The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 669 Monkey King’s 3 Changes and Monkey Hair

Chapter 669 Monkey King’s Three Transformations and Monkey Hair (Eighth)

In the past, Sun Wukong was lawless, he did things unreasonably, and he had the best posture among the three realms.

But since learning from the Western Paradise and achieving positive results, Sun Wukong's mind has also changed somewhat, and he has also believed in fate.

Among the top ten artifacts in ancient times, who can encounter them and who cannot, Sun Wukong feels that it is a matter of fate.

The divination of Taishang Laojun is definitely the best in the Three Realms.

But he just couldn't divination the location of the artifact. On the contrary, Ji Xun did it unintentionally. Not only did he get the demon refining pot, but now he also learned the whereabouts of the Shennong cauldron.

This thing is quite interesting.

"I just know a general location, but haven't really found it yet."

"But I think, it won't be long before I can definitely find the Shennong Ding."

With an approximate location, it's not like a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

In Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong looked at Ji Yang's words, his eyes rolled.

The top ten artifacts in ancient times are the keys to breaking the laws of the Three Realms. Now that Ji Yang knows the approximate location of the Shennong Ding, this is good news.

Monkey King really hopes that the Three Realms will communicate, and he can go to the mortal world at any time.

Now knowing that Ji Yang found the approximate location of the Shennong Ding, he decided to help Ji Yang to find the Shennong Ding as soon as possible and get the Shennong Ding smoothly.

In this way, the laws of the three realms can be broken as soon as possible, and only then can he go to the mortal world.

"Xiaobai has a good understanding. He has learned the three changes taught to him last time."

"This time I might as well teach him the three transformations, help him find the Shennong Ding, and get the Shennong Ding."

Now it seems that Ji Yang and Shennong Ding are predestined.

But the Shennong Ding is an ancient artifact, even if Ji Yang is destined to find the Shennong Ding, it may not be easy to obtain it.

Shennong Ding has existed for so many years, who knows what has changed now.

Even if you are predestined, you must have the strength to get it.

He made a decision in his heart, and with Monkey King's temper, he naturally acted vigorously and did what he wanted.

"Xiaobai, how about I teach you the three changes out of the 72 changes?"

"What, you want to teach me three of the 72 changes, are they true or not?"

Seeing that Monkey King was going to teach him three of the 72 changes, Ji Yang was stunned.

The last time I helped Monkey King, the other party had already thanked me and taught me three changes.

These three changes allowed Ji Yang to show a strong combat power in actual combat, which played a big role.

Now Monkey King wants to teach himself the three changes for no reason, and he himself is confused.

"My grandson never tells lies, don't you want to learn?"

"No, no, I'm just a little strange, why you suddenly want to teach me three changes."

Seeing Ji Yang's reply, Sun Wukong obviously questioned his own words, which made him a little unhappy.

These 72 changes, no matter how many gods want to learn, he doesn't teach them.

Now take the initiative to teach the other party, but the other party still doubts himself.

Ji Yang is not stupid, if Sun Wukong really wanted to teach him, why didn't he learn it.

Seeing that there was a little emotion in Sun Wukong's words, he didn't rush to explain.

"I'm not teaching you for no reason. I also hope that you can find the Shennong Ding and get the Shennong Ding as soon as possible."

"These top ten ancient artifacts are important items related to the laws of the Three Realms. It is also very beneficial for me that you can quickly obtain the top ten ancient artifacts."

Before, no one told Ji Yang that the top ten ancient artifacts were related to the law of the Three Realms.

Seeing Sun Wukong say so on WeChat at this time, he didn't doubt Sun Wukong's words.

Because there is absolutely no need for Sun Wukong to make up such a lie to deceive himself because he wants to teach himself 72 transformations.

Heaven and Earth have been looking for a way to break the laws of the Three Realms, and Ji Yang also knows about this.

If the top ten artifacts are really related to breaking the laws of the Three Realms, it would indeed make sense for Monkey King to teach himself spells so that he can obtain the Shennong Ding as soon as possible.

"Great Sage, what changes are you going to teach me this time?"

Ji Yang didn't try to be hypocritical, and asked directly.

Sun Wukong was slightly silent, he was thinking about which three changes to teach.

Monkey King didn't speak, Ji Yang could only wait, but the feeling of waiting was not good, this is the change of waiting for 72 changes, Ji Yang was as impatient as an ant on a hot pot.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong didn't make Ji Yang wait too long, so he sent a WeChat message.

"The three transformations I'm teaching this time are soil movement, clone, and stone penetration."

"Earth walking is the technique of earth escape, which allows you to walk through the earth."

"Avatars, I don't need to say more about this, but the avatars of 72 transformations can not only transform themselves into multiples, but also transform other items into multiples."

"Toushi, this is somewhat similar to the earth walk, but it is a escape stone, allowing you to walk through rocks."

Sun Wukong told Ji Yang about the three changes he wanted to teach and explained.

No matter what kind of change it is, it will be of great help to Ji Yang.

Although Zhu Bajie once taught Ji Yang the wall-penetrating technique, but the wall-penetrating technique has too many restrictions, compared with the soil line and penetrating stone, it is far behind.

The good use of earth line and through stone can not only strike the enemy unexpectedly, but also save life in dangerous moments.

It would be even better if you were separated.

Ji Yang couldn't help laughing when he thought that he could transform into multiple selves, and objects could also transform into multiples.

In the past, he was very envious of those who can clone in novels and movies, but he never thought that he would have the opportunity to learn this kind of magic today.

"Now I will teach you the cultivation methods of avatar, earth movement, and through stone. You should practice hard and don't waste my efforts."

"Okay, okay, teach me quickly."

Don't need Sun Wukong to say, Ji Yang will also study hard, this is all his own ability.

After teaching Ji Yang the cultivation methods of clone, earth movement, and through stone, Monkey King still felt uneasy.

In the end, he was so cruel that he pulled out one of his monkey hairs and gave it to Ji Yang.

"Is this your life-saving monkey hair?"

Sun Wukong's three life-saving monkey hairs were given to him by Guanyin Bodhisattva when he was studying in the West.

These three monkey hairs can adapt to the situation and save Monkey King when there is no help.

On the westward journey, these three monkey hairs also helped Monkey King a lot.

Now seeing Monkey King giving himself monkey hairs, Ji Yang instinctively thought of the three life-saving monkey hairs.

"You think too much, kid. This is not my life-saving monkey hair, but my natal monkey hair."

"Although this monkey hair can't save you from disasters, it can call me to help you in the mortal world for a short time."

Sun Wukong was afraid that Ji Yang would encounter troubles that he could not solve, so he gave him the real name Monkey Hair.

According to Sun Wukong's explanation, the real name monkey hair is the same as the phantom god's life talisman.

Being able to summon Sun Wukong's real name Monkey Hair, this is a life-saving thing, Ji Yang's excited hands are trembling.

With this, even if he encounters a big trouble, he has a way to solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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