Chapter 80

"Let's go, what kind of car is this? Hummer, but the Hummer I've seen is not so cool. Could it be a new model? If I had known that the new Hummer was so cool, I wouldn't have bought this Porsche."

A blue-haired young man driving a Porsche 911 was proudly bragging about his car to a woman with heavy make-up beside him, when he suddenly saw a domineering camouflage off-road vehicle driving past his car, and saw This car, he immediately felt that the Porsche 911 that he thought was awesome was withering.

When the woman next to him heard the young man's words, she rolled her eyes at the young man and said softly, "Your father is a local tyrant. He drank the red wine from 82 on Sprite, and said arrogantly that I am happy when I have money."

"You are just as ignorant as him. If you read more books and learn more knowledge, you will know how to pick up girls, even your old man's women."

"This is a Dongfeng Warrior made in China, much better than a Hummer."

The woman's words made the young man's face turn red, and he thought to himself, what's the matter with me being uneducated, you are educated, you are a female student at a key university, you were taken care of by my father, and you even came out to fool around with me secretly.

"Are all the domestic cars so good? I'll give you this Porsche when I go back. I'm going to change to a Dongfeng Warrior."

The young woman in Porsche, who was looking at the young woman with some contempt just now, couldn't help but light up when she heard this. There are better local tyrants than local tyrants. She likes this kind of rich and self-willed personality the most.

"You are so kind to me. Your father won't come over tonight. Come to me at night. I'll let you do what I want."

The woman said flatteringly, and in her mind, she also began to fantasize about others watching her drive a Porsche with envy.

And fantasies are fantasies after all. Although local tyrants are rich and self-willed, some things cannot be bought with money. The Dongfeng warrior driving past is something that the blue-haired youth in front of him can't buy with any money.

She is also destined to be dealt with by Fang Bai tonight.

"How about Ji Yang Dongfeng Warrior?"

Li Zixuan looked at Ji Yang who was driving beside her, and asked softly.

"It's cool in one word. This car has a domineering appearance and is comfortable to drive. I didn't expect such an awesome car made in China. Look at that Porsche. I can knock him into the air. Does he know that he bought this Porsche for the sake of driving?" How many bullets have been donated abroad, just looking at him makes me want to hit him."

The young people in the Porsche have already regretted it, and they are already very envious of your Dongfeng Warrior. If Ji Yang’s words are heard by the other party, I don’t know if the young people will not think about it for a while and just take the Porsche to the river beside it.

"Hmph, I also drive a Ferrari, so are you going to crash my car too?"

Li Zixuan said a little unhappy when she heard Ji Yang's words.

"Crash, go back and change the car, or crash if you don't change it."

This time Ji Yang is not used to Li Zixuan, he has a serious look on his face, I can spoil you, but I must not be used to it, otherwise I will not be crushed by you.

"But I like it, I..."

Li Zixuan thought that even if Ji Yang really didn't want her to drive a Ferrari, she would tell her in a gentle tone, but she didn't expect him to be so direct and domineering.

"What me, I have to change, I can't speak well, right?"

Niu, Ji Yang is a real man at this time, Ji Yang is usually like a kitten in front of Li Zixuan, but today he finally turned into a tiger.

"Hmph, just change it, why are you so fierce?"

Li Zixuan snorted coquettishly, agreeing.

Don't look at Li Zixuan who is usually very fierce to Ji Yang, it's because Ji Yang dotes on her and lets her go, once Ji Yang turns into a tiger, Li Zixuan turns into a kitten in an instant.

Looking at the obedient Li Zixuan, Ji Yang smiled triumphantly. When a man should be hard, he must be hard. He must let the other party understand that if he was not mean to you before, it was because he loved you and pampered you, not because he was afraid of you.

Although Li Zixuan looked a little aggrieved on the surface at this time, she was very sweet in her heart. She also knew that Ji Yang usually doted on her, and this occasional domineering made her feel very sweet.

Ji Yang drove the wind-blown Dongfeng Warrior, and he could feel the envious and jealous eyes projected from the window without looking.

He also didn't expect that the Dongfeng warrior Huang Tianxiong got through his relationship would really give him away.

At that time, Ji Yang also asked the other party why he gave him such an expensive car with a confused face.

Huang Tianxiong used the reason that Ji Yang treated Huang Xiaoxin and confiscated his own money, saying that after he heard that Ji Yang asked Huang Xiaoliang to help him get a driver's license, he happened to get this Dongfeng Warrior through his relationship, so he wanted to give the car to Ji Yang directly. .

Although what Huang Tianxiong said was very reasonable, Ji Yang always felt that things were not that simple, but who made him like this car, he didn't care what Huang Tianxiong's purpose was, and he took the car away first.

The treatment I gave to Huang Xiaoxin last time did confiscate any benefits from the other party. Compared with Huang Xiaoxin's life, a car is nothing, and I can't take it too much.

If Huang Tianxiong really had other purposes, he would help if he could, and this car would count as a deposit.

A car is both a payment and a deposit, so Ji Yang feels that he still has to pay.

Li Zixuan originally drove Ji Yang to buy a car, but later because Ji Yang bought Dongfeng Warrior, Li Zixuan had never ridden in this car before, so she wanted to try it, but Ji Yang sent her home after trying it.

As for her own Ferrari, Li Zixuan had already promised Ji Yang to change the car, and she just made a random phone call and asked someone else to pick it up. Li Zixuan's favorite Ferrari was put in limbo from this moment on.

Ji Yang drove back to the rental house, and the people around him surrounded him curiously when they saw Dongfang Warrior.

"Handsome guy, take me for a drive, it must be very enjoyable to do some favorite things in such a domineering car."

Hearing someone say this, Ji Yang also looked over curiously. There are quite a few people doing that kind of business around the rented house.

Just looking back, Ji Yang's face turned pale for an instant, and then he vomited.

"I'm a little motion sick. I'm going back to rest. You can find someone to take you for a ride and do something you love."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yang started running towards his rented house, as if he wanted to be hunted down by someone.

It's not your fault that you look ugly, but it's your fault that you look scary even if you look ugly.

Back in the room, Ji Yang let out a long breath. Fortunately, the man did not chase after him just now. He has a thick waist and thick eyebrows, but what happened to the stubble on his face? With a gray face, a striking distilled nose, he was still digging his nostrils with his fingers when he was talking, and the thought of Ji Yang made him gag.

"This is definitely the legendary Ruhua, it must be Ruhua."

When Ji Yang thought of Ruhua, his stomach twitched again, and he rushed into the bathroom...

After Ji Yang felt that his stomach was comfortable, he also took out his mobile phone. He didn't check WeChat all day today. I don't know if anyone is looking for him.

Taking out his mobile phone and opening WeChat, Ji Yang saw that someone was really looking for him.

(End of this chapter)

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