Spiritual Art

Chapter 603 Ancient Artifact Spirit Art (Part [-])
Thunder and lightning flew towards him, Immortal Pot's eyes turned cold, and he shouted angrily.

"The kid wants to die, but he dares to meddle in his own business!"

court death?have a finger in the pie?
Ji Yang's heart sneered at the words of Immortal in the Pot.

When I was quietly being a melon-eating crowd, Hu Zhongxian actually wanted to kill him. If Chi You hadn't reacted, I would have reported to the underworld by now.

The fairy in the pot killed him, did he do anything wrong in dealing with the fairy in the pot, what kind of meddling is this?

"I'll go to your uncle, Earth Fire Art, sleepy!"

Hu Zhongxian waved his arm back casually, and with a few bursts of force, he shattered the lightning shot from the black sword.

Seeing that the thunder and lightning shattered, Ji Yang didn't feel disappointed at all, and he didn't care whether his next attack was effective or not, so he directly cast the Earth Fire Art.

A circle of purple flames rose around the Immortal in the Pot, these purple flames were not ordinary after all.

The flame contained the aura of the phoenix flame and the flame of the underworld. Although the aura was very weak, it was there after all.

Such a flame, on the contrary, scares the Immortal in the Pot more than thunder and lightning.

"Hey, broken!"

The Immortal in the Pot hesitated slightly, surrounded by immortal energy in his hand, and slapped towards the purple flame in front of him.


The purple flame was scattered by the Immortal in the Pot's palm, the Immortal in the Pot smiled, and continued to charge forward.

It's just that if he wants to charge forward, he must be able to charge forward.

A powerful coercion rushed towards Hu Zhongxian, and a force that wanted to tear apart the world came towards him, and Chi You was already in front of him at this time.

With a wave of the big ax in his hand, he slashed at the fairy in the pot without mercy.

Chi You's ax magnified in the eyes of the Immortal in the Pot, and the Immortal in the Pot screamed in shock, the Immortal Qi surged in his body, and his body was completely enveloped by the Immortal Qi.


Chi You's ax landed on the Immortal Qi displayed by the Immortal in the Pot, the Immortal Qi trembled violently, the Immortal in the Pot blushed, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out directly.

Although the ax failed to hit him, the Immortal in the Pot still felt tight in his chest, his throat felt sweet, and finally vomited blood.

"Hmph, in front of me, Chi You, do you think you can escape?"

"Don't forget the world in the pot, I, Chi You, am also very familiar with it."

Back then, Chi You often entered the demon refining pot.

Due to the particularity of the demon refining pot, the world in the pot is different from the outside world. Chi You has practiced here for many years.

Even if he is familiar with the world in the pot, he is not much worse than the fairy in the pot.

Chi You's words made Immortal Hu Zhong feel like he was shooting himself in the foot with a stone. If he had known earlier, he should have fooled Chi You and prevented him from cultivating in the world of Hu Zhong.

"Chi You!"

There was still blood on the corner of Immortal Pot's mouth, he gritted his teeth and called out the word Chi You, the immortal energy in his body rushed out and rushed towards Chi You.

At the same time, a long sword appeared in Hu Zhongxian's hand again.

In his own world in the pot, how many long swords does the fairy in the pot want? If one is broken, he can transform into another one. If this one is broken, he can get another one.

Chi You was not to be outdone, although he had just gotten rid of the seal, he could rely on his own ability, experience gained in actual combat, and his bravery.

Layers of blood-red gas surged out of his body, colliding violently with the immortal energy of the Immortal in the Pot.

The red gas collided with the immortal energy, and Chi You and Hu Zhongxian were in an anxious stalemate.

Around them, there were bursts of explosions.

"Over the years, you have grown a lot!"

In the stalemate between the two sides, Chi You swung the ax in his hand and said with a sneer.

"Hmph, each other, relying on a wisp of remnant soul, but still so brave, I think there is no other in this world except you, Chi You, the God of War."

Immortal Hu Zhong swung the long sword in his hand, Chi You withdrew the ax with a touch, and at the same time gritted his teeth and said.

As he himself said, he really can't think of anyone else who can still exert such a powerful combat power with just a ray of remnant soul.

The two flattered each other with their mouths, but their hands did not stop.

With the battle between the two, the whole world in the pot is changing and shaking.

It was the first time Ji Yang had seen such a big battle scene involving changes in the world.

The same is true for Zhu Jiumei and others.

"Immortal Pot, you seem to have forgotten one thing. I used to be your master, and I know your weaknesses well."

"The activity is almost over, let's end here!"

Chi You and Hu Zhongxian fought for an unknown amount of time, but Chi You's sudden words made Hu Zhongxian's face change drastically.

Her own weaknesses, what are her weaknesses, and she has not communicated with others for tens of thousands of years, Hu Zhongxian herself remembers them all.

"Boy, it's almost time, what are you waiting for?"

"Use what I've taught you."

The red aura on Chi You's body became more and more intense, and the whole person seemed to be fighting more and more fiercely. Now Chi You has fully displayed his strongest state.

Ji Yang stood on the ground, and when he heard Chi You's words, the immortal energy in his body circulated, and he flew towards the immortal in the pot.

At the same time, Ji Yang chanted a strange incantation, and quickly made fingerprints with both hands.

"This is an ancient weapon spirit technique!"

"How could he know how to use the ancient weapon spirit technique, how is it possible?"

Hearing Ji Yang's incantation and watching Ji Yang's handprints, Hu Zhongxian finally understood what Chi You's words meant.

This ancient artifact spirit technique is also a kind of spell similar to the soul contract.

This kind of spell is specifically aimed at tool spirits.

The Immortal in the Pot is the spirit of Qi, and Ji Yang clearly came here after him.

However, only some great masters in the ancient times could understand the ancient weapon spirit technique, and it was not that simple to use the ancient weapon spirit technique to control the spirit.

Being able to become a tool spirit is a proof of strength in itself. These tool spirits have their own thoughts, and no one will wait to be controlled.

When being controlled, they will all make fierce resistance. Once the resistance is successful, the person who casts the ancient artifact spirit will be in danger.

The light ones will be severely injured by the reprimand, and their cultivation base will be greatly reduced.

In severe cases, life is directly endangered, and it may even be controlled by Qi Ling.

Ji Yang's strength is not as good as that of the Immortal in the Pot, but now he wants to control him with the spirit of ancient artifacts. Isn't this hitting a stone with an egg and bringing about his own destruction?

"Of course I taught it. Since I dared to let him perform the ancient artifact spirit technique, I naturally have a way to control you."

"The Immortal in the Pot, the Demon Refining Pot, just obediently become the magic weapon of my descendants of Jiuli, hahaha..."

Chi You laughed wildly, listening to the rumble of the immortal's head in the pot, the immortal energy in his body was running wildly, and the eyes looking at Ji Yang were full of murderous intent.

Hu Zhongxian doesn't want to be controlled by Ji Yang, he feels that Ji Yang is not worthy of controlling him.

He wants to kill Ji Yang!
"Ancient Artifact Spiritual Art, Qi!"

When Ji Yang flew to Hu Zhongxian's side, the ancient artifact spirit technique had already been completed, Ji Yang's face was pale at this time, and he pushed out towards Hu Zhongxian with both hands.

Countless strange runes flew in the air, forming several chains of runes, entangled towards the Immortal in the Pot.

 The first update is here, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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