Chapter 79

Huang Tianxiong's words were very bold, but Ji Yang and Li Zixuan didn't open their mouths when they heard his bold words.

The two of them did have a fancy car, but what they fancy was the Dongfeng Warrior. Huang Tianxiong got it through his connections, and he couldn't get it even if he had money from a 4S shop. Would Huang Tianxiong give you this car?

But Ji Yang and Li Zixuan are not good at talking, but some people are cheap, such as Tian Tao.

He just can't see how Huang Tianxiong values ​​Ji Yang so much, he feels that this will make Ji Yang more arrogant, he feels that now is an opportunity, Ji Yang, don't you feel that Huang Tianxiong values ​​you, then I'll let you know, it's not that at all thing.

Since Huang Tianxiong entrusted his relationship to get Dongfeng Warrior, he must like it very much. Tian Tao did not believe that Huang Tianxiong would give his favorite car to Ji Yang.

"Uncle Huang, I know which car they are looking at."

Tian Tao said in a low voice, Ji Yang and Li Zixuan frowned when they heard Tian Tao speak.

After Huang Tianxiong saw that he spoke, neither Ji Yang nor Li Zixuan spoke. He also thought that Ji Yang was planning to reject him again. Now that he heard Tian Tao speak, he also looked at Tian Tao.

"Boy from the Tian family, which car do Ji Yang and the others like?"

Huang Tianxiong would not be as polite to Tian Tao as he was to Ji Yang and Li Zixuan, he stared at Tian Tao and asked in a cold voice.

Hearing Huang Tianxiong's question, Tian Tao seemed very confused, his mouth moved and he didn't say a word.

Seeing Tian Tao's hesitant to speak, Ji Yang couldn't help but sneered, this guy is really good at acting, he obviously wanted to say right away that he liked Dongfeng Warrior, but he pretended not to speak.

However, Tian Tao underestimated Ji Yang too much. Ji Yang didn't expect Huang Tianxiong to really give him the Dongfeng Warrior.

"Uncle Huang, let me speak for myself. Zixuan and I have indeed taken a fancy to a car, and it is this Dongfeng Warrior. We didn't know that you ordered this car before."

Tian Tao was about to speak, but Ji Yang jumped ahead of him.

After hearing Ji Yang's own admission, Tian Tao was also amused, and he began to observe Huang Tianxiong's expression.

He was waiting for Huang Tianxiong to get angry, waiting for Huang Tianxiong to reject Ji Yang, but to Tian Tao's disappointment, Huang Tianxiong didn't get angry after hearing Ji Yang's words, but just stood there quietly.

On the contrary, Ji Yang, the person involved, looked at Huang Tianxiong calmly.

"You guys will choose. I got this car Dongfeng Warrior with a lot of connections. Don't think that this car looks like a civilian version, but it is actually a real military version. But after some modifications, it will be more comfortable to drive. , your kid has a lot of vision."

This one turned out to be a military version?
Not to mention that Ji Yang and Li Zixuan didn't see it, even Zhao Liangcai, the manager of Dongfeng Automobile Store, didn't see it.

The civilian version of the Dongfeng Warrior is not something that can be bought with money, let alone the military version. I don’t know how much effort Huang Tianxiong spent to get this car.

Hearing Huang Tianxiong's words, Tian Tao was even happier. The harder it is to get this Dongfeng warrior, the less Huang Tianxiong will give it to Ji Yang.

"Ji Yang, this car is a military version of the Dongfeng Warrior. You want to drive this car too, do you deserve it?"

Tian Tao was excited in his heart, and he didn't control his mouth, so he spoke directly.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Tian Tao realized that he should just watch the fun and not talk at this time, but when he thought that he had said the right thing, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Not only did Tian Tao feel that he was right, he also felt that he had helped Huang Tianxiong speak his mind.

When Tian Tao was talking, Huang Tianxiong also looked at him. Seeing Huang Tianxiong looking over, Tian Tao continued to say: "Uncle Huang, this Ji Yang is too ignorant, can he drive this car? I was so excited so ..."

"Shut up!"

When Tian Tao was talking about saliva, Huang Tianxiong's face turned cold and he yelled.

Huang Tianxiong's angry shout also stunned Tian Tao.

Looking at Tian Tao angrily, Huang Tianxiong wished he could go up and kick him twice.

What does this mean, I was wrong to speak for you, to flatter you, Tian Tao felt a little wronged.

"Tian Tao, when I say you're stupid, I'm just praising you. When you shouldn't be talking, just shut up obediently. I don't even understand what you're farting."

"Do you know what my dad is using this car for?"

Huang Xiaoliang looked at Tian Tao with a really stupid expression on his face, and asked jokingly.

Huang Tianxiong spent a lot of effort to get this Dongfeng warrior, didn't he just drive it for himself?
Didn't he drive it himself and plan to give it away, but even if he gave it away, what he said just now is not wrong, didn't he just say that Ji Yang is not worthy of this car?

Tian Tao shook his head in confusion.

"I intend to give this car to Ji Yang. Now you say that Ji Yang is not worthy to drive this car, so how can I give this car away!"

Huang Tianxiong looked at Tian Tao with a frown, and said loudly in a cold voice.

What, this Dongfeng Warrior, a military version that Huang Tianxiong entrusted with many connections, was actually used as a gift, but even if it was a gift, Tian Tao couldn't believe that Huang Tianxiong gave it to Ji Yang.

Tian Tao felt his face heat up, as if someone had slapped a few big ears.

Ji Yang was also stunned, this car was actually given to him, it was real or fake.

It must be fake, Huang Tianxiong must have said that out of concern for his own face.

"Uncle Huang, you must be joking. This is the military version of Dongfeng Warrior. How could you give it to him?"

"Don't call me Uncle Huang one by one. I'm not that familiar with your Huang family, and I'm even less familiar with you. Immediately get out of my eyes."

Huang Tianxiong is definitely a rich and powerful master in Linhai, but he is very disgusted with those second-generation families who bully others. It is precisely because of his attitude that no matter whether it is Huang Xiaoliang or Huang Xiaoxin, they are very polite and casual to others in normal times. The frame of the second generation ancestor.

And Tian Tao in front of him knew how arrogant he was from the other person's words before he met him.

Now that he kept slandering Ji Yang again, Huang Tianxiong became even more annoyed, so he simply let him be a bastard, so that he can stay out of sight.

He is the young master of the Tian family anyway, although Tian's family is not as good as the Huang's in Linhai, but it is still a famous family, now that Huang Tianxiong let him go, Tian Tao is also dissatisfied.

But looking at Huang Tianxiong's eyes, Tian Tao froze instantly. He guessed that if he didn't leave now, Huang Tianxiong might ask someone to throw him out, which would be even more embarrassing.

Tian Tao took one last look at Ji Yang, and then left in despair.

Seeing Tian Tao leave in such a state of embarrassment, Ji Yang smiled faintly.

"Uncle Huang, Xiaoliang, you guys hurt Tian Tao's face enough just now, you can pick up the car, Zixuan and I will look at other cars."

"What are you looking at? This car is really for you. I thought you liked other cars before. Since you like it, go through the formalities."

Huang Xiaoliang held Ji Yang and said softly with a sincere face.

(End of this chapter)

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