The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 76 Relationships in the Age of Relationships

Chapter 76 Relationships in the Age of Relationships

As soon as Zhang Long said these words, the big boy who had just received the check twitched, and the check in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Ji Yang and Li Zixuan were also taken aback, this dragon is really talented, he is like a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles, if I smashed your car, you will pay you, and you will take your money. My account with you is over.

But your account is over, and mine has not yet been settled. Judging from the current situation, how to settle this account with you is up to me.

Da Mao looked at Zhang Long bitterly, and asked in a trembling voice: "Then how do you ask me to pay, or I will return the 150 million to you, do you think it's okay?"

"I said, are you stupid? If you return the 150 million to me, it will be over. Why don't I smash your car and leave directly, and waste time with you."

"Don't look at me, ask Ji Shao and Miss Li to see what they plan to do."

Zhang Long looked at Da Mao like he was looking at an idiot. This guy must have been beaten out of his mind by Wang Hu, otherwise how could he say such idiot words.

It's not that Da Mao was beaten stupid by Wang Hu, he just lost the courage to be beaten by Wang Hu. Wang Hu definitely beat him to death just now. If Zhang Long didn't call to stop, he would definitely be beaten alive by Wang Hu kill.

"Ji Shao, I know I was wrong. If they smashed my car, they will vent your anger on you. I will return the 150 million to you, so you can let us go."

Da Mao turned his head to look at Ji Yang and said pleadingly.

Hearing Da Mao talking to him, Ji Yang really didn't know what to do for a moment. He originally planned to teach the other party a lesson, and then hand them over to the police.

After all, Ji Yang is not Zhang Long. Zhang Long is a member of the gang after all, so he inevitably has a bandit spirit on him, and he does not hesitate to do blackmail.

Now Da Mao's car has also been smashed. In terms of beating people, Da Mao, Er Mao and more than [-] people have been beaten. Does it mean that after Da Mao compensates himself, he still has to consider compensating them.

"Forget it, you take the 150 million back, I don't bother to ask them to compensate, you just hand them over to the police."

After recovering a lot of physical strength, Ji Yang stood up from the ground, glanced at Da Mao and his little brothers, then turned to look at Zhang Long and said directly.

When Zhang Long heard what Ji Yang said, he frowned slightly, and wanted to say something, but before he could speak, he heard a siren.

"Ji Yang, Zi Xuan, are you all right?"

The target of these policemen was also Ji Yang's place. A few police cars stopped, and a dozen policemen walked down quickly. Huang Xiaoliang also walked with these policemen.

"You're here too. We're fine. Thanks to you for notifying Zhang Long. If they come later, something will happen to me. I really want to thank you this time."

What Ji Yang said was true. In the situation just now, if Da Mao really beat him up, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, and seeing that Ji Yang and Li Zixuan were fine, Huang Xiaoliang was also relieved.

"We're buddies, it's a big deal."

"Zhang Long, you did a good job this time. I will tell my dad when I go back. Your benefits will be indispensable at that time."

Huang Xiaoliang smiled embarrassingly, and then said to Zhang Long.

Hearing Huang Xiaoliang's words, Zhang Long also hurriedly said, "Thank you, Young Master Huang. Young Master Ji is a fierce man. He beats more than twenty people by himself. Even if I don't come, Young Master Ji and Ms. Li are sure to be fine."

When Huang Xiaoliang heard Zhang Long's words, he secretly said, Ji Yang, you are awesome.

Then Huang Xiaoliang introduced a policeman in his thirties to Ji Yang.

"Ji Yang, this is Liu Bo, the captain of the Third Brigade of the Linhai Traffic Police. This section of the highway is under the jurisdiction of the Third Brigade. I called him as soon as I heard that you were in trouble here."

"Ji Shao, hello."

Liu Bo is also a smart person. When he saw Huang Xiaoliang was very polite to Ji Yang, he also greeted Ji Yang very politely.

"Hi Captain Liu."

Liu Bo was so polite, Ji Yang also extended his hand to shake the other party's hand.

When Ji Yang, Huang Xiaoliang and others were chatting here, the police who came with them had already brought Da Mao and others into the police car.

On weekdays, the policemen in front of him were the ones Da Mao disliked dealing with the most, but today when he saw the policemen, it was as if he was seeing relatives, and he followed them into the police car.

"I've wanted to catch these Porcelain gangs for a long time, but I haven't found a chance. It's bad luck for them to meet Ji Shao today. Go back and see how I deal with them."

Looking at Da Mao and others who were being taken to the police, Liu Bo said harshly.

Regarding Liu Bo's words, Ji Yang didn't say anything. Anyway, everyone has been arrested. As for how the police plan to deal with Da Mao and the others, it has nothing to do with him. Even if Da Mao and the others are sentenced to death, Ji Yang will not care.

This incident is now over. Ji Yang has fully recovered his physical strength at this time, but because of what happened just now, neither Ji Yang nor Li Zixuan wanted to drive, and the two finally got into Huang Xiaoliang's car. Their public is also helped to drive back.

After getting into the car, Ji Yang also began to think about today's events.

"If it wasn't for using the Xuanbing Curse, I wouldn't be in such a mess. I only wanted to be happy for a while, but I forgot to consider the consequences."

"It seems that I have to stay behind when I do things in the future. There is no way to solve the physical and mental exhaustion. Drinking two drops of hell bee jelly will be fine, but I can't take a big bottle of hell bee jelly with me everywhere."

After Ji Yang is going back to Linhai, he will divide the bee jelly from the underworld into several small portions, and put them in small containers so that he can carry them easily, so that he can drink a drop when he encounters a weak body like today. Is it resurrected with full blood?

Although he was not in the mood to drive at this time, after trying to drive, Ji Yang was still very interested in driving. He was also very confident in his driving skills. Now that he knew that Huang Xiaoliang was in the traffic police team, he was ready to ask the other party to help him. driver license.

Getting a driver's license was too simple for Huang Xiaoliang, so he agreed without thinking about it.

The so-called people are easy to handle. On the third day after Ji Yang returned to Linhai, he received a call from Huang Xiaoliang, saying that the driver's license was settled.

Most people get a driver's license, even if all the tests are over, it will take about a month at the fastest, but I didn't even touch the car, so I provided two photos, and got the driver's license in three days. In the era of relationship, we must talk about relationship.

What is the eternal pursuit of a man, that is the beauty of Xiangche.

Now that he has a beautiful woman and a driver's license, Ji Yang is also planning to buy a car for himself.

"Zixuan, I'll be waiting for you at the gate of the hospital, come and pick me up, we'll buy a car!"

Ji Yang is planning to take the beauties to choose the rhythm of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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