The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 670 Three Ji Yangs

Chapter 670 Three Ji Yangs (ninth update)
"It's very painful to pull out one of my grandson's natal monkey hairs. You should use it with caution."

"Don't look for me if you're a three-legged cat. My old grandson is not interested in that kind of petty person. If I call my grandson because of this kind of petty person, my grandson will give you a stick first."

After Sun Wukong gave Ji Yang a life-saving monkey hair, he was afraid that Ji Yang would use it indiscriminately, so he did not forget to remind him to use the monkey hair when necessary.

There is no need for Sun Wukong to say this, how can Sun Dasheng fight mobs? Isn't this killing a chicken with a bull's knife?

He will definitely use Monkey King at critical moments.

"Don't worry, when I call you, it will definitely make you feel good."

Ji Yang has quite a few enemies now, the Onmyoji Alliance in Country R and the Dark Night Alliance in the West, both of these organizations have their cards in their cards.

The ones you encounter now are just small pawns. When the BOSS appears, it will definitely not be easy to solve.

"It doesn't matter who you come, even if Cain and Mutu are resurrected, or the Mao God of country R, ​​as long as you dare to come, I will poke you with Monkey King's golden cudgel!"

Carefully put away the natal monkey hair, a lewd smile appeared on Ji Yang's face.

After finishing the conversation with Monkey King, it was dawn before Ji Yang walked out of the room, Li Zixuan and the three daughters were already waiting for him in the living room.

"Ji Yang, come and have breakfast."

Simple porridge fried dough sticks with eggs and small pickles, breakfast is simple but very warm.

After breakfast, Ji Yang glanced at the three girls strangely.

Gazed by Ji Yang's eyes, Mu Hong's three daughters looked at him vigilantly. The three girls leaned together, guarding him as if they were guarding against bad guys.

"What are you doing, I have to go to the army later, I don't have time to be crazy with you, you should find Zixuan and Xiaoxin."

"What do you mean looking for me? I'm going to the company too. I think you should look for Zixuan."

"Go, go, there are many things waiting for me in the hospital. Now I am a formal doctor and I am very busy."

"I said Ji Yang, can you restrain yourself, this morning, you're going crazy."

What do the three women mean by this, what do they think Ji Yang is going to do?
Ji Yang's expression was a bit unnatural, his eyes just now were very obscene, otherwise how could they think so.

"Let me tell you, big sisters, don't make trouble, please restrain yourself. I've been busy kicking the back of my head with Zhu Jiumei for the past few days, but I have nothing (love) to do with you."

"And am I as demanding as you think? Really, I am observing the health of the three of you, and I mean it well!"

Ji Yang said aggrievedly.

He is very busy these days, how can he have time to do that kind of thing.

Although he was a little restless after seeing the three women, it was not the right time, at least not at this moment, and if he waited until the next moment, he might not be sure.

"Your cannibalistic eyes are good intentions. I said you were thinking of something. I'm not joking with you. I really want to go to the army today, so I don't have time to go crazy with you."

"If you want to go crazy, you have to wait until I come back at night."

Mu Hong opened her mouth and said that when she went crazy at night, her face turned red.

The second girl on the side also blushed and nodded heavily.

"Yes, if you want to wait until night, I'll go first, and I have a meeting in the morning."

"Hey, Xiaoxin, take me to the hospital, I'm going to be late."

Huang Xiaoxin was the first to run away with a blushing face. After finishing what she said just now, she was the thinnest of the three girls, so she didn't have the nerve to stay.

As soon as Huang Xiaoxin moved, Li Zixuan hurried out to follow, but Mu Hong who moved last was the first to run out. This woman who is a soldier is different, she has good physical strength.

On the bed, she was also the one who could fight till the end.

"Hey, what you said, I waited for you in vain tonight."

Ji Yang smiled and shouted at the backs of the three women.

"Stinking rogue!"

The three girls yelled without looking back, and all ran out.

When the three women disappeared from sight, the smile on Ji Yang's face gradually disappeared.

"At night, you will definitely go crazy."

Ji Yang murmured softly, then went straight back to the room, and began to practice the three transformations Sun Wukong taught him.

Earth movement, penetrating stone, clone.

With the foundation of the previous practice, Ji Yang learned the three changes of the 72 changes very quickly.

As soon as it got dark, the three daughters of Mu Hong came back together. It seems that they should have made an appointment, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

When they left in the morning, the three women actually said that kind of thing, and the three women still blush thinking about it now.

"You are back, I have prepared dinner."

The three girls returned to the villa, Ji Yang came out with a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs, and said to the three girls with a smile.

After washing their hands and eating, the three girls found that when they were eating, Ji Yang didn't eat, but kept looking at them.

"Ji Yang, why don't you eat?"

Mu Hong looked at Ji Yang strangely, and asked a little strangely.

Even if he really wants to play tricks, shouldn't he replenish his energy? Is he in such a hurry?
"Don't you see what's wrong with me?"

Hearing Mu Hong's question, Ji Yang asked softly.

Ji Yang's question was so strange, Mu Hong and the three daughters frowned and raised their heads to look at Ji Yang, their eyes swept over Ji Yang's body, then nodded and said in unison.

"It's even more colorful, hahahaha..."

After the three girls finished speaking, Qi Qi burst out laughing.

Hearing the laughter of the three women, Ji Yang in front of the three women did not speak but smiled, and then heard voices coming from upstairs.

"Good evening ladies, is your dinner delicious?"

The voice was actually Ji Yang's, and the smiles on the faces of the three girls froze, and they looked upstairs in disbelief.

I saw Ji Yang really waving hello to them upstairs.

Ji Yang was clearly sitting in front of him, why did another Ji Yang appear upstairs, and suddenly two Ji Yang appeared, the three women were dumbfounded.

"Two Ji Yang, what's going on?"

"Who said two, it's clearly three."

A Ji Yang walked in from the door, and another Ji Yang appeared, and the three women were completely stunned.

"Can't you see the difference between us?"

The three Ji Yang spoke at the same time, and the three girls shook their heads.

The three Ji Yangs were all the same in terms of appearance, eyes, temperament, tone of voice and voice, and there was no problem at all.

Seeing the three girls shaking their heads, Ji Yang, who was standing upstairs, smiled, and made a strange finger in his hand. Ji Yang, who was sitting in front of the three girls, and Ji Yang who came in from outside the door disappeared.

"What's going on here? Ji Yang, what did you do?"

"This is a spell I just learned. It's called avatar. I thought that with my current cultivation base, I can only conjure two spells, but it looks real."

"You are the closest people to me. I didn't even notice you. Others must have seen it even more."

The best way to verify the avatar is to find someone to verify and it is an acquaintance, and now the result is obvious.

"With the avatar, even if the three of you become stronger, I'm not afraid that you will be squeezed dry by you..."

Ji Yang jumped down from upstairs, and instantly arrived beside the third daughter, hugging the third daughter and said with a smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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