The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 628 2 Lang Shen is Coming

Chapter 628 Erlang God Is Coming (Part [-])

"Boom bang bang..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The surrounding area was buzzing, but Ji Yang seemed to stay out of the matter at this moment, staring at the phone intently.

Zhu Jiumei cooperated with the demon refining pot to temporarily suppress the Two-faced Buddha.

Although the Two-faced Buddha is known as the incarnation of the wind god and the thunder god in the mortal world, and is a god-level shikigami, he is not the real wind and thunder god after all.

Facing Zhu Jiumei and the Demon Refining Pot, he remained undefeated at this time, which is already an extraordinary performance.

"Have you thought of an effective way to deal with this guy? I don't have much time to control the demon refining pot to fight."

Hu Zhongxian's depressed and anxious voice sounded in Ji Yang's mind.

If it was placed in the ancient times, if the demon refining pot still held Chi Youzhong's magic weapon, the Two-faced Buddha in front of him would have been killed by him countless times.

But now it is Ji Yang's demon refining pot, because Ji Yang's cultivation base is not enough, the power of the demon refining pot cannot be displayed, and he is suffocated in fights.

"Persist a little longer, and you'll be fine soon."

Gritting his teeth, Ji Yang communicated with Immortal Hu Zhong.

The Demon Refining Pot was in a hurry, and Ji Yang was even more anxious than him, but he sent Taibai Jinxing several WeChat messages asking for help, but the other party didn't reply to him.

Could it be that Taibai Jinxing forgot to bring his mobile phone when he went out, so he didn't see his information.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang was ready to ask someone else for help.

Clicking on the WeChat address book, Ji Yang found King Chujiang this time, and just when Ji Yang was about to send a WeChat message to King Chujiang, Taibai Jinxing finally replied to WeChat.

"This is the talisman of Erlang God's phantom god. If you use it, Erlang God will come to the mortal world to help."

Ji Yang smiled when he saw the words "Phantom God Fate Talisman".

Ji Yang is already very familiar with this, and it is not the first time he has used the Illusory Destiny Talisman.

"Erlang God, the Heavenly Court is rich enough, why is the Two-faced Buddha so difficult to deal with, and even sent Erlang God to the mortal world?"

There is no doubt about the fighting power of Erlang God. The battle with Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain back then was shocking.

Ji Yang did not expect that when he sent a WeChat request for help to the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court would send Erlang God down to earth.

As the phone turned on, the Illusory God's Fate Talisman had already arrived in Ji Yang's hands. Taking the Illusory God's Fate Talisman, Ji Yang glanced at the Two-faced Buddha, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"Two-faced Buddha, you will die today."

There are many shikigami and onmyojis around Ji Yang, and Ji Yang doesn't care if they die or not.

But Peng Tianlong and the members of the Xuan group are all here, if Ji Yang directly uses the phantom god fate talisman, these people will see it as soon as Erlang Shen appears.

If people see that Ji Yang can summon Erlang God, there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the future.

"The Fairy in the Pot, lead him to follow me!"

It is not suitable to use the Illusory God's Life Talisman here, Ji Yang can only use the demon refining pot that is entangled with the double-faced Buddha, and let the demon refining pot bring the double-faced Buddha to other places.

The Two-Faced Buddha didn't know what Ji Yang wanted to do, but he didn't ask, after a few bursts of energy attacked the Two-Faced Buddha, the Immortal in the Pot flew towards Ji Yang.

"Two-faced Buddha, you want to catch me in a dream!"

Holding the demon refining pot in his hand, Ji Yang dodges and flies into the distance.

Ji Yang's action confused everyone in the Xuan group. They thought Ji Yang was afraid, so they ran away.

Some people even began to mutter, saying that Ji Yang is a coward and a waste.

These words stopped in Peng Caixuan's ears and felt very harsh. He knew Ji Yang well, and he believed that Ji Yang must have his reasons for flying away at this time.

