Chapter 65

In King Chu Jiang's Palace of Hades, the atmosphere became a bit oppressive. Both King Chu Jiang and the bull-headed horse-face looked at Zhang Daoling in bewilderment.

At this time, Zhang Daoling's eyes were fixed on the mobile phone in his hand, his eyebrows were furrowed together, and his face was flickering.

Isn't this Dao Ling discussing ghost poison with Ji Yang? What does his expression mean? Could it be that he has been idle for too long, and has he forgotten the way to cure ghost poison?
"Zhengyi real person, what is your expression? Could it be that you have forgotten the way to detoxify ghosts?"

King Chujiang couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore, it was really depressing for him, so he asked questions directly.

"Little ghost poison, I have dozens or hundreds of ways to solve it, and this will make me a joke."

"Just now, I wanted to use the method of detoxifying ghosts to exchange some new poker games with Xiaobai. I didn't expect this kid to be greedy enough. He wanted me to teach him Taoism."

"The name Zhang Tianshi is hereditary from my descendants, and the true inheritance is also passed down among descendants. He is not of my Zhang family's blood, so how can I pass on his Taoism?"

Zhang Daoling was also a little angry at this time, he felt that Ji Yang was too greedy.

Although Zhang Daoling is the founder of Tianshi Dao, he also has many apprentices in his hands. With the development of time and the change of times, there are also many Taoist priests of Tianshi Dao, but to be honest, the true skills are still passed down from generation to generation .

Since Ji Yang wanted to learn Taoism from Zhang Daoling, he naturally did not learn some ordinary Taoism from him, but learned real skills, and it was precisely because of this that Zhang Daoling looked so ugly.

Hearing Zhang Daoling's words, although King Chujiang was a little surprised, he thought about it and thought of something.

"Zhengyi real person, I don't know if I should say some things."

"But it doesn't matter."

Zhang Daoling's expression was very ugly at this time, if Ji Yang was here, Zhang Daoling would not have slapped him to death, but would have scolded him bloody.

"I know that Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain is inherited in one line, but after a thousand years, your descendants still have some abilities of yours. Don't blame me for saying it badly, I'm afraid there is not even one percent of it."

This [-]% is because the King of Chu Jiang saved Zhang Daoling's face, if Zhang Daoling really has [-]% of his ability, it is definitely a super existence.

Although Zhang Daoling cannot go to the mortal world, he still pays attention to the descendants. Whenever a descendant dies or ascends, he will also check the other party's achievements. It was not bad at the beginning, but now it is really not as good as the previous generation.

"King Chujiang, you don't have to save face for me. You can pay me back one percent. They have one-thousandth of my morals and deeds are not bad."

Zhang Daoling said with a bitter face.

"You don't want your own abilities to be lost like this. Xiaobai may be a good choice. Isn't everyone in the world paying attention to the progress of the times? Some of our concepts have to be changed."

"Although he is not your descendant, but his identity is very special, you also understand that you can't contact the descendants of the mortal world now, at most you can see them after they die, but what's the use of seeing them at that time, but It made me angry, but your ability cannot be passed on."

"You teach Xiaobai a few real skills. If he really has the opportunity to meet your descendants, he can also pass on this skill to them. Then shouldn't your skills be passed on to his own family? This is just my suggestion. Don't teach Professor, it’s up to you to decide.”

King Chujiang has already said what he should say, and the rest is up to Zhang Daoling himself.

Zhang Daoling heard King Chu Jiang's words, and felt that what the other party said was very reasonable, but he still couldn't let it go, and was still entangled in whether he should Ji Yang Taoism or not.

Looking at the entangled Zhang Daoling, King Chu Jiang did not urge him, and his previous words were also selfish.

Last time, Hei Wuchang's carelessness caused the three-eyed ghost to run away. If Ji Yang hadn't found him in the end, things would have been troublesome.

There is no guarantee that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future. This time it is just a little ghost. If it is an evil ghost next time, it will be even more troublesome to catch it. Therefore, if Ji Yang learns Taoism from Zhang Daoling, he will surrender and make a mistake. The ghosts of the world are very simple.

"To teach or not to teach, let God decide."

After a long time, the tangled Zhang Daoling gave a soft drink, and slapped the table in front of him with his palm. The table shook, and the fried pork tenderloin on the plate was also blown up by the shock. dropped into the bowl in front of him.

"Teach, don't teach, teach, don't teach..."

The fried tenderloin fell into the bowl, and Zhang Daoling muttered softly while eating it.

King Chu Jiang looked at Zhang Daoling at this time, feeling a little dumbfounded, this is what he said to leave it to God, right? No matter how I look at you, you seem to be venting your depression on food.


Putting the last piece of dry-fried tenderloin into his mouth, Zhang Daoling put down his chopsticks and said loudly.

"Have you made up your mind?"

It was good for King Chujiang to hear Zhang Daoling, although he was happy in his heart, but he was still very calm on the face.

"Hmph, I, Zhang Daoling, keep my word. Since God always asks me to teach Xiaobai Taoism, then I will teach him."

Zhang Daoling also took out his mobile phone while speaking.

"Xiaobai, it's okay for me to teach you Taoism, but I have a request. First, you must teach me five poker games. Second, when you meet my descendants, you must pass on the Taoism I taught you to you. He, third, you can’t bully the weak at will by virtue of learning Taoism.”

"If you agree, I will teach you."

Ji Yang had given up all hope at first, but when he suddenly saw Zhang Daoling, he was also very excited.

The five poker games are just more than 1000 merits. If you exchange more than 1000 merits for Zhang Daoling's Taoism, you will make a lot of money.

As for Zhang Daoling's second request, it's even simpler, it was originally your family's property, I just returned it to your family, and I didn't lose anything.

The third point is that Ji Yang also feels nothing. He is not a person who likes to cause trouble. Anyone who is repaired by himself should be repaired. Since it is time to repair, it is not considered weak.

"Okay, I promise."

Ji Yang directly agreed without any hesitation.

"Then swear, if you break the oath, you will be punished by the sky thunder, and your soul will be scattered."

This oath can't be called not hating. If you haven't really contacted the heaven and the underworld before, swearing to the sky is a joke in Ji Yang's eyes.

But it's different now, he knows that he has to promise to do it, otherwise he will really suffer retribution.

But Zhang Daoling's requirements can be fulfilled by himself, and he is still afraid of being stupid.

"I swear to the sky, if I violate Zhang Tianshi's request, I will be punished by the sky thunder."

After Ji Yang uttered these words, his cell phone vibrated immediately, the familiar golden light appeared, and countless information poured into Ji Yang's mind.

With the influx of these information, Ji Yang felt a pain in his head. The Taoism Zhang Daoling taught him was several times more than the sum of the medical skills Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing had given him before. Ji Yang felt that his head was shaking. It was about to explode, and he couldn't help but yelled out in pain.


(End of this chapter)

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