The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 72 Big Hair 2 Hair

Chapter 72
As soon as Ji Yang got out of the car, everyone looked at Ji Yang at the same time.

Sensing everyone's unkind eyes, Ji Yang smiled coldly.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? Have you ever seen a handsome guy? I don't like gay sex, and I'm not interested in you guys. You'd better get out immediately."

Twenty or so people looked at Ji Yang covetously, but Ji Yang could burst out such a sentence, and everyone around was taken aback.

"Boy, you are so cool, do you know what we are doing?"

At this time, a young man with short sleeves and a scar on his face came out, looked at Ji Yang with slightly narrowed eyes and said in a cold voice.

Ji Yang looked at the young man who was talking, and looked at him from top to bottom.

"Seeing that you look a bit like the kid I beat into a pig's head just now, I guess you're one of them. That kid just now looked like a good kid admitting his mistake, but he's full of bad stuff. I really thought I didn't see it." .”

Although Er Mao acted as if he knew he was wrong just now, there was obviously something strange in the other party's eyes, and this strangeness was also noticed by Ji Yang.

I have heard in the news before that the Pingci Party is usually a gang of crimes, and there are other helpers. If you find the target and the other party commits the crime, the other party refuses to stop and continues to drive, or go up and force the other party to stop. Otherwise, the companion will be notified to intercept halfway.

At that time, Ji Yang didn't believe it, but when he saw it today, it was really like this.

And judging by the opponent's posture, there are still a lot of people in their organization, and it seems that there are not many people cheating.

Now that I have met him today, Ji Yang is also planning to take this porcelain-touching party to one pot, so as not to come out to deceive others.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the young man with the scar on his face frowned.

"Your boy is quite smart. My name is Da Mao. You hit my brother Er Mao. How do you settle the debt you said you hit my brother?"

Er Mao called Da Mao just now and said that today he encountered a hard problem and suffered a disadvantage from the other party. This highway is his Da Mao's territory, and he beat his younger brother on his own territory. How could Da Mao let Ji Yang go.

Although Ermao knew that Ji Yang could fight with black hands, but the twenty or so of us were still afraid that he would not succeed.

Even if he can fight, he can fight three or five, ten or eight, how can he beat his twenty or so people?

Big hair?Two hairs?
The name is down-to-earth enough, and Ji Yang was also amused when he heard it.

"Do you have a younger brother named Sanmao, Sanmao Lilo Sanmao, homeless and homeless, sleeping in the trash can, I'm so hungry that I feel like wandering in a panic..."

As soon as San Mao was mentioned, Ji Yang also remembered a TV series he had watched before, and couldn't help humming the theme song of the TV series.

Da Mao was also very angry when he heard that Ji Yang sang a song, and the lyrics were still sarcastic.

The people around who came with him also looked like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and their faces were flushed with restraint.

"Boy, you hit my brother, kicked my brother's car, and I won't ask you for more, 50. If you give me 50, I will let you go today, or you will die today."

Da Maogan Pengci is mainly for money, although he finds Ji Yang very distasteful, but if Ji Yang obediently gives him 50 yuan, he doesn't mind letting him go today.

But if he wanted 50, it would be strange if Ji Yang would give it to him.

I managed to get 200 million from Tang Tai, and this big guy just asked for 50 from him. He really thought his money was blown by the wind, right?

"50 yuan for a person and a car is not much, so if I destroy all of you, how much do you plan to ask for?"

With wide eyes, Ji Yang asked disdainfully.

When Da Mao heard Ji Yang's words, he also understood what Ji Yang meant. He didn't intend to give money, and he wanted to abolish all the people like himself.

The tone is not small, but isn't he afraid that the wind will flash his tongue?

At the same time, a BMW car with a severely deformed door also drove over. The driver was none other than Er Mao, who was beaten into a pig's head by Ji Yang before.

"Brother, this kid hit me, I must not let him go today."

Er Mao's entire face was swollen a few times, a few teeth in his mouth were missing, and his voice was a bit strange when he spoke.

As soon as he saw that the person stopped by Da Mao and others was Ji Yang, Er Mao became furious when he saw Ji Yang, as if there was fire burning in his eyes.

On the phone, Ermao only said that he was beaten by the person in front of him, but Da Mao didn't expect Ermao to be beaten so badly. No wonder Ji Yang said that he beat Ermao into a pig's head. Er Mao's current appearance is really nothing like a pig's head different.

"Boy, you're so ruthless. You beat my brother up like this. It seems that today you left 50 yuan. You have to keep a pair of hands. Come on, let me cripple his hands."

As soon as Da Mao spoke, the people around him also surrounded Ji Yang. Ji Yang frowned when he saw more than [-] people surrounding him.

That's a lot of people, and Ji Yang was a little bit uncertain when he hit twenty or so.

But things have come to this point, he can't hide if he wants to, so he can only fight.

Looking warily at the person approaching him, Ji Yang was also ready to strike at any time.

"Brother, this guy is not easy to deal with, you better be careful brother."

Er Mao has seen Ji Yang's skills. Although he hates Ji Yang, he is also afraid of Ji Yang. At this time, he does not forget to remind Da Mao to be careful when dealing with Ji Yang.

"Ermao, when did you become so timid, just a kid with no hair yet, don't you think he is a descendant of a god, even if he is a descendant of a god, our twenty or so brothers can destroy him. "

Da Mao glanced at Er Mao with some disdain and said with disdain.

At this time, more than [-] people had surrounded Ji Yang. As the saying goes, a tiger is no match for a pack of wolves, no matter how fierce a tiger is, it is still no match for a pack of wolves, so Ji Yang must deal with these people carefully.

As soon as twenty or so people surrounded Ji Yang, these people also attacked Ji Yang.

It was also the first time for Ji Yang to face so many people alone. Last time at Mengluo Bar, he had two helpers, Tang Tai and Mu Hong. Now he is alone.

More than [-] people swarmed up, and Ji Yang also secretly said that he was about to suffer.

Ji Yang relied on his own reflexes to quickly avoid the attack of the first person. When he dodged his body, he punched the person in the abdomen. Although the other person was lying on the ground after being hit by him, another person rushed up immediately.

Ji Yang managed to dodge the man's kick, and grabbed the man's ankle with his backhand, taking advantage of the momentum and throwing him to the ground.

The man just fell down, Ji Yang felt a gust of wind blowing in his ears, he couldn't lower his head, he also felt something brushing against his hair, this was dangerous enough, if he didn't dodge quickly, But he was beaten.

Although he knocked down two in an instant, the opponent still has an advantage in numbers. Ji Yang felt a lot of pressure. If one is not good, he might really fall down today.

(End of this chapter)

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