Chapter 70

Seeing Ji Yang's bewildered expression, Li Zixuan's expression also changed slightly.

"I told you not to drive so fast and overtake another car, it will crash."

Li Zixuan said with some complaints, this time it was indeed that she was a little pissed. Hearing what Li Zixuan said, Ji Yang did not refute.

"Let's get out of the car and see what happens."

Ji Yang was quite depressed when he crashed his car for the first time.

What made Ji Yang even more puzzled was that he had clearly overtaken just now, so how could he collide with the opponent's car? This is too abnormal.

When Ji Yang and Li Zixuan got out of the car, they felt that the atmosphere was not right.

I saw the BMW car parked behind his own car, and the three young men with unkind faces looked at him angrily. Seeing the other party's expression, Ji Yang also looked at the BMW car.

"Uh, the side mirror is broken."

Looking at the side-view mirror pulled down from the left side of the BMW, Ji Yang also understood what was going on. It turned out that the sound just now was that he had knocked off the other side's side-view mirror.

The three youths in the BMW car saw Ji Yang and Li Zixuan getting off the car, and they also went directly to them.

"Why did you drive? Didn't I give way to you? Why did you still hit my car? I knocked off the rearview mirror. What do you say?"

One of the youths walked up to Ji Yang's car, put his hand on the rear of Ji Yang's car, wiped it off seemingly casually, and asked Ji Yang loudly at the same time.

Although his action was very casual, Ji Yang still felt that something was wrong. He found that after the young man wiped his car, something seemed to have been wiped off his car.

I just got out of the car just to look at the other party's car, but forgot to check my own car.

"I'm really sorry, I was careless just now, Zixuan should call the police and let the traffic police handle it."

What else can I do, of course I'll go to the police uncle for this matter.

As soon as Ji Yang finished speaking, he found a problem. He was driving without a license. If he asked the police uncle, he would suffer.

But after all the words have been said, Ji Yang can only bite the bullet and see what the other party has to say.

Call the police?

The faces of the three youths changed obviously when they heard Ji Yang's words, and the youth who had spoken before also spoke again.

"We still have urgent matters to deal with. We don't have time to wait for the police to come. I think it's private."

"I have someone I know. It may still work after I go back and repair it. You can give me 5000 yuan. Normally, a rearview mirror costs tens of thousands of yuan. This time it is cheaper for you."

Private chat, Ji Yang is very willing, so that he will not be found driving without a license, but when he thinks of 5000 yuan, is this rearview mirror really so expensive?
Knowing nothing about Che Ji Yang, he could only look at Li Zixuan for help.

Li Zixuan frowned slightly at this time, her eyes seemed to be thinking about something, women's senses are often very sensitive, and Li Zixuan was the same.

When she first saw the three youths, Li Zixuan felt that there was something wrong with them. When she heard the alarm, she also noticed that the eyes of the three had changed obviously.

Seeing Ji Yang looking at her, Li Zixuan did not speak, but walked towards the rear of her car, her eyes swept over the rear of the car, but it was strange to find that there were no traces of bumps on the rear and sides of her car .

"I said, what are you waiting for, get the money quickly, we are still in a hurry."

Seeing Li Zixuan checking her car, one of the other party's face changed and urged her.

"Isn't it just 5000 yuan? What's the hurry, Zixuan, what are you looking at?"

Hearing Ji Yang talking to her, Li Zixuan ignored Ji Yang, but looked at the owner of the BMW.

"Your rearview mirror was not knocked off by our car at all."

What, it wasn't my own car that crashed, but the other party said it was knocked down by me.

When Ji Yang heard this, he also thought of something, what the fuck, did he bump into Pengci the first time he drove?

In the past, Ji Yang also saw the high-speed Pingci on the news, and it turns out that these people in front of him are the high-speed Pingci party.

"Smelly woman, what are you talking about? If you didn't touch it, it will fall by itself. Give me the money, or this matter will never end."

The three people in this BMW car are indeed a high-speed professional touch porcelain party, the leader is named Ermao, and the other two are his followers.

Hearing Li Zixuan's words, the Ermao knew that the other party probably knew what he was doing, but he didn't have the slightest fear. Anyway, it wasn't the first time someone had seen through this kind of thing, but in the end he still had to pay him obediently.

Anyway, as long as the other party stops the car, I will resort to tricks, intimidation, and blackmail to make the other party lose money.

Scolding my woman in front of me, you guys are quite courageous, Ji Yang gave Ermao a cold look, if you really are a kid, you will suffer today.

"Zixuan, let me check."

Ji Yang also came to the rear of his car, and looked carefully, it looked like it was hit by something, and that location happened to be where the other party wiped it with his hand just now.

Then Ji Yang walked to the other party's BMW. Although the other party's methods looked very professional, Ji Yang still found a problem in the crack of the other party's rearview mirror. There were obviously signs of pasting.

"I'm driving for the first time, so I'm going to touch porcelain, right? If you dare to call me a woman, I'm in a bad mood. You three will be very unlucky."

Feeling a little annoyed, Ji Yang, under the watchful eyes of the three of them, clicked, and directly pulled off the rear-view mirror.


With a crisp sound, the rearview mirror was also smashed by Ji Yang.


Ji Yang's unexpected action shocked Li Zixuan, but she was happy in her heart, the man she chose was indeed right and courageous.

"Boy, are you courting death? How dare you smash my rearview mirror. Now it's not something that 5000 yuan can solve. Without 5 yuan, you and this girl don't want to leave today."

Ermao looked at the shattered rearview mirror and felt a heartache in his heart. This is the guy who makes money, that is, his job, but the job was smashed by Ji Yang.

"Fifty thousand, if I smash your car, how much do you plan to ask for?"

"Pengci touched my head, and you still dare to call me a woman. If I don't beat you all over the place today, I won't be called Ji Yang."

While Ji Yang was speaking, he kicked on the door of the BMW car, and with a bang, the door was dented by Ji Yang's kick.

Er Mao was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Ji Yang to dare to do this, and he cursed loudly in his heart: "Paralyzed, you kid wants to die, don't you dare to kick my car and dispose of him for me, how will this girl go tonight?" Keep it cool."

Ermao has worked in Pengci for so many years, and he has never seen a ruthless person, but this is the first time he has seen someone like Ji Yang.

Since he dared to do this job, he naturally had something to rely on, and Ji Yang dared to say that he would be beaten all over the place, so he would depose Ji Yang first.

(End of this chapter)

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