Chapter 71

Er Mao's two attendants didn't need Er Mao to speak at all, they had already walked towards Ji Yang when Ji Yang kicked the car door.

Hitting porcelain at high speed is also a technical job, and no one is sure what the person being touched is doing. To be on the safe side, Ermao and his two followers have practiced it deliberately.

"Be obedient and give me the money, and you'll be fine. You dare to smash the car mirror and kick the door. After doing this for so long, you are the first one to be so arrogant."

A taller follower squeezed his hands and looked at Ji Yang with a sneer.

"What do you want to talk to him about? His girl is the best. The second brother said, everyone has a good time tonight. We will enjoy it even if he is about to be abandoned."

The shorter one said with a lewd smile, and glanced at Li Zixuan.

When he first met Li Zixuan, the short man had an idea, and now Ermao said so again, he may get his wish tonight.

"Bang bang bang!"

Ji Yang didn't take the three of them seriously at all, and he didn't care about the tall one and the short one. He just kicked the car door, which was severely deformed by him.

Seeing that Ji Yang didn't take his words seriously, and was still kicking the door of the car, the tall man also became angry: "Boy, didn't you hear what I said to you, stop now."

When the tall man spoke, he also kicked Xiang Ji Yang.

If it was in the past, Li Zixuan would definitely be worried when she saw the tall man fighting with Ji Yang.

But after the incident at the Mengluo Bar, Li Zixuan also knew one thing, that is, Ji Yang was very good at fighting, very good at fighting.

Not to mention the tall man alone, even if Ermao and the three of them went up together, Ji Yang would be able to crush them all.

"I'm quite tall, but my eyes are not good. Which of your eyes saw me using my hands, I always use my feet."

Smiling coldly, Ji Yang kicked the car door again, and punched the opponent at the same time.

This punch hit the tall man's ankle impartially, and when he punched down, there was a cracking sound from the tall man's ankle, and his foot was considered useless.


The ankle was broken, and the tall man screamed in pain. When the short man who followed him saw it, he also punched Ji Yang.

The result can be imagined, before the short man's fist touched Ji Yang, he was kicked flying by Ji Yang.

The short man fell to the ground and groaned while clutching his stomach.

When did my two attendants become so unbearable, and even one of them was crippled by Ji Yang when they met each other, Er Mao also felt a thump in his heart.

Looking at the severely deformed car door that was kicked, he also had a bad premonition. It seemed that he really kicked down the iron plate today.

But even if he kicked down the iron plate, so what, this is his own territory, and he is afraid of what he will do.

"Boy, I didn't expect that, you can fight quite well, but you think it's great to be able to fight, don't you?"

Er Mao looked at Ji Yang calmly and said.

"It's nothing special to be able to fight, but it's enough to clean you up."

Ji Yang rushed to Er Mao with a stride, and before Er Mao could react, he slapped him with a slap. This slap made Er Mao feel sour.

"Ah... poof..."

Er Mao was slapped with stars in his eyes, and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with his teeth.

"My teeth, you dare to hit me, do you know who I am?"

Seeing that his teeth had been knocked out, Er Mao was also very angry, but Ji Yang didn't take his harsh words seriously at all.

"I don't care who you are. I said I'm going to beat you up all over the place today. I, Ji Yang, keep my word."

"Clap clap clap!"

Then a few more mouths slapped him, Er Mao's face was also swollen, and he didn't know how many teeth fell out of his mouth.

"Oh, stop hitting, big brother, uncle, I was wrong, stop hitting, I will never dare again."

Ermao is definitely a standard pig's head now, and after losing his teeth, his speech is leaking.

Ji Yang slapped him a few times, which also stunned and frightened him.

After all, it was the first time for him to drive a car, so Ji Yang was naturally upset when he bumped into Pengci when he was driving for the first time. After a few slaps, he felt a lot better.

At this moment, Er Mao was begging for mercy again, and Ji Yang didn't intend to continue to embarrass him.

"People are doing it, and the sky is watching. The karma is not that the time has not come. Today is just a lesson for you. If you do this kind of immoral thing again, your result will definitely be miserable."

Ji Yang let go of Er Mao, and said with a serious tone.

He is not threatening Ermao, the gods and ghosts in heaven and hell really exist, and this Ermao actually does some immoral things that touch porcelain, and there will definitely be no good results in the future.

Even if he went to the underworld, the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces would not make him feel better.

"Yes, yes, I know I was wrong, and I will quit in the future."

I don't know if Ermao really knew he was wrong, or if he was scared by Ji Yang's beating, and he nodded again and again when he heard Ji Yang's words.

From Ji Yang's point of view, this incident of touching porcelain was just a small episode, and seeing Ermao admit his mistake was considered sincere, so he left with Li Zixuan after a few words of warning.

It was just because what happened just now affected his mood, and Ji Yang didn't have a driver's license yet, so he asked Li Zixuan to drive again. He decided to take the test after returning to Linhai, and if he bought a car later, he would become a driver family.

It's just that when Li Zixuan and Ji Yang left, neither of them noticed that Er Mao's originally fearful eyes became vicious after Ji Yang and Li Zixuan got into the car.

"Karma is a fart. Do you believe this old man or not? Talk to me about retribution and let you know what the retribution is for hitting me."

Ermao walked towards his car, seeing the deformed door felt a burst of heartache, the door was so severely deformed that it was impossible to open it, he could only open the door from the other side, took out his cell phone and dialed a number to go out.

"Ji Yang, why didn't you hand them over to the police just now?"

Li Zixuan was a little strange, she didn't believe that people like Ermao could be rehabilitated after being beaten up by Ji Yang.

If you want them to really stop doing this kind of touching porcelain, it's better to hand it over to the police.

But after hearing Li Zixuan's words, Ji Yang smiled mysteriously.

"You'll know later, the best show is yet to come."

The fun is behind, Li Zixuan is a little unclear about the meaning of Ji Yang's words.

But Ji Yang said it mysteriously, yet she was very confident. She also wanted to see what good show Ji Yang was talking about.

When Li Zixuan drove through a relatively remote road, two vans suddenly rushed out from the side road one after the other, and then stopped at the front and rear of Li Zixuan's car.

As the two cars stopped, seven or eight guys who didn't look like good people got out of the car, and then saw more than a dozen people running out of the roadside path.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Li Zixuan was very scared.

"Ji Yang, what do these people want?"

"This is what I call a good show. You stay in the car, and I'll go down alone."

After giving Li Zixuan a reassuring smile, Ji Yang got out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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