The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 674 There is a problem with this matter

Chapter 674 There is a problem with this matter (fourteenth more)
In an ordinary ward, children's laughter could be heard from time to time.

"Giggle, auntie nurse, do you see how pretty the flower that Xiaoxiao drew is?"

"Well, beautiful, Xiaoxiao is the smartest."

"But Xiaoxiao doesn't know how long I can draw. My father said that I am very ill. Auntie, will I die?"

"Smile, don't talk nonsense, you are so cute, how could you die, you will be fine."

Ji Yang looked into the ward through the window of the ward, and he saw a nurse in her thirties watching a little girl draw.

The little girl was only seven or eight years old, and she looked very cute with a shofar braid.

Although there is a certain distance from the little girl, Ji Yang still feels that the girl's health is not good now, and her breath is very strange, which is caused by the abnormality of her body.

"She just smiled, what a cute child, and very sensible, but at such a young age, she will be tortured by serious illness."

Ji Deming stood beside Ji Yang, when he saw Xiaoxiao, there was a little sadness in his eyes.

At the age of seven or eight, it is the most lively and lovely time for a child, but it is ridiculous to stay in the ward often, and be careful when going out to play.

"Leave her illness to me."

In Xiaoxiao's situation, Ji Yang is fully sure to cure her.

Isn't it just heart disease and brain tumors? Immortal energy enters the body, and these two situations are instantly resolved.

"Really, that's great. You go to my office, and I'll go to Liu Shun right away. He must be very happy to know that his daughter is saved."

Ji Deming was very happy to hear that Ji Yang was able to save Xiaoxiao.

When Ji Deming left, Ji Yang took one last look at the smile in the ward, turned around and left.

It is Xiaoxiao's luck to meet Ji Yang.

If Ji Yang hadn't appeared, even if Xiaoxiao had a cure, he probably wouldn't live long.

Ji Yang didn't stay in the office for too long, Ji Deming brought Liu Shun to the ward.

Liu Shun looks to be around 40 years old. Although his face is tired, he is in good spirits.

When Ji Yangchu saw Liu Shun, he narrowed his eyes and frowned.

The Liu Shun in front of him always gave him a strange feeling. According to common sense, Liu Shun was worried and raised donations in order to cure Xiaoxiao, so he should be in a bad state of mind.

But he is in a good state of mind now, and the exhaustion on the surface even feels a little fake.

When Ji Yang said that he could treat Xiaoxiao, Liu Shun's eyes were a little erratic, and his speech was faltering, a little unwilling.

"Liu Shun, what's the matter with you, Ji Yang is the doctor with the best medical skills in our hospital, if you let him treat you with a smile, he will definitely recover."

Liu Shun's reaction was a little too abnormal. It didn't seem like a reaction that should be given to the child's illness to have a chance to be cured.

He gave Ji Deming the feeling that he was not willing to let Ji Yang treat him.

"Dean Ji, Doctor Ji, I trust you very much."

"But I have already contacted a hospital abroad, and I want to take Xiaoxiao abroad for treatment."

When Liu Shun was talking, his head was very low, and his eyes didn't dare to look at Ji Yang and Ji Deming.

Hearing Liu Shun's words, Ji Deming's expression changed, and he looked at Liu Shun strangely.

"Liu Shun, what are you talking about, you have to take Xiaoxiao to go abroad for treatment."

"Ji Yang's medical skills are so high that even I can't compare to them. A foreign expert team came here before and was shocked by Ji Yang's medical skills."

"He can completely treat Xiaoxiao. You don't need to go abroad with Xiaoxiao."

Ji Deming grabbed Liu Shun's shoulder excitedly and shouted loudly.

Liu Shun actually wants to take Xiaoxiao to go abroad for treatment, which is simply a distrust of the Chinese medical community.

Although many people now say that the medical treatment in foreign countries is better than that in China, China has many unique medical skills, which are also shocked and admired by foreign countries.

Moreover, Ji Deming believed in Ji Yang, and with Xiaoxiao's current situation, Ji Yang could be completely cured.

Liu Shun didn't speak, and let Ji Deming shake himself.

"Dean, forget it, he is the guardian of the child, and he has the right to choose."

"Since he decided to let Xiaoxiao go abroad for treatment, let's go abroad, and I will save energy."

When Ji Yang spoke, his eyes were fixed on Liu Shun, and there was a weird smile on his face.

Ji Deming looked at Ji Yang in disbelief, he didn't expect Ji Yang to say such words at this time.

"I will go through the discharge procedures with a smile."

"Thank you Dean Ji and the hospital for taking care of Xiaoxiao during this time, and thank you Doctor Ji for your understanding."

After Liu Shun glanced at Ji Deming and Ji Yang with complicated eyes, he left the office.

When only Ji Deming and Ji Yang were left in the office, Ji Deming looked at Ji Yang angrily.

"Ji Yang, how can you agree with him, you can obviously treat him."

"Dean Ji, there is a problem with this matter, don't worry, Xiaoxiao will definitely be treated in the hospital."

"I'm leaving first, and I'll come back when Xiaoxiao returns to the hospital."

What Ji Yang said made Ji Deming a little confused.

There is a problem with this matter, what could be wrong with this?
It is a fact that Xiaoxiao is sick, Liu Shun has already gone through the discharge procedures, and is going to take Xiaoxiao to go abroad, how can he return to Linhai Hospital for treatment.

No matter how confused Ji Deming was, Ji Yang didn't say much, he had already left the office.

"The man just now was lying. There must be something wrong with him."

"Yes, he's lying, follow up and see what he's up to."

Ji Yang said to Xiao Longnv in a cold voice, and Xiao Longnv immediately disappeared from his clothes and quickly flashed towards the smiling ward.

Following Xiao Longnv's departure, Ji Yang also returned to his car.

"As a father, don't you really worry about your daughter's illness, or does he have some ulterior secret?"

Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv could sense that Liu Shun was lying, but they didn't know what he was trying to do.

All of this can only be answered by letting Xiaolongnu follow.

Liu Shun had already left the hospital with a smile at this time, Xiaoxiao still had a smile on his face at this time, his big eyes blinked and blinked, and he didn't feel that he was suffering from serious illness at all.

Children's innocence cannot be crushed by illness.

"Dad, am I okay? Why did you take me out of the hospital?"

"Father wants to take you to a better place for treatment. This hospital can't treat your disease well."

"Father, am I seriously ill? Will I die?"

"No, Dad won't let you die, but it will take a while for treatment, and you will be fine."

Liu Shun took a taxi with a smile, but what they didn't realize was that there was a little white snake following them all the time.

When they got into the car, Little White Snake quickly jumped into the car one step ahead of them.

Through Xiaolongnv, Ji Yang has heard the conversation between Liu Shun and Xiaoxiao.

"If even I can't be cured, Xiao Xiao, no one in this world can be cured."

"He even said that it can't be cured here. This is to make trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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