Chapter 681

Mu Yunnai is a master of heaven, she moves extremely fast.

When the body rushed towards Mu Hong's three daughters, Mu Yun waved his arm in the air, and a green semi-arc light with a diameter of two meters was flying towards the three daughters.

"Green Light Slash!"

Although the Green Light Slash is a ray of light, its lethality is not much higher than that of a real sword.

Green light flew, and there was a tearing sound like a sharp weapon passing through the air.

Faced with the green light slash, Mu Hong's three daughters' expressions changed, but they did not stop singing, because they knew that someone would help them deal with this green light slash.

That person just said this sentence to them, that is, "Although you can do it boldly, with me here, don't be afraid."



Lengheng heard a sound, and a figure had appeared in front of the three daughters of Mu Hong, pushing the palm forward, and smashing the green light with one palm.

"After all, it is not a high-level immortal technique, and coupled with its low cultivation level, it is still too reluctant to deal with ancient warriors of the heaven rank."

Ji Yang cut through the green light and said in an indifferent voice.

When the green light slash was broken, Mu Yun's face changed slightly. She was shocked not only by her own attack being broken so easily, but also by Ji Yang's speed.

Because how Ji Yang rushed out of the car and arrived in front of Mu Hong's three daughters, she didn't see clearly at all.


While Mu Yun was shocked by Ji Yang, a miserable cry rang in his ears.

Guang Hanyin can affect people's mind, make people lose their minds and lose their fighting spirit.

Mu Lei and Mu Pin had a splitting headache, their faces were pale, and their lips were bleeding from their bites.

But because they had no will to fight, the two of them had no intention of attacking the three daughters of Mu Hong. They only wanted to resist this pain.

"Mu Lei, Mu Pin, hold on, I'll save you right away."

"Ghost vines are entwined!"

Mu Yun gritted her teeth and looked at Ji Yang. She knew that only after defeating Ji Yang could she deal with the three daughters of Mu Hong.

So this time the attack was directed at Ji Yang.

In Mu Yun's hand was a dark green vine-like whip, bursts of green energy wafted from the vine whip, and a strange fragrance wafted from the vine whip.

Wielding the rattan whip in his hand, the rattan whip, which was originally no more than one meter long, instantly grew and was drawn towards Ji Yang.


Seeing the cane whip being drawn, Ji Yang smiled disdainfully, and stretched out his arm to grab Mu Yun's cane whip.

Ji Yang grabbed the rattan whip, Mu Yun not only felt the slightest sense of frustration, but also beamed with joy, let out a soft drink, his arm trembled, and a burst of true energy shot into the rattan whip.

"Boy, your strength is not weak, but your actual combat experience is too poor. Don't you know that you can't just grab other people's weapons in a fight?"

"You think it's cool to grab a blade with your bare hands, but it's often fatal."

While Mu Yun was speaking, the green air on the rattan whip became very thick, and the green air spread along Ji Yang's palm to his arms and body.

"Even if an ancient warrior of the heaven rank is hit by my Ruanjinsan, his whole body will be sore and weak, and he will not be able to mobilize his true energy."

"I think you look good. Your three women are hurt by someone, why don't you let me hurt you."

When Mu Yun said that he wanted to hurt Ji Yang, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and glanced charmingly between Ji Yang's legs.

Although Mu Yun looked about fifty years old, her actual age was nearly a hundred years old. Ji Yang almost vomited from her winking eyes.

"Old woman, the look in your eyes makes me sick, so I don't want to continue playing with you."

While speaking, the immortal energy in Ji Yang's body circulated, and the green energy surrounding him disintegrated instantly, and the green energy on the vine whip also disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You, you, how could you, you obviously fell for my weakness."

Mu Yun is very clear about the effect of his own Ruanjin powder.

There is no way to resist after being hit by her own soft tendon powder, but Ji Yang in front of him is completely fine, his body moves freely, and the true energy in his body (she doesn't know it is the forehead of immortal energy) is also flowing freely.

This completely overturned Mu Yun's three views, and she was already dumbfounded.

"Ruanjinsan, is it this thing?"

Smiling coldly, Ji Yang opened his palm, and there was a ball of green air spinning above his palm, and there was a little green powder in the green air.

These green qi and green powder were all left over when Ji Yang used the immortal qi to disperse the green qi around his body.

The green powder in the green air is Ruanjinsan.

Seeing the soft tendons on Ji Yang's palm and the weird smile on his face, Mu Yun's heart sank, and she felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Ghost vines spread!"

Mu Yun gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, with a strong green energy floating all over his body, he pulled the vine whip held by Ji Yang forcefully, and the vine whip was torn off by her directly.

The broken vine whip returned to Mu Yun's hand, and the broken vine whip grew rapidly and quickly returned to its original appearance.

While the vine whip was growing, the ground began to tremble, and then saw vines that were as thick as an adult's arm with spikes coming out of the ground, winding towards Ji Yang and Mu Hong.

"Back back, I already know the effect of Guang Han Yin."

Although Ji Yang was satisfied with Guang Hanyin's actual combat effect, he also noticed the shortcomings and found the problem, but he couldn't solve it right now.

The first thing to do is to deal with these spreading vines, and then kill Mu Yun, Mu Lei and Mu Pin.

The three daughters of Mu Hong stopped singing, Mu Lei and Mu Pin no longer had headaches, and they stared at the three daughters of Mu Hong with pale faces, extremely angry in their hearts.

After all, they are masters of ancient warriors in the late stage of the earth, and today they were tortured by three women in their twenties, Mu Hong, and almost died, which made them feel very ashamed.

"Master, don't kill those three women, I must torture them well."

"Yes, I want to make your life worse than death, I want to cut off their tongues, I see if they still sing."

Just now, Mu Lei and Mu Pin, who were just like grandsons, now consider themselves uncles without headaches.

Hearing what the two said, Ji Yang's eyes were cold.

He dared to say in front of his own face what he wanted to do to his women, killing them directly would be cheap for them.

Moreover, do they really think that with these vines, they can clean themselves up?

"The wall of flames."

Ji Yang stared at the spreading vines, and a wall of flames gathered in front of him, completely blocking Ji Yang and Mu Hong.

As soon as the spreading vines touched the flame wall, they burned instantly and then disappeared.

Mu Yun practiced wood-attribute exercises, and the enemy she was most unwilling to face was those who practiced fire-attribute exercises.

However, among the attacks that Ji Yang is best at is the fire attribute attack, and it is a very perverted (perverted) kind. He is Mu Yun's natural nemesis.

Seeing that the kung fu he performed was broken again, Mu Yun spat out a mouthful of blood because of the backlash.


Mu Yun didn't have the courage to fight again, she let out a drink unwillingly, turned around and wanted to run away with Mu Lei and Mu Pin.

But when the three of them were running towards each other, some green gas with green powder hit the three of them.

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(End of this chapter)

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