The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 673 Fundraising

Chapter 673 Fundraising ([-] more)

"Ji Yang, what are you doing?"

After finishing the chat with Chang'e, when Ji Yang was staring at the phone in a daze, a charming voice sounded behind him.

Turning his head and looking back, Ji Yang saw that Huang Xiaoxin and the three daughters had woken up.

The temperament of the three women has indeed changed drastically. The three women who were originally outstanding, if they walk on the road now, the rate of turning heads may be as high as [-]%.

"I'm chatting with Sister Chang'e."

"What, you are chatting with Chang'e, really, let me chat with her."

"Sister Chang'e is as beautiful as the legend, her jade rabbit is so cute, let her send us a picture?"

"Tell me, what are you talking about with Chang'e? Seeing how absent-minded you were just now, it could be that your confession was rejected."

Last night, Ji Yang had already told the three daughters Mu Hong about his secrets.

When they learned that Ji Yang's mobile phone was able to connect to heaven and hell, although the three women were a little surprised, they didn't think Ji Yang lied to them anymore.

Because too many facts are already in front of them, and they themselves cannot be regarded as ordinary people now.

So when they heard that Ji Yang was chatting with Chang'e at this time, the three girls were very excited.

"Next time, she has something to do."

Hearing what Ji Yang said, the three girls were a little disappointed. They just missed an opportunity to chat with the legendary god.

Seeing the lost look of the three girls, Ji Yang shook his head.

"When I was chatting with Sister Chang'e just now, I asked her for a book of spells suitable for women to practice."

"Seeing that the three of you are so disappointed, and you are not interested in spells, I will teach you when the three of you are in a better mood."

After speaking, Ji Yang got up and was about to leave.

But as soon as he stood up, Mu Hong and the three daughters surrounded him, their eyes gleaming.

Those eyes were like a wolf staring at the fat sheep in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

"Bring it!"

The three girls stretched out their hands together and said loudly to Ji Yang.

"What? Take what?"

"Don't pretend to be crazy, spells."

"I spent a lot of effort to come, shouldn't you give me some sweets?"

"Ah, stinky rascal, you just came here last night, and you're still here now."

"This is called double cultivation, hahaha..."

The temptation of the three girls with more immortal energy is too great, Ji Yang couldn't hold back for a while, and became impulsive.

The same crazy screams as last night resounded in the villa again.

Xiao Longnv had already consciously blocked her ears with fairy energy, to keep her ears closed...

After some hand-to-hand combat, Ji Yang taught Guang Hanyin to the three daughters. The three daughters were all smart people, and soon they completely memorized Guang Hanyin.

Remembering the cultivation method, the three girls found a room, locked the door and entered the cultivation state.

Why do you want to lock the door? Naturally, it is to guard against a certain wolf.

But with Ji Yang's ability, if he really wants to enter, is this door useful?
Ji Yang is not a person who doesn't know the importance. Naturally, he will not make trouble when the three girls go to practice. He is telling the three girls to practice with peace of mind, and if they encounter any problems, they can come to him.

After all, Ji Yang has practiced several kinds of immortal arts, so he still has some experience.

"You guard the villa well. I'll go out for a while. If someone really comes looking for something, kill him directly."

"If you can't figure it out, give me a call."

When Ji Yang left the villa, he said coldly to the empty villa.

At this time, if anyone saw Ji Yang talking to the air, they would think he was crazy, but when he finished speaking, there were several voices.

"Yes, Young Master Ji."

Ji Yang is naturally not crazy, what he said was to the pig demon guarding outside the villa.

Ji Yang went out at this time because when he was looking at his WeChat store yesterday, he found that the items in the store were almost sold out, and he was going to buy something at this time.

Although the supermarket has already told Ji Yang that as long as a phone call is made, the other party will deliver the goods.

But Ji Yang still wants to go and see for himself, mainly to see if there are any new products that can be put on the shelves, and to buy some daily necessities by the way.

After going around the supermarket, Ji Yang didn't find anything particularly interesting, and in the end he could only buy the ones temporarily sold on the WeChat store.

After leaving the supermarket, Ji Yang didn't know what to think, and drove the car to Linhai Hospital by accident.

I still hold a position in the hospital, but I haven't been here for a long time.

Having entered here today, Ji Yang decided to go in and have a look.

"Why so many reporters?"

After Ji Yang stopped the car, he saw a large group of reporters blocking the entrance of the hospital.

A man was surrounded by crying, being interviewed.

"Thank you friends from the media, and friends from all walks of life for their donations to my family. I kneel down for everyone."

"If it weren't for everyone's help, Xiaoxiao would be in danger."

When the man spoke, he really wanted to kneel down, but he was blocked by the surrounding reporters.

Ji Yang didn't pay too much attention to this man, there are too many people raising money through the media these days.

Of course, these things are true or false, Ji Yang didn't join in the fun when he heard these things, but went directly to the hospital, it wasn't because he was cold-blooded, but because he had his own plans.

Since this happened at the gate of Linhai Hospital, the man who smiled must be in the hospital.

If this matter is true, Ji Yang can see what kind of disease Xiaoxiao has, and he can definitely treat it. If the man's family is really in trouble, he can also help.

But all of this will be discussed after he has asked Ji Deming, the dean of Linhai Hospital.

"Why are you willing to come to the hospital, kid?"

It's been a long time since Ji Yang came to the hospital, and Ji Deming couldn't even count it. When he saw Ji Yang appearing in the hospital, Ji Deming was very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Didn't you also call me? This means that there are no seriously ill patients in the hospital."

Ji Yang smiled and said softly.

"You brat, why don't you have one, now you have one."

"You saw it when you came. At the entrance of the hospital, a man was surrounded. His name is Liu Shun. His daughter Xiaoxiao has a congenital heart disease. This time, a tumor was found in her brain. The child is in danger."

"Xiaoxiao's family is not rich, and the hospital has agreed to free surgery, but postoperative treatment still needs a lot of money. Xiaoxiao's father found a company and made a WeChat fundraiser."

"Now there are many kind-hearted people donating money every day, and the money for the treatment of children is almost collected."

"If you can save the child, you have saved the whole family."

Before Ji Yang asked about the matter at the entrance of the courtyard, Ji Deming took the initiative to inform him of the situation.

It turned out that something happened to a child from a poor family, so Ji Yang must help.

"Then take me to have a look. If possible, I will treat the child now."

Congenital heart disease and brain tumors may be difficult for ordinary doctors, but it is not difficult for Ji Yang to treat them.

However, the specific situation needs to be looked at in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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