The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 611 Thoughts of Running Away

Chapter 611 Thoughts of Escaping (Third Watch)

Jiang Xin of the green-eyed zombie has great strength, and the nails on his hands are very long, which look sharp like daggers.

If he was poked by Jiang Xin, even if Ji Yang didn't die, he would still be poisoned by the opponent's corpse.

At that time, Ji Yang will be miserable.

So no matter what, he couldn't let the other party poke him.

The black sword in his hand was placed across his chest, which just blocked Jiang Xin's attack.

His hand was blocked, Jiang Xin was very unwilling, he quickly retracted his arm, and then poked at Ji Yang again.

It's just that this time he didn't wait to poke Ji Yang, but he found that Ji Yang suddenly disappeared in front of him, disappeared without a trace.


The target disappeared, and Xin twitched his nose.

The zombie's sense of smell is very sensitive, and his sense of smell is much better than hearing and vision, and Xin is smelling Ji Yang's position through his nose.

But after smelling it, Jiang Xin was disappointed because he didn't smell it.

The invisibility method of 72 changes is so awesome.

Ji Yang not only hid his body, but also hid his aura.

"Smell it."

Just when Jiang Xin was overjoyed, because he smelled Ji Yang's breath, the joy in Jiang Xin's heart disappeared instantly.

Joy comes quickly and goes faster.

Because he heard that Ji Yang's location at this time was actually beside Qi Wei, where a white-eyed zombie was about to attack Qi Wei.


Seeing that the white-eyed zombie was about to hit Qi Wei, the white-eyed zombie suddenly yelled, and pierced his body with a long sword pierced by the power of lightning.

This long sword is exactly Ji Yang's black sword.

Silver lightning flashed on the black sword, and the sword passed through the body of the white-eyed zombie, and the power of lightning spread to the body of the white-eyed zombie.

The white-eyed zombie is indeed too weak, and there is no comparison with a green-eyed zombie like Jiang Xin.

The power of thunder and lightning spread, and there was a burst of corpse energy from the white-eyed zombie, his body trembled non-stop, and then he fell to the ground.

The white-eyed zombie who fell to the ground struggled a few times, and seemed to want to stand up.

But unfortunately, he only struggled for a moment and then stopped moving.

The body aura is still wafting, but the white-eyed zombie is already dead.

Ji Yang's sword just pierced his heart directly. Even if his heart was pierced, the white-eyed zombie would not die so easily, but it would be different if he was added with the power of lightning.

Although it's just a white-eyed zombie, Qi Wei will have one less trouble if there is one less zombie.

Of the four major zombie tribes, no matter which corpse tribe it is, there are not many members of the tribe.

Even ordinary low-level zombies are precious to every zombie.

Seeing the death of a white-eyed zombie with his own eyes, Jiang Xin's green eyes turned bloodshot.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

"You actually killed the zombies of my general corpse clan. If I don't get rid of you today, how can I have the face to face my clansmen, the corpse king!"

Jiang Xin yelled loudly, his body rushed towards Ji Yang.

The speed of Jiang Xin's charge was very fast, and he reached Ji Yang's side in an instant, and when he spit out a mouthful of green air, he also hit Ji Yang with both hands.

Ji Yang somewhat underestimated Jiang Xin's reaction speed. When Jiang Xin got to his side, he could no longer hide and could only head-on.

Ji Yang didn't dare to touch the green corpse aura. When confronting Jiang Xin head-on, Ji Yang wisely chose to use the Earth Fire Art, and the purple flames wrapped his fist.


The purple flame collided with the green corpse energy, and when the two energies collided, there was a thunderous roar.

Ji Yang and Jiang Xin's bodies also retreated one after another.

"Fortunately, Sun Dasheng taught me the strength, otherwise I really can't touch him this time."

When killing the white-eyed zombie, Ji Yang had already used 72 changes of great strength, and the collision with Jiang Xin was able to knock the opponent back, which was also thanks to Dali.

Otherwise, the current Ji Yang must suffer.

Zombies are powerful and defensive, especially after becoming a green-eyed zombie.

Just relying on the collision of strength, he was actually knocked back, which made Jiang Xin dissatisfied.

Jiang Xin refused to accept, and the retreating Ji Yang had already launched a new round of attacks.

Jiang Xinke was staring at him all the time, and he had to react quickly.

With a movement of the body, Ji Yang's fingers pointed at a blue-eyed zombie. This blue-eyed zombie was not as strong as Ji Yang, and Ji Yang's body-holding method was very effective for him.

With a few clicks of the finger, the blue-eyed zombie was fixed there, unable to move.


"Qi Wei, kill this guy first."

To stop the blue-eyed zombie, Ji Yang did not forget to remind Qi Wei to let her deal with the blue-eyed zombie first.

Hearing this, Qi Wei kicked a white-eyed zombie flying, and rushed to the side of the immobilized blue-eyed zombie.

A punch hit the blue-eyed zombie's head, the blue-eyed zombie's head was smashed, and the body shook and fell to the ground.

With the cooperation of Ji Yang and Qi Wei, a blue-eyed zombie died.

Although it was the first time for Ji Yang and Qi Wei to cooperate, they cooperated very tacitly and perfectly.

They cooperated so fast that Xin, who was a little confused just now, had no time to rescue, and the blue-eyed zombie died.

Watching the blue-eyed zombie hang up, he pushed Xin's chest up and down, looking very angry.

Originally thought that catching Ji Yang and Qi Wei would go smoothly today, but they lost two zombies and failed to catch each other.

Jiang Xin felt a little regretful now, he should have brought a few more high-level zombies with him, he was a little overbearing this time.

If some yellow-eyed zombies were brought along, the situation in front of them would definitely not be like this.

At least the yellow-eyed zombie will not be suppressed by Qi Wei's blood.

Regret is useless, Jiang Xin can only strive to capture or kill Ji Yang and Qi Wei.

The corpse energy in the body drifted out, and the aura on his body became stronger, and the general charged towards Ji Yang again.

He spat out a few mouthfuls of corpse breath, blocking Ji Yang and Qi Wei's retreat.

Faced with these corpse auras, Ji Yang quickly cast the Earth Fire Art, and several walls of flames appeared, protecting him and Qi Wei in them.

At the same time as the flame wall appeared, a sudden voice sounded in Ji Yang's mind.

"Zombie, it turned out to be a zombie, hahaha, big tonic, big tonic!"

"I didn't expect that when I woke up after a night's sleep, a big gift would come to my door."

This voice came from Chi You, and following Chi You's voice, Chi You floated out of Ji Yang's body and stood beside him.

As soon as Chi You appeared, he looked greedily at Jiang Xin in front of him.

The current Chi You is just a wisp of remnant soul, he needs a lot of energy to replenish himself and improve his cultivation.

The zombies of Jiang Xin and other general corpses in front of him are good supplements for him, and they are great supplements.

Seeing Chi You's appearance, Jiang Xin felt the powerful aura coming from Chi You's body, and some fear could not help showing in his eyes, and the thought of running away was born in his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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