The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 698 Ji Yang Became Devil Satan

Chapter 698 Ji Yang Became Devil Satan (Part [-])
"With me here, you don't have to be afraid, I will make these guys in front of me regret coming to this world."

At the critical moment, Ji Yang and others finally arrived by relying on the Thousand Miles Escape Talisman.

The crying of Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan made Ji Yang's anger even stronger. When he saw Mu Hong and Ruisi who were lying on the ground completely unconscious and breathing weakly, his eyes were already full of murderous intent.

"Yutu, I'll leave the wounds of the two of them to you."

"Okay, they'll be fine with me here."

Yutu is not only good at making medicine, but also has a lot of achievements in medical skills. Ji Yang entrusts Yutu with the treatment, so he is quite at ease.

With Yutu's treatment, Ji Yang can let go of his hands and feet to deal with these people in front of him.

Dale and Harris looked at the pagan guards lying on the ground who had lost their breath, their expressions were a little startled.

The armor worn by these pagan guards is very hard, even ordinary sniper rifles can't penetrate it, but they were pierced by bows and arrows. Isn't this a joke?

"You are Ji Yang, right? You are stronger than what is said in the information. This bow is not bad. There are so many treasures in Huaxia."

"Harris, who can catch him, and who will this bow belong to?"

"Okay, let's do it, hoo!"

"The werewolf turned out to be not only impulsive, but also despicable. Whoever can catch him, I will recommend him to the bishop as a deacon after returning!"

Harris rushed directly to Ji Yang, and Dale sneered. Instead of rushing up by himself, he took two steps back and gave orders to the remaining heretics.

As soon as Ji Yang appeared, he shot and killed several pagan guards, and he knew that he was very strong.

Dale will not be impulsive without knowing the details of the other party.

Harris' impulsiveness was exactly what he wanted, and Dale planned to grasp Ji Yang's further strength through the fight between Harris and Ji Yang, so that he could make better countermeasures.

"Harris, stupid werewolves, you are only worthy of being cannon fodder."

Looking at Harris who led the werewolves, vampires and pagan guards to rush towards Ji Yang, Dale sneered in his heart.

Facing the rushing enemy, Ji Yang stood still and drew the sun-shooting bow in his hand.

Ji Yang was not a natural archer, nor did he have Hou Yi's ability to shoot the sun.

But with his keen perception and insight, coupled with the control of immortality, these people in front of him are his living targets.

"Little Dragon Girl, protect Xiaoxin and Zixuan."

"Sister Chang'e, Zhong Kui, leave the rubbish in front of me to me. My villa still has some debris, so please help me deal with it."

"Okay, leave it to us over there. I haven't had a quick fight for a long time."

"These ghosts from other places, don't know what it tastes like?"

Zhong Kui knew the location of Ji Yang's villa.

With a cruel smile on his face, Zhong Kui flew towards Ji Yang's villa with Chang'e.

Rui En and the pig demons guarded their women with their lives, no matter whether the other party was a servant or a friend, Ji Yang remembered this love in his heart.

So he doesn't ignore them.

Seeing Chang'e and Zhong Kui leave, no one from the Dark Night Alliance tried to stop them. Werewolves and pagans couldn't fly and couldn't stop them, but the blood race could.

But they didn't. In their view, Chang'e and Zhong Kui were going to die.

Because the strongest person sent by the Dark Night Alliance this time is a blood prince, and this blood prince is in Ji Yang's villa.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, let go of the fully drawn bowstring, and several purple flames flew out like arrows.

He didn't need to aim at all. Anyway, there were so many people rushing, even a blind cat and a dead mouse could hit two of them.

These arrows were condensed by Ji Yang with the flames of the Phoenix Fire.

"Hmph, you dare to play with pediatrics in front of me, Wolf King Harris."

Seeing the rocket coming, Harris glared, jumped into the air and rushed towards Ji Yang.

Harris's jump was two to three meters high, which was higher than the arrow shot by Ji Yang, and his pounce was more than ten meters high, directly reaching Ji Yang's head.

Although Harris avoided Ji Yang's arrow, the other heretics who charged were not so lucky.

The reaction speed of the werewolves was higher than that of these pagans, so they could dodge the arrows shot by Ji Yang very well.

But the pagans were not so lucky. Wearing armor, their movement speed was inherently slow.

Now there are more than a dozen people rushing forward together, and from the angle they stand, no matter how you look at it, they look like live targets.

"Shield Defense!"

The weapons of the pagan guards were one-handed swords and shields. Seeing that they couldn't dodge, they used shields to block them.

It's a pity that they underestimated Ji Yang's flaming arrow. Ji Yang's arrow piercing power was not strong this time. When the arrow hit the shield, the heathen guard felt a pain in his arm.

"This arrow is really powerful, but it's still too bad to break through our shield blessed by the bishop."

The shield was not broken, and the pagan guard smiled triumphantly.

It's a pity that within a second of their complacency, they were scared to pee by the next scene.

They saw purple flames burning on their shields, and the shields blessed by the bishop began to melt, and the purple flames burned along the shields towards their arms and bodies.

"Ah... fire, fire, fire."

The two pagan guards instantly turned into fire men. The surrounding guards tried to help them put out the fire, but not only failed to extinguish the flames on their bodies, they burned themselves instead.

"Ah... help me, save me..."

The flame cannot be extinguished, it will only inflame itself, and where there are heretics, let them be taken care of. .

"The Lord will receive you, the Lord will forgive me, I am helping you to be free!"

Faced with his companion's call for help, a pagan guard's mouth twitched, and he killed the companion who asked for help with a sword, and then continued to rush towards Ji Yang with the others.


The vampire who flew towards Ji Yang felt contemptuous in his heart when he heard the words of the heretic who killed his companion with his own hands.

It is obvious that he is afraid of death, and he still said such absurd words. If the Lord can forgive him like this, it must be because the Lord drank too much.


Harris has reached less than half a meter above Ji Yang's head, and Ji Yang can feel the strong wind on the sharp claws.

"Lying on the grass, your mouth really stinks, Qian Kun Hundred Shadows Fist!"

Harris' tone was too embarrassing, the sun shooting bow was put away, and Ji Yang used the Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist.

Although the Qiankun Hundred Shadow Fist full of anger did not have strong blessings, it hit Harris with a hundred consecutive punches, and Harris, who was pounced on him, was still sent flying again.


After a hundred punches, Harris' body fell to the ground like mud. All the bones in Harris' body were broken, and his internal organs were completely ruptured.

The wolf's head was smashed, and the dead could not die again.


Hares was the wolf king, and he was beaten to death in a single encounter, and he died so badly.

The rest of the members of the Dark Night Alliance who rushed towards Ji Yang were all shocked.

Dale swallowed hard, turned around and ran away, screaming.

"You are Devil Satan, Devil Satan..."

 Thanks to the Prince of Dreams. Later, I couldn’t help shivering and waiting for a reward. Thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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