The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 697 If You Dare to Touch Lao Tzu, Women Will Die

Chapter 697 If you dare to touch Lao Tzu, women will die (third shift)

"Xiaoxin, Xiaoxin!"

The phone hung up suddenly, which made Ji Yang even more worried.

He yelled anxiously and dialed Huang Xiaoxin's cell phone at the same time, but no one answered at all.

Huang Xiaoxin's last sentence was that someone was chasing them again, they were overtaken, Mu Hong and Ruisi were already in a coma, could Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan alone be able to deal with the chasing people?

"Male Gobi, whoever dares to touch Lao Tzu's woman, I will tear him to pieces."

Ji Yang tightened his grip on the phone, his eyes were red and he yelled loudly.

The three daughters of Huang Xiaoxin are Ji Yang's Ni Lin, and now someone is doing something to the three daughters, Ji Yang's heart is full of killing intent, and the tyrannical aura is very serious.

His aura made Zhong Kui frown in front of him, this tyrannical aura was a bit strong.

"Xiaobai, calm down, what happened?"

Zhong Kui circulated Yin Qi to try to calm Ji Yang, but Ji Yang was so calm at this moment.

"Zhong Kui, do you have a way to get me back to Linhai immediately? I want to go back to Linhai and tear those guys who tried to hurt my woman into pieces."

Miaojiang is thousands of miles away from Linhai, and it takes several hours even by plane.

Now Ji Yang wants to go back to rescue Huang Xiaoxin and others, he must return to Linhai immediately.

If he wanted to go back to Linhai immediately, he could not rely on mortal means of transportation. Even if he flew by himself, he would not be able to quench his thirst from far away, so he could only try to find a way from Zhong Kui.

Although Ji Yang didn't explain what happened, but through his words, Zhong Kui also heard that something happened to Ji Yang's woman.

But how to make Ji Yang return to Linhai immediately, he really has no way.

Seeing Zhong Kui shaking his head, Ji Yang gritted his teeth, could it be that he really couldn't go back to save his woman?

"Xiaobai, this is a thousand-mile escape talisman refined by my master. Using the thousand-mile escape talisman, you can travel thousands of miles in an instant."

Zhong Kui had no choice, but Jinyin Boy had a way.

Jinlu boy took out a few talisman papers and handed them to Ji Yang, holding the talisman paper in his hand, Ji Yang looked at Jinlu boy gratefully.

"I will remember this love, and I will definitely thank you if I have the opportunity in the future."

"It's nothing. The time for Silver Furnace Boy and I is up, and we're going back to Heaven now."

The time for the phantom god's life talisman has come, and the golden and silver boy can no longer stay in the mortal world.

After the golden furnace boy finished speaking, he and the silver furnace boy had disappeared.

"Zhong Kui, help me find out the location of Linhai Huang Xiaoxin, I have to go back to Linhai immediately."

Huang Xiaoxin didn't give her location on the phone just now, but this is not difficult, as long as they go through the underworld, they can find their location.

Without wasting time, Zhong Kui went directly to the people in the underworld, and soon found Huang Xiaoxin's location.

"The location has been sent to your phone, old black and old white, bull-headed and horse-faced, you take Houyi to a business trip, and Xiaobai and I will go to Linhai."

Zhong Kui plans to help Ji Yang deal with those guys who want to hurt Ji Yang's woman.

"I still have time, and I'll go with you too, don't worry, with us here, your woman will be fine."

Chang'e also came over at this time, holding a bow in her hand, which was exactly Houyi's sun-shooting bow.

When talking about Ji Yang's woman, Chang'e had a weird expression on her face, but she quickly covered it up.

"Houyi asked me to give this to you. After going to the underworld, he will definitely be punished or reincarnated. The sun shooting bow is temporarily useless to him, so I will give it to you for safekeeping."

"There are only ten sun-shooting arrows left. You have to make good use of them. If you don't need to shoot the sun-shooting arrows, you can use immortal energy to condense them into arrows."

Ji Yang didn't expect that Hou Yi would give him the Sun Shooting Bow. After taking the Sun Shooting Bow and the Sun Shooting Arrow, Ji Yang looked at Hou Yi.

"Boy, take good care of Chang'e. One day, I will bring her back together with the sun-shooting bow."

These are the last words Hou Yi left for Ji Yang before he disappeared.

Hearing Houyi's words, Ji Yang didn't know what to say, Chang'e's face changed very well, she looked charming and shy.

But now is not the time to appreciate Chang'e, Huang Xiaoxin and the others are still in danger.

Give Zhong Kui, Chang'e and Jade Rabbit each a Thousand Miles Escape Talisman, use the Thousand Miles Escape Talisman, and Ji Yang and others disappear instantly.

In a remote forest near the sea, Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan stood side by side, their faces pale and their bodies trembling.

Behind them were Ruisi and Mu Hong who were unconscious.

"Damn Ryan, he tried his best to protect you. It's a pity that he is only a Duke. Facing the blood prince, he is already in danger. It is impossible to save you."

"You women are also quite difficult to deal with. The traitor, Reese, even gave up her life to protect you and killed many of us. Unfortunately, she is not far from death now. You should follow us obediently."

"Otherwise, the two of them are your role models."

A Westerner wearing western medieval armor sneered at Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan.

Beside him stood several Westerners, werewolves, and vampires in medieval armor.

It is the Western Dark Alliance who came to arrest Huang Xiaoxin and others today.

The Dark Alliance's attempt to buy Miaojiang's mountains failed, and many people were lost.

After the investigation by the heretics, they also learned of the betrayal of Ryan, Ruisi and others, which made the people of the Dark Alliance very angry, so they sent these people to seek revenge on Ji Yang.

But because Ji Yang went to Miaojiang, they extended their clutches to the three daughters of Huang Xiaoxin, trying to threaten Ji Yang through them.

"Dalle, stop talking nonsense, catch them soon, if they are discovered by the Huaxia Xuanzu, today's mission will fail."

It was a tall werewolf who spoke at this time.

"Harris, no wonder the vampires always say that you werewolves are barbaric, and you must maintain the most basic etiquette for ladies, don't you know?"

Hearing what the werewolf beside him said, Dale smiled coldly and said softly.

Harris' eyes turned red when he was told, and he glared at Dale.

"Dalle, don't think that you can talk nonsense just because you are the captain of the pagan guard."

"If it weren't for the task in front of me, I, Wolf King Harris, would definitely make you pay for your words."

"When I return to the Dark Night Alliance, I'd like to play a game with you."

"The savage werewolves have run out of patience, poor lady, then don't blame me, catch them!"

Dale's one-handed sword pointed at Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan, and ordered loudly.

Several pagan guards around rushed towards Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan.

When killing the pursuers before, Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan had almost consumed the immortal energy in their bodies by performing Guanghan Yin.

At this moment, they couldn't even cast Guang Han Yin.

Just when Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan thought that they could not escape the fate of being caught today, several purple arrows shot out suddenly, directly piercing the body of the rushing pagan.

"Paralyzed, women who dare to touch me, you will all die."

Familiar voices rang in their ears, and several figures appeared in front of Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan.

Looking at the murderous figures holding red bows and arrows, Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan's eyes turned red, and they cried
"Ji Yang, you are back!"

(End of this chapter)

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