Chapter 612 Abuse (Part One)
Even though Chi You is a remnant soul, his strength is still terrifying.

At least the green-eyed zombie General Xin, who looks awesome in front of him, still has some gaps in strength when facing the remnant soul of Chi You in front of him.

With the intention of retreating in his heart, the light in Xin's green pupils flickered.

Looking at the few remaining zombies, the situation of these subordinates does not look good.

The yellow-eyed zombie General Lu, whose arm was crippled by Xiaolongnv, was completely beaten at this moment, his body was covered all over, and yellow liquid flowed out from his body.

The other three white-eyed zombies and two blue-eyed zombies also had weak breaths, it seems that under the pressure of Qi Wei's blood, they were not relaxed just now.

"Facing me, you still dare to be distracted, courting death!"

Seeing Xin watching his subordinates, a sneer appeared on Chi You's face.

A layer of red mist floated out of his body, Chi You shouted loudly, and quickly rushed towards the general.

Chi You didn't hold any weapon in his hand, and he attacked Jiang Xin with the strength of his physical body.

As his body approached Jiang Xin, Chi You punched him down.

At this time, Chi You's height was not exaggerated, but he was taller than ordinary people, about two meters high.

Although such a body has no visual impact, the coercion he exudes when he attacks has not weakened at all.

Facing Chi You's punch, Xin also punched him out.

Zombies are best at attacking with strength. In terms of strength, Jiang Xin, a green-eyed zombie, has never been afraid of existence other than zombies.

Even if Chi You's aura is strong, he doesn't think he will lose to the opponent in terms of strength.


Chi You's fist collided with Jiang Xin's fist, Chi You's body was as stable as Mount Tai and did not move, but Jiang Xin's face darkened, his eyes were startled, and his body took four or five steps back.

The previous Jiang Xin was full of confidence, thinking that he would not lose in the face of strength.

But the result was so sad, the opponent didn't take a step back, but he actually took four or five steps back, which shocked Jiang Xin.

"The strength is good, but it's only a few steps back, which is a bit interesting."

Chi You's words were simply adding fuel to the fire, Jiang Xin was already depressed enough, his words almost made Jiang Xin vomit blood.

Er, no, if Jiang Xin wanted to vomit blood, he had to be able to vomit.

He can suck blood, but his can't spit blood.

As a green-eyed zombie, he has a very high status in the general corpse clan, even the zombies of other corpse clans, except the zombie king of each corpse clan.

When other zombies see green-eyed zombies, they have to take a detour, and even zombies of the same level are unwilling to pester them.

It's not easy to be a high-level zombie. In the same-level zombie battle, it is uncertain who will win and who will lose. No one wants to lose their lives in vain.

So on weekdays, Jiang Xin is very arrogant.

Facing Chi You who is even more arrogant than himself at this time, Jiang Xin expressed his dissatisfaction.

Even knowing that there is a gap, he is still not convinced.

Jiang Xin sprayed out several green corpse gas from his nose, expressing his anger, swayed his body, and launched an active attack on Chi You.

Two arms were like the handle of a steel gun, and both hands were like the tip of a gun, and they stabbed towards Chi You.

At the same time, Jiang Xin spit out a highly corrosive corpse gas.

"Be careful, his corpse aura can turn people into blood, don't be touched by the corpse aura."

What Ji Yang fears most about Jiang Xin is not that Jiang Xin's physical strength is strong, with 72 changes in strength, Ji Yang's strength is no worse than Jiang Xin's.

But the other party's corpse aura was too corrosive, and he didn't dare to touch it lightly.

At this time, seeing Jiang Xin spit out his corpse, Ji Yang did not forget to remind Chi You to be careful.

But Ji Yang is afraid of poisoning Xin's corpse, but it doesn't mean that Chi You is afraid.

"Hmph, a little green-eyed zombie, even this bit of corpse poison wants to hurt me!"

"Even if the general is in front of me, he can only escape!"

Chi You seemed no stranger to the four zombie kings, Jiang Xin was taken aback when he heard his words.

Jiang Xin felt that Chi You's words were too exaggerated. The four zombie kings are all terrifying existences.

Facing the four zombie kings, even the gods in the sky would not dare to underestimate them.

Jiang Xin didn't know who Chi You was, but he didn't believe Chi You's words.

"Dare to insult my king, court death!"

The zombies of the general's corpse clan all sincerely respect the general, and Chi You's words made Jiang Xin feel a sense of humiliation.

The corpse aura exhaled from the mouth became stronger and stronger, and the power of the corpse poison also increased.

The speed at which the two arms attacked Chi You was much faster.


Seeing the corpse poison in front of him floating towards him, Chi You let out a roar under Jiang Xin's astonished eyes, opened his mouth wide, and started to absorb the corpse poison.

Jiang Xin is very clear about how strong his own corpse poison is.

Chi You devoured the poison of the corpse like eating delicious food, but he didn't feel the slightest difference, which made Jiang Xin confused.

Jiang Xin, who was under duress, was much slower to attack Chi You.


The green corpse poison was swallowed into the stomach, Chi You patted his stomach and belched.

There was a sound of belching, and Xin's attack arrived, and the sharp nails directly poked Chi You's chest.


A metallic clang sounded, causing Xin's face to change drastically.

His nails could pierce even the steel plate, but when he poked Chi You's body, he actually felt pain in his fingers. They only left some small marks on the opponent's body, but failed to penetrate into the opponent's body.

"This... uh..."


Chi You's body trembled, his chest trembled, and a force came from his chest, sending Xin flying backwards.

The body flew upside down, spit out a mouthful of green liquid from Jiang Xin's mouth, Chi You's chest trembled, and Jiang Xin was injured.


While Zhenfei was flying Jiang Xin, Chi You rushed forward and directly caught up with the inverted flying Jiang Xin.

Seeing Chi You approaching, Jiang Xin showed a little fear in his eyes.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Xin was not able to reap benefits in Chi You's hands, and he couldn't help feeling afraid of Chi You in his heart.

When Jiang Xin's eyes showed fear, Jiang Xin felt a pain in his chest, and Chi You's punch had already landed on his body.

The chest collapsed, and a large mouthful of green liquid was spit out, making Xin's breath sluggish, and his body stepped back a dozen steps in a row.

If it weren't for a white-eyed zombie who reacted quickly enough to catch Jiang Xin who was retreating in time, Jiang Xin didn't know how far he would retreat.


The body stood still, and Xin spit out another mouthful of green liquid. The standing body felt a little shaking.

Chi You's punch severely injured General Xin.

It is true that Jiang Xin is not fighting Chi You, he is being abused by Chi You.

"Elder Jiang Xin, this guy is too strong, I think we should run away."

The white-eyed zombie supported Jiang Xin, and said with some fear.

Even Jiang Xin is not Chi You's opponent, these low-level zombies will definitely be killed by the opponent.

Jiang Xin was already thinking of retreating, and the words of the white-eyed zombie made him retreat even more. He nodded at the white-eyed zombie.

(End of this chapter)

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