The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 646 This is Huaxia

Chapter 646 This is Huaxia ([-]rd)

Looking at Li Hun who was beaten badly but still pretended to be tough, Ji Yang smiled coldly.

"It seems that the whip just now wasn't enough, Xueyao whipped him."

Ji Yang spoke to Lan Xueyao who was on the side, Lan Xueyao's eyes turned cold, and the whip in her hand slapped.

Although the whip didn't hit him, Li Hun was almost scared to pee just by hearing the sound.

The hard energy in his body disappeared in an instant, and he looked at Ji Yang with fear in his eyes.

"What on earth are you guys doing? I've already signed a lease contract with them. It's useless for you to talk to me."

Li Hun said in a trembling voice.

Up to now, Ji Yang and the others have not revealed their identities, he was beaten in a daze, but they still don't know why Lan Xueyao dared to be so bold.

"I'm the one who can get you out of this position. Once the contract is signed, take it back. I think you can handle it well."

Ji Yang looked at Li Hun with a faint smile, as if he didn't care about the process, but only wanted the result.

Once the contract is signed, you can also find some reasons to withdraw it. The method is all thought up by people. Ji Yang believes that Li Hun must have done such a thing.

"It's been signed, how do I collect it?"

"I don't care about this. I just want the result. Although you can't sit in this seat, I can make you feel more comfortable when you go to another place."

"If you can't do it well, then you are ready to shed a few layers of skin."

Huaxia is now actively fighting tigers. This tiger is not a real tiger, but these officials who violate the law and discipline.

While renting the mountain this time, Ji Yang also helped clean up the big tigers in Miaojiang, which can be regarded as helping the country to solve its problems.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Li Hun's face turned pale, and it seemed that he was done for today.

There are a lot of things about him, if he is arrested, it is indeed enough for him to drink a few pots.

Just when Li Hun didn't know what to do, the door of the office was pushed open.

Four foreigners walked in, and these four foreigners were Ryan, Paul, and two of Paul's subordinates.

The four of them already knew that someone was here to make trouble, and they didn't care about it. Seeing the scene in the office, Ryan and Paul smiled.

"Hey, Director Li, are you playing performance art? The taste is quite heavy."

Seeing Li Hun's miserable appearance, Paul joked.

Hearing Paul's teasing, Li Hun wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

It is really embarrassing for a dignified high-ranking official, the director of the Land Taxation Bureau, to look like this now.

Even if you were an ordinary person, you would be ashamed to see others at this time.

"Paul, be careful what you say, how can you talk to Director Li like that."

"Director Li, I came here today to tell you about the mountain we rented. The villagers there may not leave, and even injured my people. How do you deal with this matter?"

Ryan signaled Paul's men to close the door, and said with a faint smile.

This guy is quite good at acting. Paul's subordinates have been to the village, and Ji Yang and others in front of him have been recognized.

The real master is right in front of his eyes, Li Hun is being treated so badly by the other party now, he even asked Li Hun what to do.

If Li Hun had the ability, would he still be in such a miserable situation now?

"What should I do, cold salad."

"You came just in time. I don't care what purpose you want to rent this mountain, but let me tell you, this is Huaxia, and now I want this mountain."

Ji Yang also recognized Paul's subordinates, and he spoke very rudely.

From Ryan's body, Ji Yang felt a strong smell of evil and blood, and it wasn't weak.

Through this breath, he knew that the person in front of him was not a good stubble.

Knowing that his subordinates were fought by himself, and still acting like this, Ji Yang would not act with him, and went straight to the point.

As soon as Ji Yang said this, Ryan stopped pretending and sat directly on the sofa in the office, looking at Ji Yang with some playfulness in his eyes.

"Cold salad, it's interesting. People in Huaxia say it's interesting."

"But I have signed the contract for this mountain. If you want it, will I give it to you?"

"Could it be that this is how China handles things? It seems that we have to resolve this matter through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Ryan's attitude made Ji Yang smile.

After Peng Caixuan saw Rui En, he was very upset with him. Hearing what Rui En said, he snorted coldly.

"Hmph, normal leasing is of course no problem, but I'm afraid you people have impure purposes."

"Even if there are problems to be solved, I think the Xuanyi Group is more suitable than the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

If there is a problem with the special department of each country, it must be solved through the Xuanyi Group.

And according to the regulations of the Xuanyi Group, personnel from special departments are not allowed to go to other countries casually.

Feeling that the aura on Ryan's side was abnormal, Peng Caixuan designated them as members of a special department of a certain country.

"Boy, do you feel very sensitive? Unfortunately, we are not under the management of Xuanyi Group."

"My subordinates were all wounded by you. As their leader, I didn't tear you apart. It's already good. You'd better shut up."

Paul looked at Peng Caixuan with unkind eyes. If it wasn't for Ryan beside him, he might have rushed forward.

"Big man, you want to tear me apart!"

"The air conditioner in this room is quite powerful, so you're not afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big words."

Peng Caixuan looked at Paul with disdain. Paul's aura was not weak, and he looked very strong, but Peng Caixuan would not be afraid of him.

Even if it is bickering, he will not weaken the opponent.

This is Huaxia. Weakened the other party in his hometown. Isn't this the face of Daxuan group and Ji Yang?

"Hmph, courting death!"

The look in Peng Caixuan's eyes made Paul very upset. He was furious in his heart, and regardless of Ryan being beside him, he stood up and punched Peng Caixuan.

Facing Paul's punch, Peng Caixuan didn't dodge or dodge, but greeted him with a punch.


The faces of Peng Caixuan and Paul changed when their fists collided, and they both took two steps back.

"A lot of power."

With a head-on punch, Peng Caixuan felt a little numb in his fist. Paul's stature is not for nothing, the punch is quite powerful.

Paul and Ryan were also surprised. With Paul's strength, Ryan would not dare to touch it head-on.

Peng Caixuan and Paul head-to-head, but evenly matched, which aroused interest in Ryan's heart.

However, Li Hun, the director of the local taxation bureau, became an outsider at this time. He has become a decoration because no one pays attention to him.

"The boy is quite strong, come again!"

Paul stared, his eyes were bloodshot and red, and his body rushed towards Peng Caixuan.

Peng Caixuan narrowed his eyes, let out a loud shout, his whole body vibrating, and he was about to meet him with a punch.

"Paralysis, didn't you hear what my boss said, this is Huaxia, you are so arrogant!"


The fists collided, the energy overflowed, the ground cracked, and the whole office was shaking...

 Third update, the update ends today and will continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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