The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 68 Lesser and Lesser Rewards

Chapter 68 Lesser and Lesser Rewards

Ji Yang is definitely the kind of master who is capable and courageous, and Zhao Mingjie is convinced of this.

Hearing A Biao's screams coming from the ward at this time, Zhao Mingjie was also very curious about how Ji Yang was treating him.

He knew that A Biao's condition deteriorated again before, but the military hospital was already at a loss for what to do about A Biao's condition, let alone a further deterioration of his condition.

It's just that Zhao Mingjie didn't expect that after A Biao's condition deteriorated again, Tang Tai would find Ji Yang again, and Ji Yang would treat A Biao again, and it was so mysterious and weird.

"Could it be that he is scraping A Biao's bone to cure poison again, and he is in a state of sobriety, but isn't A Biao in a coma? How did he wake up? A Biao is not poisoned, and scraping bone to cure poison is useless to him ah?"

A bunch of question marks appeared in his heart, but Zhao Mingjie found that he couldn't find an answer.

"I'm a doctor, I've seen Ji Yang treat Young Master Mu before, let me go in and have a look, maybe I can help."

Zhao Mingjie was curious, he also wanted to go in and see if he would be scared by Ji Yang again.

But if he wanted to go in, Tang Tai had to agree.

"No, Ji Yang said that no one can enter, and neither can you."

Without any hesitation, Tang Tai shook his head and stopped Zhao Mingjie. At the same time, Mu Hong also walked over.

"Director Zhao, the situation this time is different from the last time my brother scraped the bone to cure the poison. You should wait outside."

Mu Hong also spoke.

When they saw that Tang Tai and Mu Hong dared to stop Zhao Mingjie, Ah Cheng and the security guards wanted to say something, but Zhao Mingjie signaled everyone not to speak.

Both Tang Tai and Mu Hong have very deep backgrounds, and if they have friction with them, the only ones who suffer will be themselves, Ah Cheng and other security guards.

"go with!"


Ji Yang yelled angrily, and then heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Hearing this sound, whether it was Tang Tai, Mu Hong, or Zhao Mingjie, Ah Cheng and other security guards, they couldn't help but look at the ward. go.

Is it really healing inside? Why is there such a big commotion, it sounds more like a fight.


In the ward, A Biao was hit by Ji Yang's palm and fell backwards, a mouthful of black blood with a little purple spit out from his mouth.

Seeing that A Biao spit out the mouthful of blood, and the black energy no longer overflowed from his body, a smile appeared on the corner of Ji Yang's mouth, and A Biao's ghost poison was relieved.


"I didn't expect that it would take so much energy to detoxify a ghost."

Helping A Biao to the hospital bed, the dead gray on A Biao's face has disappeared, and he does not look pale but a little red, and his breathing is very stable.

This A Biao's body is quite strong, and his ability to resist blows is also good. Otherwise, after Ji Yang's tossing just now, although the ghost poison in A Biao's body will be cured, he still has to suffer some flesh and blood. .

But looking at A Biao's current appearance, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

After wiping off the cinnabar on A Biao's body, and checking the other party again, it was confirmed that the ghost poison in A Biao's body had been completely eliminated, so Ji Yang was completely relieved.

"You can come in now."

Ji Yang shouted loudly towards the door, and the anxious people who had been waiting outside also walked in quickly.

Seven or eight people came in at once, and Ji Yang was also a little strange. Wasn't it Mu Hong and Tang Tai who were waiting at the door, why Zhao Mingjie also came, and a group of security guards behind, what's going on?

"Why are there so many people? What are these security guards here for?"

Ji Yang frowned and asked softly.

Hearing Ji Yang's question, Mu Hong also took a look at Ji Yang and said, "You were too loud to treat A Biao just now, they thought that A Biao had an accident and came here."

"Didn't A Biao wake up just now? I heard his voice. Why is he unconscious now?"

Mu Hong looked at A Biao who had her eyes closed tightly. She thought that Ji Yang's treatment had failed again, but she didn't say so directly.

Although she didn't say anything, her eyes did not escape Ji Yang's.

Since he was sure that A Biao was fine, he couldn't be misunderstood like this all the time.

"He's just weak. He'll wake up tomorrow. After he wakes up, as long as he recovers, he'll be fine soon."

Ji Yang spoke confidently.

After treating A Biao last time, Ji Yang said the same thing, but after a while, A Biao's injury worsened. Now that Ji Yang said that again, Tang Tai was not completely at ease.

Tang Tai felt that it was better to wait until A Biao really woke up.

Seemingly feeling the doubts from the crowd, Ji Yang felt a little uncomfortable, but who made himself a mistake once, everything can only be believed when A Biao really wakes up.

Since this is the case, he will not explain it, and let the facts speak for everything.

Ji Yang didn't need to take care of the following matters anymore, and he didn't plan to stay in the hospital any longer. After explaining a few words to Tang Tai, Ji Yang left with Mu Hong.

This time Ji Yang was not slapped in the face, he received a call from Tang Tai early the next morning, and the other party was also very excited on the phone, because A Biao had already woken up.

Ji Yang was not in the mood to talk on the phone with a man early in the morning. After knowing that A Biao had woken up, he didn't bother to say anything to Tang Tai. After telling the other party to ask someone to take good care of A Biao, he hung up the phone directly.

"Calculating the time, it's been a while since I came to Wanghai, and it's time to return to Linhai."

When Ji Yang came to look at the sea, he was just planning to heal Mu An, and later he was tricked by Hei Wuchang to accept a reward order for the capture of the three-eyed ghost, and then met A Biao.

Generally speaking, this trip to look at the sea has been a lot of troubles, but the rewards are not small.

By treating Mu An to a reward order, he gained more than 3000 merits, but these 3000 merits are considered small gains. The real gain is that he has learned Zhang Daoling's Taoism, so he doesn't have to be afraid of encountering monsters and ghosts in the future.

"I detoxified A Biao from the ghost poison and saved his life. I should have gained a lot of merit."

Thinking of merit rewards, Ji Yang also took out his mobile phone in anticipation, but when he saw the merits, the excitement on his face disappeared in an instant, and he complained a little unhappy: "No, it's just that much, and you only give me eight. One hundred merits."

Ji Yang originally thought that he should be rewarded with at least one or two thousand merits, but he saw that it was only eight hundred, so it was strange that he could be happy.

Now the merits gained from curing diseases and saving lives are getting less and less, and Ji Yang is also worried about the next merits.

There are still more than 9000 merits left, but the Tianlei assessment is less than a month away. Where can I get these merits by myself!
(End of this chapter)

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