The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 672 Guanghan Yin

Chapter 672 Guanghan Yin ([-] more)
People who want to but shouldn't?
Although Chang'e speaks a lot bolder now, Ji Yang feels that Chang'e still has the reserve she should have.

Could this lonely woman miss a man?

Ji Yang smiled mischievously, rolled her eyes, and thought of the drunken photos of Chang'e she had seen, and she seemed to be thinking of someone that time.

Could it be that the person she said she wanted but shouldn't think about was him.

"Sister Chang'e, you don't miss Houyi again, do you?"

Ji Yang was just guessing, anyway, he was flirting with a girl, so he was just joking.

Originally he wanted to talk about Zhu Bajie, but after thinking about it, he still wrote about Houyi.

In the Guanghan Palace, Chang'e's expression changed when she saw the word Houyi sent by Ji Yang, because Ji Yang guessed Chang'e's intentions correctly when he said something joking.

"You, you, how do you know, do you know how to read minds now?"

"Impossible, even if you can read minds, you shouldn't have guessed it if you and I didn't meet and just chatted on WeChat."

I guess, I guessed it right, Chang'e actually really misses Houyi.

How can I let other men ruin the atmosphere by flirting with my sister?

I don't want to be destroyed by other men, and it seems that I can't do it right now, because Hou Yi is the main reason why Fairy Chang'e is in a bad mood.

"I'm just being fooled."

"Uh, okay, but I really thought of him."

"I don't know what's going on recently, I always think of him, but I haven't had this feeling for hundreds of years before."

"I always feel that I will hear from him soon."

Hou Yi did not become a fairy, he died long ago, and Chang'e didn't know where he was reborn.

After tens of thousands of years, Chang'e never thought about meeting Houyi and Chang'e, or knowing about Houyi's news.

But recently, this kind of thinking has become more and more frequent, causing Chang'e to feel very bad.

"You miss him so much, do you want me to look for it for you, maybe I can find it."

These words are proficient and comforting. If Hou Yi was so easy to find, he might have been found long ago.

Ji Yang's words were just random words. Even if Hou Yi was still alive, he didn't know where he was reincarnated, and he couldn't remember Chang'e.

"Forget it, this is fate."

"Don't mention him. Did you find me because of Houyi? There was something wrong."

Chang'e didn't even know how long Ji Yang hadn't looked for Chang'e.

Today Ji Yang suddenly came looking for her, and Chang'e felt that this guy's purpose was not pure, it must not be as simple as chatting to relieve boredom, but something to do.

Seeing Chang'e asking such a question, Ji Yang didn't show any pretense, and after making fun of a few more words, he got down to business.

"Hey, sister Chang'e, I have a lot of things to do recently, so I didn't chat with you."

"I will look for you often in the future. It's not good to let you just miss me."

"Stop talking poorly, and get down to business."

"Okay, then I'll say it, I want to ask you for a set of spells suitable for female fairies, one that doesn't require weapons."

Learn spells?Or a fairy?
Seeing that Ji Yang wanted to learn the fairy magic, Chang'e was a little dazed.

Ji Yang is a man, what is the use of him learning fairy magic, it is not appropriate.

Although it is said that spells are gender-neutral, some spells are more suitable for female immortals, and it is indeed a bit awkward and uncomfortable for male immortals to use them.

"Xiaobai, don't you have a habit of breaking sleeves?"


Ji Yang was drinking water, when he saw Chang'e's words, he sprayed all the water on his phone.

Fortunately, this phone is safe from water and fire, otherwise it will be miserable.

I just wanted to learn the spells of the female fairy, but I was regarded as a habit of breaking my sleeves. Did Chang'e think that she was an old glass?

"No, no, sister Chang'e, you have misunderstood. I want a set of female fairy spells, not for me to learn..."

Then, Ji Yang told Chang'e about giving the flat peaches to Li Zixuan and others.

When Chang'e learned that Ji Yang wanted magic spells for her own woman, she felt inexplicably sad.

"Chang'e, what's wrong with you, it's normal for Xiaobai to ask his wife for spells, why are you feeling uncomfortable?"

The strangeness in her heart made Chang'e feel a little strange. She suppressed this strange feeling and began to think in her mind.

Chang'e does know a lot of spells suitable for female fairies, but if it is suitable and easy for Li Zixuan and others to learn, she really has to think about it.

"Ice Sword Art, no, this one requires a sword."

"Frozen Baili, this is not easy to practice, and it is not suitable."

"It's cold and cold, this is even worse, it's more difficult to practice, it's not suitable."

Chang'e thought of several spells suitable for fairy cultivation, but she rejected them all.

Continuing to think in her mind, she suddenly thought of a fairy method, which is easy to practice and suitable for women, and it can be regarded as a set of fairy methods created by her.

"Xiaobai, let me teach you a set of "Guanghan Yin"."

"This "Guanghan Yin" is a set of magic spells created by me. It belongs to the voice magic spell. It is a spell that uses singing to make the enemy lose their mind and attack the enemy's mind."

"Okay, this is fine, this is good."

Attacking the enemy with sound made Ji Yang very satisfied. It didn't need weapons and it didn't need too much trouble. It was really good.

"Okay, then I will tell you the cultivation method."

Seeing that Ji Yang was also very satisfied with "Guang Han Yin", Chang'e smiled and told Ji Yang the cultivation method.

This "Guanghan Yin" training method is very simple. To put it bluntly, it is to practice the voice, and then use the immortal energy in the body to destroy the voice, which consumes very little immortal energy and requires very low requirements.

After eating the flat peaches, although Li Zixuan's three daughters' physiques have changed, there is not much immortal energy in their bodies.

If Chang'e really taught a set of spells that required a lot of immortal energy to cast, it would be in vain.

Knowing the cultivation method of "Guanghanyin", Ji Yang is more satisfied with this set of spells.

"Although the attack power is a bit weaker, it can affect the mind and consume less immortal energy, which is really good."

Keeping in mind the cultivation method of "Guanghan Yin", Ji Yang is going to teach Li Zixuan and the three daughters to practice after they wake up.

"Sister Chang'e, if you are bored, you can take the initiative to find me."

"As long as you come to me, I will definitely chat with you to relieve boredom."

It seems that although there are female fairies who often go to Guanghan Palace, there are some things that Chang'e is still unwilling to say to the female fairies.

But Ji Yang is different, he is not in the Heavenly Court, so if I tell him something, Ji Yang will not spread it indiscriminately.

"Well, I will. I just don't know what's going on recently, and I always think about it."

"If you want me to help you find Houyi, even if it's a reincarnation, I can help."

"Forget it, you don't need to look for it deliberately. If there is a destiny, we will see you again."

Although Chang'e said not to let Ji Yang look for him, Ji Yang felt that if possible, he should help him.

Is it a knot in the heart, it is better to untie it.

This is heart disease, and heart disease must be healed with heart medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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