"Whoever speaks ill of my boss again, don't blame me for being rude."

"If you have the strength, quickly deal with these shikigami and onmyojis in front of you!"

Peng Caixuan yelled angrily, and opened the five-element fan in his hand. A shikigami who was closest to him was lifted up by his fan, and a flame shot out from the fan.

The flame hit the shikigami, and the shikigami's whole body was ignited with flames.

The current Peng Caixuan has a sky-level cultivation, and the members of the mysterious group around him are not as good as him. Seeing Peng Caixuan getting angry, these people shut their mouths obediently.

As for what they were thinking, Peng Caixuan couldn't stop them.

"Hmph, if you want to escape, can you escape?"

"I thought you were so powerful, but now it seems that you are also a coward."

Two-faced Buddha also regarded Ji Yang's current behavior as fear of running away. He ignored Zhu Jiumei and chased after Ji Yang.

"You don't have to go, Ji Yang asked me to stay here with you to deal with these onmyojis and shikigami."

Seeing the Two-faced Buddha chasing Ji Yang, Zhu Jiumei also wanted to follow, but was stopped by the little dragon girl.

It turned out that Ji Yang had already communicated with Xiao Longnu when he left.

Hearing what Xiaolongnv said, Zhu Jiumei rushed directly to the shikigami beside her. With this rush, the two shikigami were smashed to pieces.

"Hahaha, run, where are you running!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

While chasing Ji Yang, the Two-Faced Buddha laughed wildly, and at the same time he beat his own drum, and thunder and lightning flew towards Ji Yang.

Sensing danger coming from behind, Ji Yang dodged his body, and his speed of escape remained unabated.

"This is your way. Is your way to escape?"

Hu Zhongxian didn't know what the hell Ji Yang was doing, he was a little surprised to see Ji Yangguang running away.

At the same time, he was very dissatisfied with Ji Yang's method in his heart.

Ji Yang didn't pay attention to the Immortal in the Pot, but ran quickly in the air while observing the surrounding situation.

When he saw an abandoned factory, Ji Yang had a smile on his face, that was the place to deal with the Two-faced Buddha.

"Two-faced Buddha, your grave has arrived!"

When Ji Yang came to the abandoned factory, his body fell from the air to the ground, he shouted loudly at the two-faced Buddha who was chasing him, and threw the magic talisman in his hand directly into the air.

Following the throwing of the Phantom God's Life Talisman, a ray of light appeared in the sky, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

Seeing such a strange scene, the Two-faced Buddha was slightly taken aback, feeling vaguely bad.

"Pretend to be a ghost, escape here, why not be caught by me!"

Although the heart was not good, the two-faced Buddha still grabbed Ji Yang from the air towards the ground.

Facing the two-faced Buddha rushing from the air, Ji Yang showed a sneer on his face.

"At this time, it is indeed impossible for you to run, but there is no need to rush to die!"

Just when the hands of the Two-faced Buddha were about to catch Ji Yang, there was a sound of dog barking, and then a dog fell from the sky and rushed towards the Two-faced Buddha.

"Xiao Tiangou, it really is Erlang God!"

Seeing this dog, Ji Yang instinctively thought of Xiaotian Dog.

The roaring dog rushed forward, and a powerful coercion pressed on the two-faced Buddha. The two-faced Buddha grabbed Ji Yang's hand and quickly retreated.

"Xiaobai, you are too weak, you can't even handle this little hairy god."

"But that's okay, if it wasn't for this little hairy god, Master and I wouldn't be able to come to the mortal world."

The Xiaotian dog landed on the ground, uttering human words.

Ji Yang was not surprised when he heard Xiaotiangou speak human language, it would be strange if Xiaotiangou could bark like a dog.

As Xiaotiangou fell to the ground, Erlangshen, who was wearing silver armor and holding a three-pointed double-edged knife, also fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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