The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 680 Guanghan Yin’s Actual Combat Effect

Chapter 680 The Effect of Guanghanyin in Combat (Part [-])

"I'll pay attention."

"We didn't expect them to have such a master. It was our mistake. If Ji Shao needs our help, you can call me at any time."

"I won't bother Ji Shao anymore."

"Okay, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Yang had a serious expression on his face.

Ji Yang didn't expect that behind Li Shi's charitable insurance, there were actually ancient warriors of the heavenly rank.

For the ancient warriors of the heaven rank, one must be more cautious. Although the three daughters of Li Zixuan have practiced Guanghanyin, they can only affect the ancient warriors of the earth rank.

As far as ancient warriors of the heaven rank are concerned, their temporary cultivation is not enough.

"Ji Yang, what's wrong with you, whose call is it, why do you answer the call with such an ugly face?"

"Could it be Caixuan's call, he won't really be in trouble, right?"

Mu Hong's power of observation is the strongest among the three girls. She sensed that something was wrong with Ji Yang, so she asked directly.

Ji Yang was worried about Peng Caixuan in the morning, but now Ji Yang's expression was wrong, and Mu Hong thought it was Peng Caixuan's call.

"It's not Caixuan's phone call, it's just some small things."

"Hurry up and eat. If you still want to go shopping after eating, then go ahead. If you don't want to, we will go home."

Ji Yang didn't want the three girls to worry, so he didn't tell them the truth.

Although they felt that Ji Yang's words were concealed, the three women didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, Ji Yang was by their side, so they were not afraid of what would happen.

The three women are not ignorant people, Ji Yang is obviously busy now, and they will not pester Ji Yang to continue shopping.

So after eating, I proposed to go back to the villa.

On the way back to the villa, Ji Yang was calm at first, but not long after, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I thought to myself, "It's fast enough."

Ji Yang noticed that there were three breaths locking his car, one of which was stronger and the other two were weaker.

Judging from Ji Yang's experience, the strong aura should belong to an ancient warrior of the sky rank, and the other two are from the late stage of the earth rank.

Reminiscent of Zhao Tao's phone call, Ji Yang judged that this might be the three big fishes that ran away.

Although he already knew that these three big fish would come to him, he didn't expect the speed of the other party to be so fast.

"Ji Yang, why do I feel as if someone is following us?"

The three daughters of Mu Hong are not ordinary people now, not only Ji Yang can feel the aura of these three big fish, but also the three daughters.

"It's true that someone is following you. Before, I used you as a target to practice Guanghan Yin. This time, I have a chance to fight with you."

With the appearance of three big fish, Ji Yang felt that the time was right.

No matter how good the practice is, it is not as good as actual combat. Now that he is by his side, Ji Yang is not afraid that the three daughters will be in danger.

The appearance of three big fish at this time just gave the three women a chance to fight.

Originally supposed to drive the car back to the villa, Ji Yang temporarily changed the road and led the three big fish to a relatively remote and sparsely populated place.

This kind of place is more suitable for hands-on.

The car stopped, Ji Yang closed his eyes, and began to wait.

In less than a minute, with the sound of three breaking winds, three people, one woman, two men, appeared around Ji Yang's car.

"It's interesting, she's still a female master."

Among the three, the one with the strongest aura was a woman in her fifties. Although this woman looked around fifty, her actual age was probably nearly a hundred years old.

There is no way, the cultivation base is high, it will affect the actual age status.

"He brought us here on purpose. It seems that he has discovered it a long time ago. His perception is good. No wonder he was able to kill so many apprentices of Mu Yun."

The woman who claimed to be Mu Yun looked at Ji Yang through the car window, but she didn't do anything directly.

"That's a lot of nonsense. If it wasn't for you to practice with my woman, I would have killed you a long time ago and brought you here."

"Mu Hong, Xiao Xin, Zi Xuan, these three are your actual opponents, go and try."

"Just do it boldly, with me here, don't be afraid."

As Ji Yang finished speaking, the three daughters of Mu Hong got out of the car.

The three girls got out of the car, their eyes were fixed on the three of Mu Yun, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin were a little apprehensive, after all, it was their first time fighting a real enemy.

Mu Hong seemed very calm, after all, she came out of the army, had seen many big scenes, and had blood on her hands.

"You are letting them die, Mu Lei, Mu Pin, these three belong to you, don't beat them to death, so that you can have fun."

"Thank you door master."

After Mu Lei and Mu Pin thanked Mu Yun, they looked at the three daughters of Mu Hong with weird eyes, with a disgusting smile on their faces.

On Mu Hong's three daughters, although Mu Lei and Mu Pin felt a strong aura, it didn't feel like the aura of ancient warriors.

Mu Hong's three daughters looked very young, and Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin looked a little scared, which made Mu Lei and Mu Pin not at all wary of the three daughters.

In their eyes, the three daughters of Mu Hong are all very weak.

"Hey, little beauty, it's better not to resist, we're just here to kill him."

"When I kill him, the three of you will follow me in the future, and I promise to make you happy every day, hehe."

Mu Lei's body is very strong, his skin is very dark, but his teeth are quite white.

There was a lewd smile in his mouth, and his words were not very nice.

While talking, Mu Lei and Mu Pin also approached the three daughters of Mu Hong.

Mu Hong hated the other party's words, and she was the calmest at this moment. Seeing the two approaching, she took a deep breath, and then sang something similar to Sanskrit and a mantra.

As soon as Mu Hong spoke, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin also took a deep breath and began to sing along.

When the beautiful and agile voice appeared, Mu Lei and Mu Pin were a little drunk, and their original fighting spirit was gradually disappearing.

"Singing is good, it's not bad to catch them back and listen to their singing."

Mu Yun was also very comfortable listening, her face showed a hint of enjoyment, but when a slight tingling pain appeared in her mind, Mu Yun's face changed.

"Not good, this is the legendary sound wave technique, Mu Lei, Mu Pin quickly plug your ears."

Mu Yunnai is a heavenly master, and Mu Hong's three daughters' Guang Hanyin had a very weak influence on the heavenly masters, but now even she feels something strange, and Mu Lei and Mu Pin will still be good.

So even if Mu Yun opened his mouth to remind, it was too late, because Mu Lei and Mu Pin had already been recruited.

"Ah... Damn it, my head hurts so much."

"It hurts so much, my head seems to be exploding, exploding."

Mu Lei and Mu Pin yelled in pain, covering their heads with their hands with grim expressions.

They tried to mobilize the qi in their bodies and resist the pain, but even if they used their true qi, they still couldn't resist.

"Yes, I am very satisfied with the actual combat effect."

Looking at Mu Lei and Mu Pin in pain, a smile appeared on Ji Yang's face.

"To shut up!"

Seeing that Mu Lei and Mu Pin have already been recruited, if they don't save them, they still don't know what will happen to them.

Mu Yun's eyes froze, he shouted loudly, and rushed towards the three daughters of Mu Hong.

 The second update will be sent directly, thank you for your support and encouragement, please recommend, monthly pass, reward

(End of this chapter)

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