The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 696 3 Girls Have an Accident

Chapter 696 Something Happened to the Three Daughters (Part [-])

Whether it's Zhong Kui, or Black and White Impermanence and Bull Head and Horse Face, they are not low-level ghosts and gods.

But the five added up, but they couldn't get any benefit from Chi You. They can only use two words to describe their mood, which are helplessness and depression.

The five leaders hadn't fought Chi You yet, and the remaining ghosts didn't even dare to move.

Chi You looked at Zhong Kui and others who surrounded him, and the smile on his face became wider and wider, just as he was about to attack again.

A gust of wind came, and a sword was inserted between Chi You and Zhong Kui.

This sword is exactly Zhong Kui's ghost-slaying sword.

"My ghost-slaying sword!"

Seeing the ghost-slaying sword in front of him, Zhong Kui was overjoyed. With the ghost-slaying sword in hand, his strength could be strengthened a lot.

It's just that when Zhong Kui wanted to get his ghost-slaying sword, a black and red air hit his feet, making him unable to move forward.

"Ji Yang, what are you doing?"

While preventing Zhong Kui from taking the sword, Chi You looked angrily at Ji Yang who was running towards him.

The ghost-slaying sword just now was thrown by Ji Yang.

If it weren't for Ji Yang's bloodline of Jiuli, Chi You would probably fight Ji Yang.

"Chi You, they are my friends, stop fighting."

"Zhong Kui, black and white are impermanent, bull-headed and horse-faced, you all put down your weapons and speak up when you have something to say."

The fight between Chi You and Hou Yi before, the surroundings have been turned into the scene of a disaster.

If Chi You continues to fight with Zhong Kui and others, they still don't know how to destroy this place.

Moreover, both sides are his friends, no matter which side suffers casualties, Ji Yang doesn't want to see them.

"Hmph, these guys spoiled my good deeds as soon as they appeared, and even attacked me with swords. How could I, Chi You, let them go so easily!"

Chi You was not very happy, he always did things his own way, very arrogant.

Even if Zhong Kui and others are Ji Yang's friends, if they can't give a reasonable explanation, Chi You won't give Ji Yang face, and he will definitely continue to fight with them.

Zhong Kui heard something from Chi You's words, and knew that Chi You was waiting for him to give a reason.

He told the story that the underworld was looking for Houyi.

"After all, Hou Yi is not an ordinary person. The King of Hades has ordered us to bring him back to the underworld."

"Just now when you hit the axe, Houyi might be chopped off, so I won't be able to do business with you, so I made a move with you just now out of desperation."

"Chi You, the current Three Realms is different from your time, and they also run errands, and they didn't recognize you, so don't be angry."

Ji Yang was also speaking for Zhong Kui and the others. He really didn't want the two sides to continue fighting.

Although Chi You is arrogant, he is not stupid.

Now that he is a wisp of soul, after all the consumption just now, Chi You is also quite struggling now.

If he continued to fight, he might be able to repel Zhong Kui and the others, but he would not feel better either. After all, he would not be who he was back then.

And the times have changed, and I can't compare myself now with what I was back then.

If it really hurt Zhong Kui and others in front of him, or affected them from doing business, it would anger some powerful people in the heaven and the underworld.

Sending a powerful immortal down to earth to deal with Chi You, with the current Chi You soul, it is really impossible to deal with it.

After weighing the pros and cons, Chi You had already made a decision in his mind as there was another step to go down.

"Hmph, since that's the case, then I'll give you some face. If this happens again next time, I'll beat you to death."

"He can give it to you, but you can't take the Shennong Ding away."

Chi You hadn't forgotten about the Shennong Ding, he couldn't give such a good thing to Zhong Kui and others.

"Of course, of course, our task is to take Hou Yi to the underworld, and the Shennong Ding is not part of our task."

Chi You let go, and Zhong Kui would not push his nose to his face.

Besides, in Chi You's current state, it is impossible to own the Shennong Ding, and the person in charge of the Shennong Ding can only be Ji Yang.

Everyone in Heaven and Earth knew that Ji Yang was now tasked with finding the top ten artifacts, so it was only natural for him to be given the Shennong Cauldron.

Zhong Kui won't be at a disadvantage, and he can still complete the task of the King of Hades, so why not do it.

"Old Hei Lao Bai, tie him up, and we'll go back to the underworld now."

Hou Yi was seriously injured, and he no longer had the ability to resist, so he could only let himself be tied up by Wuchang, oppressed by the bull's head and horse face and other ghosts.

This time catching Houyi went much smoother than expected.

This is also thanks to Chi You, if he hadn't seriously injured Houyi earlier.

With Houyi in full bloom and with the Shennong Ding, it would be very difficult for Zhong Kui and the others to capture Houyi back today.

Being able to take Hou Yi away without fighting Chi You is also thanks to Ji Yang's help in speaking.

So Zhong Kui did not forget to greet Ji Yang, and at the same time, Chang'e walked up to Hou Yi.

Seeing Chang'e approaching, Hou Yi had a weird expression, with a wry smile on his face.

"Buffalo head and horse face, let me say a few words to him."

"Uh, good Chang'e Fairy."

The relationship between Chang'e and Houyi is well known in all three realms, and it is not yet known how Hades will deal with Houyi when he brings Houyi back to the underworld.

Chang'e wanted to talk to Houyi, so naturally the bull's head and horse face would not stop her.

Just as Zhong Kui was exchanging greetings with Ji Yang, and Chang'e was talking to Hou Yi, Ji Yang's cell phone rang.

It was already late at night, who would call me at this time?
Could it be that Lan Xueyao or Zhu Jiumei called because there was too much commotion here.

"I'll take the call."

Ji Yang said to Zhong Kui, then took out his mobile phone, and when he checked the caller ID, it was actually Huang Xiaoxin calling.

Huang Xiaoxin called herself so late, did she miss herself too much?

Ji Yang smiled and pressed the phone to answer.

"Woooooo, Ji Yang, I'm so scared, woooooo..."

After answering the phone, Ji Yang wanted to make fun of Huang Xiaoxin.

But as soon as the phone was connected, Huang Xiaoxin's crying voice came over. Hearing Huang Xiaoxin's crying, Ji Yang's face turned cold, and he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Xiaoxin, don't cry, what's wrong with you, what happened?"

"Ji Yang is far away in Miaojiang. What's the use of calling him? Let's find a hospital. Sister Mu Hong and Rui Si are already unconscious."

When Ji Yang asked anxiously, Li Zixuan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing Li Zixuan say that Mu Hong and Ruisi were unconscious, Ji Yang's heart trembled violently, it seemed that something serious happened.

"Xiaoxin, don't cry, tell me what happened?"

Ji Yang urged anxiously, Huang Xiaoxin spoke again.

"A group of people rushed into the villa tonight, trying to arrest me, Sister Mu Hong, and Zi Xuan."

"Ryan and the pig demon fought with them. Reese ran out with the three of us, but was caught up by the other party halfway."

"We used Guanghanyin and Ruisi to kill those people, but sister Mu Hong and Ruisi were seriously injured."

"It's not good, someone is chasing me again!"

With an exclamation, Huang Xiaoxin's phone was disconnected...

(End of this chapter)

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