Chapter 64

"Hi Tianshi Zhang, I'm Xiaobai."

Don't mention how excited Ji Yang is at this time, Zhang Daoling Zhang Tianshi, the other party's reputation is very big, Ji Yang didn't expect that he could hook up with Zhang Tianshi when he asked Ma Mian to help solve the ghost poison.

"I've heard about your case, do you want to solve the ghost poison?"

Zhang Daoling didn't show courtesy to Ji Yang, he just spoke directly.

Seeing that Zhang Daoling is so straightforward, what kind of big cloves are I still pretending to be here, let's get straight to the point.

"Yeah, I don't know if Zhang Tianshi has a solution."

"Of course there is a solution, and it's not impossible to help, but..."

Seeing this, Ji Yang's face darkened.

Sure enough, they are all the same characters. There really is no free lunch in this world. This Dao Ling is obviously planning to ask himself for a reward.

I still owe Hua Tuo [-] merits and virtues, and asked Zhang Daoling to help get rid of the ghost poison, but the other party still doesn't know how to talk like a lion.

The debts on my body are going to be layered on top of each other, and sooner or later I will be overwhelmed.

Merit is hard to earn, but it is quick to use up.

But whoever lets himself have something to ask for from the other party, now he can only accept his fate.

"Zhang Tianshi, I understand what you mean, but my merits are limited, I don't know how much merits you plan to ask for?"

It's useless to talk nonsense, and Ji Yang asked the question directly, otherwise he would return to this question after a circle of questions, which would be a waste of time.

Just as Ji Yang was waiting for Zhang Tianshi to speak loudly, a word he didn't expect came from him.

"Xiaobai, you underestimate me Zhang Daoling too much. I have too much merit to spend. Wouldn't it be too cheesy to ask for merit for you?"

Zhang Daoling is telling the truth, although he is upset because he lost 10,000+ merits, but what he is upset about is not the [-] merits, but his face.

How much merit he has in his own hands is not even clear to him, so he doesn't care about this merit at all.

"Could it be that I made a mistake? He was simply going to help me for free, but it didn't sound like what he said just now."

The more Ji Yang thought about it, the more he didn't understand, he was really confused now.

He doesn't want merit, so what is he going to want?
"Xiaobai, you taught Taibai Jinxing to play poker?"

Just when Ji Yang was in a daze, Zhang Daoling also spoke again.

Seeing this, Ji Yang was also amused, why did he forget that this Daoling family has a great cause, tens of thousands of meritorious deeds, and they don't care at all.

This is the same as many big bosses and rich people nowadays. They don't care about money or expensive things because they see too much.

What they are more interested in are uncommon and fresh ones. Otherwise, why do many wealthy people like local products, such as native chickens and ducks, and like to go to mountain villages because they feel fresh.

When I taught Taibai Jinxing how to play poker, it was because there was no poker in heaven and earth, so what I played was a novelty.

It seems that Zhang Daoling has also played poker, but I don't know how he plays.

"Yes, I taught Taibai Jinxing poker that's right, has Zhang Tianshi ever played it?"

"Don't mention it, I played it, and I was cheated by Taibai Jinxing with 10,000+ merits."

At first glance, he thought he had read it wrong, but the big characters of 10,000+ merits and virtues are so clear, how could he have read it wrong.

I rub it, 10,000+ merits.

How big are these guys betting in Heaven? Could it be that Zhang Daoling can't lose all the time? Even if you keep losing, the 10,000+ merits are enough for you to lose for a while.

This is definitely a gamble. When I think that I worry about hundreds of thousands of merits every day, people can win or lose 10,000+ merits in a game of seven kings, five, two, three.

Sighing in his heart, Ji Yang also thought that if there was a chance, he would play a few games with the other party and win them hundreds of thousands, or millions of merits. Anyway, they are all gods, and then he would not have to worry about merits every day .

"Master Zhang, I'm running out of time here, so just tell me if you need anything."

"That's all I've said, so I'll just say it straight. I'll teach you how to get rid of ghost poison. You have to teach me how to play poker. You need a new way."

"I lost to Taibai Jinxing mostly because he learned Seven Kings Five Two Three before me. He is more familiar with playing than me. You taught me a few new ways to play this time. When I go back, I will beat him by a hundred." 80 merits, to get back face."

The game of poker is trivial, it's no different from an empty glove white wolf.

Although I had discussed with Taibai Jinxing at the time, and the deal was based on 250 merits for each game, but I haven't seen the other party ask me for a new game for so long. It seems that one game has been popular in heaven for a long time.

Now exchanging poker with Zhang Daoling for the method of getting rid of ghost poison, Ji Yang feels that he has made a lot of money. He originally thought that the other party would at least ask him for tens of thousands of merits.

"Zhang Daoling Zhang Tianshi, he is an expert in exorcising evil spirits and subduing demons, subduing ghosts and subduing demons. I am now connected with people from the underworld. Maybe there will be rewards like the Three Eyes in the future. Why don't I learn a little more from Zhang Daoling."

Taking advantage of Zhang Daoling's interest in poker now, if Ji Yang doesn't seek some benefits from those parties, it may be difficult in the future.

"Hey, Zhang Tianshi, the way of playing poker is not a problem. I can give you as much as you want, but I have one request, and I hope you can agree."

"I have already promised to get rid of the ghost poison, so what's the matter with you, don't you still plan to ask me to give you merit?"

Zhang Daoling had also heard from Taibai Jinxing before that he also exchanged merit with Ji Yang for the game of poker, now that Ji Yang said that, Zhang Daoling thought that Ji Yang was asking for merit from himself.

The poker game is exchanged for merit, and one game only has more than 200 merits. Compared with the method of exorcising ghosts and subduing demons, this is a fart.

With the Taoism of exorcising ghosts and subduing demons, there will be a lot of merits waiting for him in the future.

Ji Yang would never do such a thing of throwing away watermelon to pick up sesame seeds.

"Master Zhang, you are my idol. I have always admired you, and there are many legends about you in the world."

"The law of the three realms now isolates the three realms. Neither the underworld nor the heavenly court can easily come to the mortal world. Now I am the only person who can communicate with the heavenly court and the underworld in the mortal world. Although I have not yet entered the stream, I can still be regarded as a person from the heavenly court and the underworld."

"I want you to teach me some Taoism. If there are ghosts and ghosts in the mortal world again, I can subdue them. This is also to solve the troubles for the heaven and the underworld. What do you think?"

Obviously, he wanted to learn a few tricks of martial art 13, but now Ji Yang said it with an awe-inspiring look, and Ji Yang himself blushed a little after he finished speaking.

Although he said it righteously, Ji Yang himself was still a little apprehensive, he didn't know if Zhang Daoling would agree to him.

I heard before that the name Zhang Tianshi is hereditary from descendants, and the true teachings are also passed down from descendants. After all, he is not a descendant of Zhang Daoling. Will he be willing to teach his true teaching skills?
(End of this chapter)

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