The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 67 The Scream in the Ward

Chapter 67 The Scream in the Ward

Weird power surged in A Biao's body, Ji Yang's eyes widened, and he chanted the spell faster, and his voice became a little bit louder...

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of ten thousand qi, extensive cultivation of catastrophe, proof of my supernatural powers, ghosts and demons are frightened, ghosts forget their shapes..."

The voice of Ji Yang chanting the mantra became louder and louder. Tang Tai and Mu Hong who were anxiously waiting in the corridor could hear very clearly what Ji Yang was doing and what he was chanting.

The things he recited are very similar to the mantras chanted by monks and priests in movies and TV dramas. Didn’t he say healed A Biao? What’s the matter with chanting mantras?

"Does he know Taoism?"

Tang Tai really wanted to open the door and go in to see what Ji Yang was doing, but when he thought of Ji Yang's previous warning, he didn't dare.

"I only know that he is a student of Linhai Medical University, I don't know if he knows Taoism."

Tang Tai asked Mu Hong, Mu Hong herself was still curious, who else would she want to ask.

Mu Hong feels that Ji Yang is very mysterious and powerful. Since the first time he met Ji Yang and went camping in the forest, Ji Yang has shocked Mu Hong time and time again.

Ji Yang in the ward didn't know what Tang Tai and Mu Hong were thinking at this time, he was now concentrating on driving away the ghost poison in A Biao's body.


A Biao, who was in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at Ji Yang angrily. If anyone was here at this time, he would be frightened by A Biao's appearance.

A Biao's eyes were red, his skin was dead gray, and his expression was very ferocious. When he roared, a puff of black gas spewed out of his mouth.

The black air had a disgusting stench, and all Ji Yang could smell was his stomach churning.


Seeing A Biao's appearance, Ji Yang snorted coldly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, the hand holding the fingerprint opened instantly, and a palm hit A Biao's chest.


Ji Yang let out a long howl, and the mantra in his mouth became faster, and as the palm hit A Biao's chest, A Biao's red eyes became even redder, as if he was about to bleed.

"It's good to bear it for a while. You are still the ghost poison of an ordinary kid. If you replace it with a stronger ghost poison, I'm afraid I really can't get rid of it."

At this time, Ji Yang’s exorcism of ghost poison is better than inducing the outbreak of ghost poison. His ghost poison curse just triggered the ghost poison in A Biao’s body, and then when the ghost poison broke out, he controlled the ghost poison and expelled it, so the whole process of expelling ghost poison A Biao will also be very painful during the process.

"Boom bang bang bang..."

There was a muffled sound of muscles and bones colliding, and Ji Yang hit A Biao's body with his palms again and again. Every time he hit A Biao's body, A Biao's body would tremble, and black air would overflow from his skin. drift.


With every palm strike, A Biao also let out a scream, which sounded very shrill, and Tang Tai and Mu Hong outside the door felt chills in their hearts.

Occasionally, some doctors and patients who pass by here can't help but look at the screaming ward. Some doctors think that the condition of the patient in it is getting worse, and they want to go in to have a look, but they are all stopped by Tang Tai. down.

You want to go in and see, and I want to go in and see, but Ji Yang won't let in, no one can enter.

"What the hell is Ji Yang doing to make such a big commotion."

Tang Tai thought with some depression in his heart.

"What's going on, what is going on in this ward, such a big commotion, is it murder?"

I don't know which doctor saw that he couldn't enter the ward, and the noise in the ward was so loud, so he notified the hospital security.

Those who can work as security guards in military hospitals are not ordinary people, they are all retired soldiers from various troops.

When Tang Tai saw a few middle-aged men in security uniforms approaching, his expression changed.

"What do you want to do?"

Tang Tai stared and asked loudly.

"What are you doing? I still want to ask what you are doing. The patients inside are in such pain. Why don't you let the doctor go in and have a look? What are your intentions?"

When a security guard in his forties saw Tang Tai blocking him, he also shouted loudly.

I have run into some evil during this time, why no one takes Tang Tai seriously.

It was the thin bamboo pole of the Tiger Head Gang before, not only did not give himself face, but also beat A Biao so badly.

The security guard at the military hospital also yelled at him today, and Tang Tai was also angry.

"Do you know who I am? You dare to yell at me. Believe it or not, I'll tell you to get out of here immediately."

Hearing Tang Tai's words, the security guard didn't give in at all, and still looked at Tang Tai firmly, without giving in at all.

"Hmph, I don't care who you are. When I was a soldier, my duty was to protect the country and the people. Now I am a security guard. My task is to ensure the safety of everyone in the hospital. Now the condition of the patients inside is obviously not right. You should get out of the way immediately. , let the doctor in."

The security guard said loudly, neither humble nor overbearing.

Tang Tai, who was still angry in his heart before, was stunned when he heard this person say this.

Although the security guard in front of him is a retired soldier, even after retiring, the soldier's backbone is still there, and the soldier's sense of mission is still there.

Tang Tai grew up in the compound of the military region. His elders were also soldiers. He respected the soldiers, and he also respected the middle-aged people who had a sense of mission and responsibility.

"Your spirit is worthy of respect, but I still can't let you in. Don't worry, there are people treating patients inside, and nothing will happen."

Tang Tai slowed down his posture a bit, and his tone improved a lot.

Hearing Tang Tai's words, the middle-aged man was obviously still skeptical. Is there any treatment like this?Will it make such a loud scream when it is treated?

Such a scream, how much pain does a person have to endure to scream so terribly.

"What's the matter, Ah Cheng, what are you doing?"

Zhao Mingjie also rushed over after hearing the news. When he saw the hospital security guard and Tang Tai fighting, his heart tightened. He knew who Tang Tai was.

"Director Zhao, a doctor said that some family members here blocked the doctor from seeing patients, so we came here. Now that you are here, it will be easy to handle."

Ah Cheng was the middle-aged security guard who had talked to Tang Tai earlier.


While Ah Cheng was speaking, there was another shrill scream in the ward, which made Zhao Mingjie feel chills down his spine.

"Master Tang, what's going on, A Biao is screaming so terribly, why did you stop the doctor from going in?"

Zhao Mingjie was still very polite when talking to Tang Tai. He, the director of surgery in a military hospital, couldn't afford to offend Tang Tai.

"Ji Yang is treating A Biao inside, and he ordered no one to go in, so no one can go in."

Tang Tai spoke more arrogantly to Zhao Mingjie than to Ah Cheng, and when he spoke, Zhao Mingjie was taken aback.

Ji Yang was the one who made Ah Biao scream again and again?

(End of this chapter)

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