Chapter 73

Da Mao and Er Mao saw Ji Yang face to face with his own people, and then two of them were knocked down, and their eyes changed.

Da Mao didn't care much about Er Mao's words just now, but when he saw that Ji Yang's skills were indeed good, he also understood that Er Mao's worries were not groundless.

But after all, only two of them were abolished at once, and he still has about twenty brothers. Thinking of this, he was a little relieved.

At this time, Li Zixuan who was sitting in the car was also a little worried about Ji Yang. Twenty or so people surrounded Ji Yang, and she couldn't see Ji Yang anymore.

This place is not too far from Linhai, and Li Zixuan, who was worried about Ji Yang, also made a call.

"Paralyzed, tigers and wolves will be injured as expected."

Ji Yang knocked several people to the ground again, but he didn't know who kicked him twice.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen people surrounding Ji Yang. Although Ji Yang's vigor had shocked them a lot, they had no intention of letting Ji Yang go.

"This kid really can fight. I've been around for so many years, and it's the first time I've seen someone who can fight like this."

My twenty or so younger brothers were overthrown by Ji Yang, and the remaining dozen or so people surrounded Ji Yang, but they didn't look like they were taking advantage of it. Da Mao was shocked in his heart, and said with a little shock in his eyes.

"It's really good at fighting. There are still too many people. Just now, the big one and the small one met each other and they were overthrown by him. Today is not lucky, and the first business hit the iron plate."

Ermao is also a little regretful at this time, he would have known that he would never touch Ci Jiyang.

If Ji Yang hadn't touched Ci, he wouldn't have gotten into such a big trouble.

Although Ji Yang seemed to deal with it with ease, in fact, only he knew that he was suffering. If this went on, even if he could really knock down the remaining dozen or so in the end, he would suffer a loss.

It takes a lot of physical strength for one person to deal with more than twenty people. Even if his body is stronger than ordinary people, Ji Yang still feels a little tired after a while.

He needs to find a more secure way to deal with these people in front of him.

"Zhang Daoling taught himself that the Taoism can deal with ghosts, but I don't know if it has any effect on people."

An idea flashed in Ji Yang's mind, and he was also ready to give it a try.

"The Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of ten thousand qi; extensive cultivation of ten thousand kalpas, to prove my supernatural powers; the infinite of heaven and earth, eight trigrams and five elements..."

He muttered in his mouth, and as the mantra moved, Ji Yang also felt that his body was filled with a strange force, and the clothes all over his body followed the mantra without wind, and there was a hunting sound.

The dozen or so people surrounding Ji Yang looked at Ji Yang in bewilderment, wondering if this kid was crazy, and said something in a mess.

Although they don't know what Ji Yang reads, they feel that Ji Yang is more terrifying than before, especially the other's eyes, which look very cold.

What Ji Yang read was the mysterious ice curse that Zhang Daoling taught him. Naturally, the mysterious ice spell that Ji Yang read would not be like that in fantasy or fairy tale novels. .

This Xuanbing Curse will only make Ji Yang's body feel more chilly, this coldness has no effect on himself, but when attacking ghosts, it will make the ghost's body chill, I don't know if it will have any effect on people.

The Xuanbing Curse can't last for too long, no matter whether it works or not, Ji Yang has to try to get rid of these guys in front of him before the Xuanbing Curse loses its effect, otherwise he will be the one who will suffer the most.

The casting of spells consumes a lot of energy and body, but Ji Yang has not yet entered the mainstream, and this kind of consumption is even more unnecessary for him.

"What are you reading nonsense? Is there something wrong with your brain, kid? If you can't do it, just say it, and I will give you a good time."

A guy who seemed to be very irritable also couldn't bear to listen to Ji Yang chanting a mantra there, he yelled, and punched Ji Yang.

Ji Yang's eyes turned cold, his nose snorted coldly, one side of his body avoided the man's punch, at the same time he grabbed the man's wrist, and pressed his elbow against the man's chest.

" fucking cold."

As soon as the wrist was grabbed by Ji Yang, the man's body also shivered. He felt that Ji Yang's hand was very cold, and a chill entered his body.

This person is also puzzled to feel this way on such a hot day with the sun shining brightly.

It’s just that there is no time for him to wonder at this moment, Ji Yang put his elbow on his chest, this person also felt a pain in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, he also took two steps back again and again, and the last one sat unsteadily on the ground.

Everyone was sitting on the ground, but he still felt cold, so he couldn't help but hug his body with both hands to make himself feel better.

"Cold, so cold!"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Ji Yang smiled. The Xuanbing Curse is not only useful for ghosts, but also for people.

"Hahaha, I've developed myself, let's see who dares to fight against me in the future."

Ji Yang was proud of himself, and when he looked at the few remaining people, his eyes were full of amusement.

"Oh...why is this kid's hand so cold."

"Oh, I'm going, it's so cold, so cold."

"Mom, why am I so cold, give me your clothes quickly, I'm cold."

"Give it to your sister, I'm still cold!"

The sun is shining, and although the temperature is not particularly high today, it is still more than 20 degrees. However, there is a strange scene in a relatively remote part of the expressway. More than a dozen old men huddled together and cried out for the cold.

Now that he knew that the Xuanbing Curse was effective on people, Ji Yang shot more violently in order to save time, and the scene in front of him appeared after two or three minutes.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Er Mao looked at the dozen or so people squatting on the ground, everyone shouted cold, he was really confused.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"It's more than [-] degrees, why are you cold, stand up for me."

Da Mao is also on fire, even if you both get sick at the same time, it doesn't have to be such a coincidence.

"If you want to stand up, it may not be possible for the time being. Do you want to know how they feel now?"

Ji Yang smiled disdainfully when he heard Da Mao's words, and said softly.

Although the effect of this Xuanbing Curse on others will not last long, it is enough for them to bear it for a while.

"It's your fault, what did your kid do to them?"

Da Mao frowned, and he also heard what Ji Yang meant. It was all related to Ji Yang that his subordinates became what they are now.

"you guess!"

Ji Yang naturally wouldn't tell the other party what he had done, not to mention that the other party might not believe what he said.

"I guess your sister, Ermao, let's go, and we will abolish this kid."

Da Mao yelled at Er Mao, then rushed towards Ji Yang.

Seeing Da Mao and Er Mao rushing towards him, Ji Yang also wanted to meet him, but as soon as he moved, his body shivered and his steps staggered.

Your sister, if you don’t play like this, there are only two left, and the Xuanbing Curse has failed.

The Xuanbing Curse has failed, and my body is a little weak, what should I do?
 Xieben knows how hard everyone has been waiting, and Xieben also wants to update more, but in order to accumulate more readers for the new book issue, we can only guarantee two chapters a day for the time being, with occasional outbreaks. There will definitely be a big explosion, and everyone will have a good time at that time
(End of this chapter)

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