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Chapter 629 Hanging and beating two Buddhas

Chapter 629 Hanging and Beating the Two-Faced Buddha (Third Watch)

Standing in front of Ji Yang, Erlang God exuded a powerful aura that made Ji Yang hold his breath.

"Xiaotiangou, protect him, and leave the Two-faced Buddha to me."

Erlangshen is so arrogant, after he appeared, he didn't even look back at Ji Yang.

His attitude made Ji Yang feel a little uncomfortable, but whoever made the other party a great figure in the heaven, he still came to help him now.

Even if Ji Yang is unhappy, there is only one choice, and that is to endure.

"Woo... It's not easy to come to the mortal world, and you still don't let me have a good fight."

Xiaotiangou was a little unhappy, but he still had to be obedient, keeping his body in front of Ji Yang, his eyes fixed on the Two-faced Buddha.

The corner of Ji Yang's mouth twitched. Although the Xiaotian dog is very good, it is still a dog.

At this time, he was going to be protected by a dog, Ji Yang felt that it was enough, was he that bad?

"who are you?"

The aura emanating from Erlang God made the Two-faced Buddha feel a sense of fear.

He has only felt such a powerful breath in one person, and that is Susanoo.

"Mao God of Country R, ​​dare to come here to act wildly. If you want to know who I am, it depends on whether you are capable enough."

Standing on the ground with a three-pointed and two-edged knife in Erlangshen's hand, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the Two-faced Buddha, and said disdainfully.

The two-faced Buddha is considered a god even in country R, ​​and among the shikigami of Onmyoji, it is even called a god-level shikigami, the incarnation of the two gods of wind and thunder in the mortal world.

On weekdays, whether it is an onmyoji or other shikigami, they are very respectful and careful to him, which also makes him feel a sense of arrogance.

At this time, being called God of Mao by Erlang God, the other party's attitude was so disdainful, which made the Two-faced Buddha very angry.

Two pairs of eyes glared at Erlang God, and an invisible coercion rushed towards Erlang God.

The glaring of the Two-faced Buddha is not a simple glaring, but one of his attack methods, which is to rely on the glare of the eyes to create pressure on the opponent and make the opponent timid.

It's just that this move is not bad against those who are weaker than him, but if he plays this move against Erlang God, he will bring shame on himself.

Erlang's movement was also different, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned to show a sneer, the immortal energy in his body was circulating, and a wave of coercion counterattacked.


Erlang God's coercion collided with the coercion of the two-faced Buddha, and the pressure of the two-faced Buddha disappeared instantly. On the other hand, the two-faced Buddha let out a muffled groan, and the fear in his eyes grew stronger.

Not only did his coercion fail to cause harm and cowardice to Erlang God, but he was backlashed and frightened by Erlang God's coercion.

"Bagaya Road!"

Fear arose in my heart, and I shouted with Buddha spirit on both sides.

Baga road?
Erlang Shen didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, he narrowed his eyes and asked Xiang Ji Yang what the Two-faced Buddha meant without looking back.

Although Ji Yang doesn't know R mandarin, he understands the meaning of Baga Yalu.

Exploding swearing now, isn't it just making yourself unhappy.

"He's scolding you, Baga Yalu means bastard, bastard."

"Hmph, courting death!"

Ji Yang's explanation reached Erlangshen's ears, Erlangshen glared and shouted angrily.

For someone as arrogant as Erlang Shen, how could he allow the Double-faced Buddha to scold him without reacting?

Staring at the ground with the soles of his feet, God Erlang rushed up towards the two-faced Buddha, swung the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and a semi-arc-shaped light flew towards the two-faced Buddha.

The Two-faced Buddha faced the attack of Erlang God, the drums sounded, and several lightning bolts flew out.

The lightning collided with the arc light and disappeared one after another.

"There are some skills, but these are not enough."

Seeing that his attack was broken, Erlang Shen didn't feel any sense of loss or frustration.

This arc light attack was just his random attack, nothing at all.

If the Two-faced Buddha was really injured by such an attack, Erlang God would be disappointed, and the fight would be too boring.

The three-pointed two-edged knife swung again, and several arcs of light flew out in a row. Facing so many arcs of light, the face of the two-faced Buddha changed, and his body retreated.

The drums are still beating, and the thunder and lightning are still there.

It's just that the effect of the lightning attack this time was a bit worse than before, and it couldn't completely neutralize Erlang Shen's attack.

Simply relying on the blessing of the wind, the Two-faced Buddha was not slow, barely dodging Erlang Shen's attack.

Just when the Two-Faced Buddha was dodging, Erlang God actually arrived in front of him. Although there was no wind blessing, Erlang God's speed was not slower than the Two-Faced Buddha.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife slashed, but the Two-faced Buddha raised the drumstick to block it.


The two small drumsticks were no match for Erlang Shen's three-pointed and double-edged saber. With this block, the drumsticks in the hands of the two-faced Buddha cracked, and they looked like they would break at any time.

And the body of the Two-faced Buddha also flew upside down.

The body flew upside down, and the two-faced Buddha was shocked. This attack was too fierce, and his magic weapon was almost useless.


The inverted two-faced Buddha landed on the ground, and two potholes were directly stepped on the ground by the Two-faced Buddha, and half of the soles of the feet sank into the soil.

"Wind, let's use wind and thunder together!"

The Two-faced Buddha drank lightly from the side of Lei, and the nearly broken drumstick quickly hit the drum.

Drums sounded and thunder and lightning flashed.

At the same time, the side of the wind opened the pocket, and the strong wind blew out, mixed with thunder and lightning, attacking Erlang God.

"Ha! Broken!"

The wind and thunder co-existed, Erlang Shen didn't care at all, he swung the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand several times in a row, and the second attack of the Two-faced Buddha was broken.

Every time the attack of the Two-faced Buddha was easily broken by Erlang God, this made the Two-faced Buddha very helpless.

The strength gap is still too large.

Even if the Two-faced Buddha wanted to deny it, he couldn't do it.

Breaking through the symbiosis of wind and thunder, Erlang God rushed forward, jumped up, and with both hands tightly holding the three-pointed two-edged knife, he attacked the two-faced Buddha.

Suffering consecutive losses, the Two-faced Buddha would not be so stupid as to confront Erlang Shen's attack head-on.

The body instinctively retreated, but just as he retreated, a gust of wind hit him from behind.

After the two-faced Buddha avoided the attack, Erlang God went directly behind the Two-faced Buddha.

Although the two-faced Buddha opened his two heads, he didn't realize how Erlang God got behind him, Erlang God's speed was too fast.

Erlangshen punched out, directly on the Buddha-blue head on both sides, the head representing the wind attribute was covered with blood, and the brain that was not very bright at first became even more confused at this time.

The Two-faced Buddha belongs to a symbiotic body, and if the blue head is injured, the other head will also be affected.

"Damn, this guy is too strong."

The fear in the two-faced Buddha's heart became more and more intense, and he no longer dared to fight Erlang God anymore.

If the fight continues, the unlucky one must be the Two-faced Buddha, and it will be very miserable.

The drumstick in his hand was beating, and the sound of the drum was accompanied by thunder and lightning. When the thunder and lightning shot at Erlang God frantically, the purple and blue aura from the two-faced Buddha's body drifted away, and he jumped up, trying to escape.

The Two-faced Buddha flew up, but Erlang Shen did not catch up, which made the Two-faced Buddha happy.

It's just that the Two-faced Buddha was happy for less than a second, and Erlang Shen said in a cold voice: "Xiaotiangou is yours now."

 The third update, the update ends today, and will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support and encouragement

(End of this chapter)

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