Chapter 75

Although I am a little imaginary now, I can't watch others touch my woman.

When Ji Yang saw that Ermao was going to arrest Li Zixuan, and then heard Li Zixuan's terrified cry, he stood up from the ground in an instant when he had some strength in his body.

"Don't touch me and women."

Ji Yang stood up and bumped into Er Mao directly, this collision directly knocked Er Mao to the ground, and Ji Yang immediately pressed on Er Mao's body, who made himself feel weak now? Most of the stamina at the recovery point was also consumed.

Although Ji Yang was not strong, he still weighed [-] to [-] jin. He pushed Er Mao under him, and Er Mao screamed when he was crushed. It felt like half his life was lost when he fell and pressed Er Mao.

"I'm already like this, but I still want to be a hero to save the beauty, right? Then I will help you."

Seeing that Ji Yang actually pressed Er Mao to the ground, Da Mao's eyes flickered, and he kicked Ji Yang.

"Oh... my... egg!"

Da Mao kicked over, and a sour cry sounded immediately, but the cry didn't come from Ji Yang, but Er Mao.

I saw Ermao screaming and rolling over while clutching his crotch.

But Ji Yang was lying on the side with a sinister smile on his face.

It turned out that Da Mao kicked over just now, Ji Yang rolled aside with the last bit of strength, and Da Mao's foot landed on Er Mao's body, but what Ji Yang didn't expect was that Da Mao's kick was so accurate that he came He cut off his children and grandchildren.

Er Mao is Da Mao's younger brother, and Da Mao's cutting off his sons and grandchildren is also the root of his own family.

Seeing Er Mao rolling on the ground and screaming, Da Mao's expression changed again and again.

"Hahaha, I said that if you don't change your ways, there will definitely be retribution. I just didn't expect the retribution to be so fast. It was your brother's retribution, hahaha."

Ji Yang looked at the rolling Ermao and couldn't stop laughing.

Hearing Ji Yang's laughter, Da Mao, who already had an ugly face, also looked at Ji Yang. All of this was Ji Yang's fault. If he hadn't avoided him, how could he have kicked his younger brother.

Angry in his heart, Da Mao walked directly towards Ji Yang.

"Boy, isn't it funny, I'll make you cry next."

Da Mao yelled angrily, and threw his fist at Ji Yang, but when his fist was still a few centimeters away from Ji Yang, he suddenly heard a series of sudden braking sounds.

The sound made Da Mao fist up, and he wondered in his heart that he was just meddling in his own business?
When Da Mao looked at the stopped car, his face became ugly. There was indeed a car parked around, and it wasn't just one car. There were seven or eight cars. As the car stopped, thirty or forty expressions appeared. The person who was angry with the guy in his hand also got out of the car and walked towards this side.

"Paralyzed, dare to touch Ji Shao and Miss Li, and let me abolish them."

As soon as these people came over, one of the burly middle-aged men pointed at Big Mao and yelled.

The voice of the middle-aged man fell, and the three No. 40 rushed out. As soon as he saw the three 40 rushing over, Da Mao got up and wanted to run, but as soon as he stood up, he was kicked over by a young man with blue hair. land.

"You still want to run after beating Ji Shao. If I don't abandon you, I won't be called Wang Hu."

The three No. 40 people who suddenly appeared were Zhang Long, Wang Hu and others. Zhang Long happened to take his younger brothers out for a barbecue today. It's time for trouble.

Last time, because of Wang Hu's attempt to kidnap Li Zixuan, Zhang Long was also very apprehensive. Now that he had the opportunity to make amends, he would not miss it, and rushed over with his people.

It was also Ji Yang and Li Zixuan's luck, the place where Zhang Long and others barbecued was not too far away, if they really rushed here from Linhai, the consequences might be serious.

As for how Huang Xiaoliang knew what happened here, it was naturally Li Zixuan who called.

Wang Hu had offended Ji Yang, and today he was going to show a good performance in front of Ji Yang, his shots were really unambiguous, as soon as he punched, Da Mao was beaten up and screamed.

Ermao and the other younger brothers were not spared either. When three No. 40 people gathered around, they were all hailed. It was already bad enough to be taught a lesson by Ji Yang, but now they are being beaten and kicked a second time. These guys are really unlucky.

"Ji Yang, are you okay?"

Although Li Zixuan didn't know Zhang Long and the others, but seeing the posture and words of the other party, she knew that these people must be helping her. Looking at Ji Yang who was still lying on the ground, Li Zixuan ran over quickly, looking at the other party with reddish eyes. With Ji Yang.

Ji Yang was like that just now, yet he still knew how to protect himself, Li Zixuan was very moved.

"I'm fine, just take a rest."

"Why are you here?"

Ji Yang smiled faintly, and at the same time looked up at Zhang Long who was walking over and asked softly.

"Young Master Huang notified me. I happened to be nearby, so I rushed over."

But Zhang Long saw more than 20 people who were lying or squatting just now, and Ji Yang alone settled so many people, Zhang Long also admired Ji Yang very much.

Hearing Zhang Long's words, Ji Yang looked at Li Zixuan who was at the side, and seeing Ji Yang looking at him, Li Zixuan nodded: "I informed Xiaoliang."

"Ji Yang has written down this love. If you have something to say in the future, tell them to stop. If you continue to fight like this, you will die, but it will not end well."

Turning his head to look at Da Mao who was almost unconscious after being beaten by Wang Hu, Ji Yang spoke to Zhang Long.

What Ji Yang said was reasonable, Zhang Long also saw that the beating was almost over, so he asked everyone to stop.

After everyone stopped, Zhang Long knew that Da Mao and others were involved in the porcelain party, and after learning that the other party not only touched Ji Yang, but also paid 50 yuan because Ji Yang kicked Er Mao's car door, Zhang Long was also angry.

"A broken car door is 50 yuan, right? Brothers smashed their cars for me."

"Boom bang bang..."

As soon as Zhang Long spoke, thirty or forty younger brothers who had just stopped rushed towards Da Mao and the others' car and smashed it indiscriminately, until they completely smashed the car of Da Mao and the others before they stopped.

Looking at the cars that looked like a pile of scrap iron, Da Mao and the others cried out in pain but dared not speak. They were afraid that if they spoke, they would also annoy each other, and it would be miserable.

"One car is 50, and three cars count as 150 million. Wang Hu will write them a check for 150 million."

As soon as Zhang Long said this, everyone was stunned. If you smashed the car and returned the money, then why did you smash it.

Although he didn't understand what Zhang Long meant, Wang Hu returned to the car, took out the check, and issued 150 million to Da Mao.

Da Mao looked at the check handed in front of him, he wanted to accept it but didn't dare, he didn't think Zhang Long and others were so kind that they would give him money if they smashed the car.

"Just take it if you want."

Seeing that Da Mao didn't dare to accept the check, Zhang Long yelled at Da Mao, and Da Mao accepted the check.

"Thank you."

After receiving the check, Da Mao also expressed his thanks.

But after hearing Da Mao's thank you, Zhang Long laughed.

"Now that the money for smashing the car is given to you, how will you settle the score for beating Ji Shao and threatening Ms. Li?"

(End of this chapter)

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