The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 671 Chang'e, who hasn't been teased for a long time

Chapter 671
Although Pantao changed the system, the three women are no longer ordinary people.

But in front of Ji Yang, he was still killed and his armor was thrown away. The crazy night that passed was tiring enough.

At dawn, Ji Yang walked out of the room, and the three girls were still sleeping.

Having been with the three girls for so long, last night was definitely the craziest. For the first time, Ji Yang felt like he was about to be drained.

"Fortunately, brother's cultivation base is high, otherwise the three girl films would have defeated him."

"But I'm still the best. They were the ones who lost their armor and were killed in the end."

Before closing the door, Ji Yang looked at the three girls on the bed through the door, and said with a proud face.

After feeding the three daughters flat peaches, Ji Yang had the idea of ​​letting the three daughters learn spells.

And when he was eating the flat peaches yesterday, he felt that the flat peaches were his chance to improve his position as a fifth-rank immortal.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang called Xiao Longnv and brought the phone over, he wanted to see how much merit he had now.

"800 merits."

800 million merits, this is the reward for fighting onmyoji and shikigami in Kyoto some time ago, and fighting vampires and werewolves of the Dark Night Alliance, as well as the merits of selling products recently.

If you just rely on buying things, you don't have so many merits.

Although the number of merits has increased rapidly, it is still far from enough to reach 2000 million.

It seems that it will take some time to improve the rank of five immortals.

"Now I'm looking forward to the Dark Night Alliance and the Onmyoji of Country R coming to trouble me. It's much faster to beat them than to earn merits by selling things."

Ji Yang's idea is a bit crazy.

However, this crazy idea will not take too long to think about, because he has become the number one enemy of the Onmyoji Alliance in Country R, ​​and the Dark Night Alliance will soon find him.

Although Ji Yang now knows a lot of spells, Nether Wind and Thunder Swordsmanship, Earth Fire Jue, Qiankun Baiyingquan and even several changes in 72 changes.

But Ji Yang felt that these were not suitable for teaching the three daughters of Mu Hong.

"The red-clothed fairy taught me Pei Min's sword dance, this is fine."

"However, it's really inappropriate for Zixuan and the others to carry a sword everywhere. They don't have magic weapons for storage, so it's too inconvenient to carry things."

"It seems that I can only find someone to help."

After thinking about the spells he knew now, Ji Yang found that they were not suitable, so he decided to ask a female fairy.

"Sister Chang'e, I haven't flirted with you for a long time."

Ji Yang looked through the address book, and found Chang'e in the address book.

Thinking about what happened recently, Ji Yang really hasn't chatted with this lonely girl from Guanghan Palace for a long time.

In the Guanghan Palace, Chang'e sat at the gate of the palace, looking into the distance, not knowing what she was thinking about.

"Sister, what are you thinking?"

The jade rabbit ate a carrot, stared at Chang'e with big eyes, and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly miss him very much today."

Things that should have been forgotten long ago suddenly sounded today, which made Chang'e feel a little depressed and uncomfortable.

But this kind of longing does not know why, it just appeared suddenly.

"He, which one? Xiaobai?"

Jade Rabbit's eyes were bent into a crescent shape, and asked with a smile.

"Little girl, what do you know, why do I want Xiaobai?"

When Ji Yang was mentioned, Chang'e couldn't help but blush.

After being lonely for so many years, the sudden appearance of Xiaobai added a little color to her life.

In the formerly deserted Guanghan Palace, now there are often female fairies walking around, and she is no longer so lonely.

The other party didn't speak like other gods in the heaven, they always played cards out of common sense, and they had seen their own drunk photos. Thinking of these, Chang'e's heart beat faster, and she really missed Ji Yang.

"Oh, what's wrong with me, how can I be like this."

Chang'e shook her head, and glared at Yutu angrily. It was Yutu who mentioned Ji Yang, otherwise she wouldn't be so embarrassing.

"It's not Xiaobai, could it be Zhu Bajie?"

"Go, go, play, that pig head, it's even more impossible for me to miss him."

Every time Zhu Bajie looks at Chang'e, he is lustful, and Chang'e would have nightmares thinking about that look.

Chang'e raised her hand to hit the Jade Rabbit, but the Jade Rabbit stuck out its tongue and dodged mischievously.

Just when Chang'e was about to catch up and teach Yutu a lesson, a notification tone sounded on her mobile phone WeChat.

"Who will find me at this time?"

It was daytime at this time, few people would look for Chang'e, and few people came to Guanghan Palace at this time.

The WeChat notification sounded, causing Chang'e to frown.

"Maybe it's someone you miss, hehehe..."

"Stinky Jade Rabbit, if you say that again, I'll beat you, hurry up and make medicine."

Seeing that Chang'e was really angry, Yutu didn't dare to make trouble anymore and ran away quickly.

It is impossible for that person to find himself for the person he misses, and he has no chance to find himself.

Curiously, she took out her mobile phone, and seeing that the person looking for her was Xiaobai, Chang'e couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

Although Chang'e thought of others at first, but later she really missed Ji Yang, and now seeing Ji Yang looking for her, this can be regarded as being fooled by the jade rabbit.

"This guy looks like this every time."

Chang'e opened WeChat, looked at the WeChat message from Xiaobai, smiled and shook her head.

I saw that Ji Yang's WeChat said so.

"Sister Chang'e, what are you doing, are you missing me?"

"Actually, I also miss Sister Chang'e very much. Who made Sister Chang'e so beautiful, so beautiful."

Ji Yang's words were a bit frivolous, but it was this kind of frivolity that made Chang'e feel that Ji Yang was different from other male immortals.

A little shy in her heart, she quickly replied to Ji Yang's WeChat.

"If you miss me, I don't believe it. Why don't you contact me if you miss me?"

"I didn't miss you, I was thinking of other men."

Good guy, what Chang'e said this time is bold enough, compared to her previous reservedness, this is quite unexpected.

"Oh, my heart is broken. Sister Chang'e actually has another man."

"I'm so sad, I'm so sorry, I won't talk to you anymore."

"No, I'm not in a very good mood now, you can talk to me."

Ji Yang was really looking for Chang'e for something, so what he said was just a joke.

But Chang'e really thought that Ji Yang would ignore her, so she felt a little anxious.

Ji Yang in the mortal world looked at Chang'e who spoke a little differently today, and he also wanted to flirt with this girl whom he hadn't talked to for a long time.

"Goddess, I am your best audience, tell me why you are in a bad mood."

Ji Yang sent me a WeChat message. Seeing the word "goddess", Chang'e didn't feel too special. Who made her really a fairy.

If she knew the definition of a goddess in the mortal world, she might not be so calm.

"Just because of your poor mouth, I'm in a bad mood because I thought of someone, a man."

"Man, who? It can't really be me, can it?"

"It's not you, it's someone who shouldn't think about it."

Someone who shouldn't be thinking?
Ji Yang frowned, who is this?

(End of this chapter)

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