The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 647 There Are Secrets In The Mountains

Chapter 647 There Are Secrets In The Mountains (Part [-])

This time, the head-to-head confrontation was no longer evenly divided. Peng Caixuan stepped back slightly, but Paul spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down like a small cannonball.

His body hit the wall of the office, and there was a roar from the wall, and half of his body was embedded in the wall.


Li Hun swallowed hard when he saw Paul embedded in the wall.

His head was a little confused, but he repeated the conversation between Peng Caixuan and Paul over and over again.

Mysterious group?Mysterious group?
"You, you, you are from the Xuanzu."

Li Hun is not only the director of the Miaojiang Land Bureau, but also a senior official in Miaojiang.

At his level, how could he not know about the mysterious group.

When he said that Ji Yang and others came from the Xuan Group, Li Hun's legs were trembling, and then he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

Xuanzu has the right to kill first and report later. It would be too easy for Xuanzu to punish him as a high-ranking official.

Li Hun knew that he was really doomed this time.

It's just that at this time, no one paid any attention to Li Hun. At this time, Peng Caixuan was staring at Paul who was blown away by his punch.

The others were also observing Peng Caixuan.

Just as everyone was observing each other, a sound like the roar of a beast resounded from Paul's mouth.

"Ah... Damn, hate... Today I will kill you, kill you!"

Although Paul was inlaid into the wall, his body was very strong, and he didn't seem to have suffered any serious injuries except for the blood just now.

Walking out of the cracked wall, Paul looked at Peng Caixuan with red eyes, his breathing was a little short, his body felt a little swollen, and his veins were bulging.

"Paul, pay attention to the location, this is not a suitable place to go crazy."

Seeing the change in Paul, Ryan frowned, and his body disappeared on the sofa in an instant.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Paul, looking at Paul with warning eyes.

"Ryan, get out of the way, I must tear him up today."

Being hit by Peng Caixuan made Paul very angry. Even if Ryan, who usually made him afraid, stopped him, he still looked like he wanted to fight Peng Caixuan.

"Paul, I'll say it again, that's all for today, you have a chance to avenge today's revenge."

"If you still want to do it, I'm going to be angry."

Ryan narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Ryan like this, Paul knew that Ryan was also angry now.

It's just that he was not angry with Peng Caixuan, but angry with Paul for being disobedient.Paul knew how scary it would be for Ryan to be angry.

"Boy, sooner or later I will tear you apart, let's go."

Paul was unwilling, but he still gave up fighting Peng Caixuan here.


Paul turned around and punched the door of the office, the door was smashed by him, and he left the office directly.

Two of his subordinates looked at Peng Caixuan in astonishment, and then left.

"I'm very interested in you guys and I think we'll see each other soon."

"By the way, this mountain is mine now, even if it is Huaxia!"

When Ryan left, he turned his head to look at Ji Yang and the others, and an invisible coercion came to Ji Yang's side.

There is a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes are indifferent. Now Ryan looks very arrogant.

"Just remember that this is Huaxia, you can get out, see you next time, you don't even have a chance to get out."

The evil and bloody coercion came, and Li Hun, who was in the middle, was the first to feel this coercion.

He felt a heat between his legs, and he peed in fright.

The corner of Ji Yang's mouth was smiling, the immortal energy in his body circulated, and the immortal energy was released, protecting Peng Caixuan, Yanjiao and Lan Xueyao in it.

This kind of coercion is enough to scare ordinary people, but to Ji Yang, it is nothing at all.

Seeing that his coercion was useless, Ryan's eyes changed slightly, and he left the room without saying anything.

After walking out of the room, Ryan let out a long breath.

"Huaxia is indeed the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I almost suffered a disadvantage at such a young age."

"But that's okay, it's more interesting this way."

"Three days, time is limited, it seems that I have to do it myself."

Ryan glanced back at the office and muttered to himself.

Not long after Rui En left, Ji Yang left with Peng Caixuan and others, and Li Hun sent them out of the Land Bureau with a pale face.

What happened in the office just now, the people in the Land Bureau don't know.

But seeing the dilapidated look of the director's office, with the door broken and the walls cracked, like a scene of a disaster, these people were shocked.

Especially when they saw Li Hun, who was usually arrogant, look so humble at this time, everyone was even more surprised.

"Fatty Li, report it by yourself, so that you will suffer less."

"Yes, yes, I will resign and surrender myself."

Ji Yang's words made Li Hun nod like garlic.

Knowing the identities of Ji Yang and others, Li Hun knew that he could not escape.

Instead of waiting to be caught, he can apply for clemency by voluntarily turning himself in.

"Boss, why did you let those guys go just now? We can obviously kill them."

"They are definitely not ordinary people, they must be people from special departments abroad. These people come to China, and we have the right to deal with them."

With the strength of Ji Yang and others, they could have killed Ryan, Paul and others just now.

But Ji Yang watched them leave without stopping, which made Peng Caixuan a little strange.

"Because they are not ordinary people, we can't do it."

"Don't worry, they can't escape, they will definitely come to us again."

"I'm curious now, what is there in this deep mountain that makes them so interested."

It's too early to be profitable, and the reaction of Ryan and others made Ji Yang aware of some problems.

The mountain that these people want to rent must be because there is some secret hidden in the mountain, otherwise they would definitely not take the risk to come to China.

"Xueyao, is there something hidden in the mountains?"

Ji Yang looked at Lan Xueyao and asked softly.

Lan Xueyao has lived in the mountains for so many years, and her predecessors have lived for countless years.

If there is really something in the mountain, she shouldn't be ignorant of it.

Hearing Ji Yang's inquiry, Lan Xueyao's eyes drifted a little, and then she shook her head.

"No, nothing."

"Forget it, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

Lan Xueyao is obviously a person who can't lie, her behavior told Ji Yang that there must be some secrets in this mountain.

Ji Yang didn't try to embarrass Lan Xueyao, anyway, as long as the mountain is rented by him, he will know this secret sooner or later.

Seeing Ji Yang leading Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao's back, Lan Xueyao bit her lips, looking hesitant to speak.

In the end, she sighed and followed without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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