Chapter 74
The Xuanbing Curse requires physical strength and mental maintenance. As soon as the Xuanbing Curse expired, Ji Yang also felt a little weak. Just as he was staggering, Da Mao had already arrived in front of him.

Ji Yang's strange attack turned his subordinates into what they are now. Although Da Mao rushed over boldly, he was extra careful.

But when he rushed to Ji Yang, he found that Ji Yang's body was swaying, and he didn't attack him, and the face of the other party looked very pale. Seeing Ji Yang's appearance, he was also puzzled, and even suspected that Ji Yang was doing it on purpose. Pretend for yourself.

Anyway, they are all in front of Ji Yang, I don't care if you are pretending or not, I will fight first.


The power of Da Mao's punch was not small, Ji Yang was weak, and he couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to, but he was hit hard in the stomach by Da Mao's punch.


Ji Yang who was punched back again and again, his stomach cramped, and seeing the strength of Da Mao's punch, he knew that Da Mao had definitely practiced.

When he saw that he had beaten Ji Yang back, Da Mao was also very surprised.

It turns out that this kid is not just pretending, he is really physically abnormal. It seems that a group of his younger brothers were abolished by him just now, and this kid has exhausted his physical strength too much.

"Brother, this kid is probably tired, and he is still arrogant by taking advantage of his illness to kill him and cripple him."

Ermao's eyes also brightened, this is an opportunity, not to be missed.

If Ji Yang is still as fierce as before, even if he is with Da Mao, he will definitely not be able to beat Ji Yang.

Er Mao rushed over with a pig's head on his head, and kicked Ji Yang.


Ji Yang wanted to avoid this kick, but he still didn't dodge it. Er Mao kicked Ji Yang to the ground with anger.

"Boy, weren't you awesome and arrogant just now? You have knocked down all my twenty or so younger brothers. How can you be so cowardly?"

Er Mao looked at Ji Yang who was kicked down by him, and asked loudly with a proud face.

Paralyzed, if it wasn't for the Mysterious Ice Curse that drained your energy, would you dare to yell at yourself like that?

Looking at the smug Er Mao, Ji Yang really wanted to go up and give him two big-eared melon seeds, so that this guy's pig head would be fuller again.

But whoever made himself weak now, as expected, a man can't be weak, once weak, he's finished.

"You are not convinced, you still stare at me, try to stare at me again."

Seeing that although Ji Yang didn't speak, but stared at him with cold eyes, Er Mao felt annoyed, and was about to kick Ji Yang.

"Stop it, you guys stop it."

And just when Er Mao's foot was about to kick Ji Yang's hand, a coquettish voice suddenly sounded, and then Li Zixuan was seen running over.

When Li Zixuan saw Ji Yang being kicked to the ground by Ermao, she was anxious, and ran over regardless of how dangerous it was.

When Li Zixuan saw a lot of sweat on Ji Yang's pale face, and she looked sick, she felt very uncomfortable.

"Ji Yang, are you okay?"

Li Zixuan squatted down and asked softly.

"Who told you to come out, go back to the car, don't you know how dangerous it is here!"

Ji Yang became anxious when he saw Li Zixuan.

Whether it's the big hair or the second hair, or the gang of younger brothers who were beaten by him, these guys are not good people. When a beautiful Li Zixuan appears, the male hormones of these guys must erupt instantly.

Now that she is like this again, she can't protect Li Zixuan at all.

A man can't protect his own woman. Thinking of this, Ji Yang feels very aggrieved.

"No, I want to protect you."

Hearing what Li Zixuan said, Ji Yang felt dizzy again.

It's enough to be aggrieved that I can't protect my own woman now, you still have to protect me, besides, with Li Zixuan's appearance, she can guarantee that she is doing well and protect him.

Now she is like a sheep feeding on a wolf's mouth, and she brings food to others herself.

The fact is just as Ji Yang thought, Er Mao had met Li Zixuan before, and it was better to see Li Zixuan again, but it was the first time that Da Mao saw Li Zixuan.

When he saw Li Zixuan appearing, Da Mao was also taken aback, what a pure and beautiful woman, this is definitely his choice, he already felt that a certain part of his body was congested.

"Go away, don't think that I dare not hit you because you are a woman, go away."

Li Zixuan stood between Ermao and Ji Yang, Er Mao's kick would definitely hit Li Zixuan first.

Although I am not a good person, I still know how to be kind, and judging from the current situation, this beautiful woman must belong to their buddies tonight. If the kick is broken, it will be uncomfortable.

"Ermao, how do you talk, you have to be polite when you talk to beautiful women."

"Hey, beauty, you don't want us to beat him, do you?"

Da Mao glared at Er Mao and scolded, then looked at Li Zixuan with a smile and asked softly.

Seeing Da Mao talking to her, Li Zixuan also looked wary.

The guy's eyes looked hostile.

"Don't you just want money? I'll give you money, just 50. I'll give you 100 million. Let us go right away."

Although Li Zixuan didn't get out of the car, she heard Da Mao's words, whether it was 50 or 100 million, it didn't matter to Li Zixuan.

Hey, the beautiful woman in front of the emotional scene is not only beautiful, but also a rich master, the standard is white and rich.

Seeing Li Zixuan's appearance as a sister who is not short of money, the big and the second hair are even more unwilling to let each other go.

"Is this woman's brain growing out of her ass? She still talks like this at this time."

When Ji Yang saw Da Mao and Er Mao's eyes, he knew something bad was going to happen.

"Zixuan, run, I'll be fine."

Ji Yang already felt that his physical strength was recovering. Although the Mysterious Ice Curse consumed a lot of body and spirit, he was after all washed by the Taishang Laojun's elixir, and his recovery was very fast.

As long as he is given another 2 minutes, he is absolutely confident that he will deal with Da Mao and Er Mao in front of him.

"Boy, shut up for me, just take care of yourself before you talk like you are cowardly."

Er Mao yelled at Ji Yang, then looked at Li Zixuan.

Even if Li Zixuan wanted to run at this time, she had to be able to run.

"Hey, beauty, as long as you take good care of our buddies tonight, I promise this kid is fine, otherwise I will abolish him now."

"Go with us obediently."

When Er Mao spoke, he stretched out his hand to grab Li Zixuan.

Seeing Er Mao reaching out to grab her, Li Zixuan also screamed in fright.


"Hahaha, go ahead and scream, it's useless to break your throat, I'll see who dares to come and save you."

What Er Mao said was correct, since Da Mao and others stopped Ji Yang, there were more than one car passing by here, but no one dared to come over to control them, they all quickly bypassed the cars of Li Zixuan, Da Mao and others and accelerated away.

Most people nowadays have the mentality that they have nothing to do with themselves, and when they look at this battle, they know that the things in front of them are not easy to manage, and who would ask for trouble for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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