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Chapter 82 I Want to Learn to Dance

Chapter 82 I Want to Learn to Dance

The suggestion of jumping rubber bands is good, but it takes a period of experimentation to change a rope that is suitable for elastic and can play rubber bands normally.

But now the seven fairies are eager to play new tricks, so why wait for Chang'e to experiment with changing a bunch of ropes a little bit.

Chang'e had no choice but to ask for help again. Fortunately, while providing rubber band jumping just now, Ji Yang also thought of another game, that is, throwing sandbags.

"Since you are eager to play, let me teach you a simple one called sandbag throwing."

"Throwing sandbags are ordinary pockets, which can be filled with corn grains, rice grains, etc., use this kind of sandbags as weapons and throw them at the opponent. One pitcher at the front and back in the specified field throws sandbags at the opponent. If sent off, if caught by the opponent, this person can gain "one life", or let a comrade who was already "dead" come back on the field."

Throwing sandbags is indeed much simpler than jumping rubber bands. Not only are the rules simple, but even the props are simple. At least Chang'e knows about pockets, corn kernels, and rice kernels.

"Throwing sandbags sounds very interesting. It's settled. No one can use spells, otherwise it will be boring. Whoever uses spells will not be allowed to play."

The purple-clothed fairy opened her palm, and there was also a purple pocket in the empty palm.

"That's natural. If you use a spell, who can this sandbag hit? It's just a stretch of your hand and it's in your hand."

The fairy in Tsing Yi smiled lightly and said softly.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, I can't wait, sister Chang'e, let's come and play together."

Among the seven fairies, the green-clothed fairy is the most lively. At this time, she couldn't wait for a long time. While shouting, she was also pulling Chang'e to start playing with sandbags.

But Chang'e didn't move when she was pulled by the green fairy, but shook her head.

"Xiaobai taught us to dance rubber bands and throw sandbags. The so-called reciprocity, if we don't give each other something in return, it will be too rude."

After Xiaobai taught Chang'e to hopscotch the last time, Chang'e just went to play and forgot to give Xiaobai something in return. Chang'e also blamed herself for a long time.

Today Xiaobai taught herself throwing sandbags and jumping rubber bands again, this time she can't be rude anymore.

When the seven fairies heard Chang'e's words, they looked at each other and nodded, thinking that Chang'e's words made sense.

"Sister Chang'e, how do you think we should repay Xiaobai?"

The red-clothed fairy is the eldest sister among the seven fairies. She has a calm and generous personality, with a touch of nobility in her elegance, and a sense of responsibility. When the matter of repayment is mentioned, she naturally stands up.

"I don't know about this either, why don't I ask."

Chang'e didn't know what Xiaobai wanted, so the fairy in red asked herself, but she could only ask Xiaobai what he wanted.

At this moment, Ji Yang was also very depressed. After he taught Chang'e to hopscotch last time, the other party ignored him, and this time it was like this again.

"Hey, this Chang'e is too heartless, I've helped you twice, even if you don't give me something, shouldn't you still chat with me more?"

Ji Yang muttered to himself.

A woman will be lonely because of a person, and a man will be lonely too.

And when Ji Yang was depressed, his cell phone vibrated.

"Xiaobai, thank you for your help. The Seventh Fairy and I also want to thank you well. How do you want us to repay you?"

Ji Yang's eyes lit up, and the seven fairies came out. Legend has it that the seven fairies are the daughters of the Jade Emperor, but some people have questioned this, and until now there is no accurate answer.

At this time, Ji Yang also wanted to ask whether the father of the seven fairies was the Jade Emperor, but this question was a bit too abrupt, how could anyone ask your father if he really belonged to him?

"Who is the old man who has something to do with you, don't you still want to be the Jade Emperor's son-in-law?"

Laughing and scolding himself in his heart, Ji Yang didn't want to think about what he had or what he didn't have. He should consider asking Chang'e and the Seven Fairies for something.

What he lacks the most now is of course merit. He thought that if he asked Chang'e and the Seven Fairies for thousands of merit, they would give it to him.

But after thinking about it, Ji Yang gave up this idea, and he was going to ask the other party for something else.

"Chang'e and the Seven Fairies are both good dancers, why don't I ask them to learn how to dance?"

Ji Yang actually wanted to learn how to dance with Chang'e. This idea was a bit weird, but Ji Yang had this weird idea.

Chang'e and the Seven Fairies in Guanghan Palace were also waiting for Ji Yang's reply, and when they saw that Ji Yang wanted to learn how to dance, they were also taken aback.

Although it is true that Chang'e and the Seven Fairies are experts in dancing, they are both women, and Ji Yang is a man. Is his own dance suitable for him?

The Seven Fairies and Chang'e laughed at the thought of a big man wearing neon clothes and feather clothes, dancing to the music.

"This Xiaobai is so funny, he wants to learn how to dance with us, is he going to be a woman?"

The lively green-clothed fairy couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Sister Chang'e, Xiaoqi is right. Xiaobai's request is indeed a bit difficult. Although we are good at dancing, it is inappropriate for a man to dance our dance. It feels weird anyway."

Fairy Su Yi frowned and said softly.

The Seven Fairies were in a dilemma, and Chang'e was also in a dilemma, but Xiaobai had already said that, and she didn't know how to refuse.

"Sisters, you are all good at dancing, don't you have any dances suitable for men?"

After thinking about it, Chang'e still felt that it would be best to satisfy the other party's request. If it was really not possible, she would ask the other party if there was anything else she wanted.

Hearing Chang'e's words, the seven fairies also fell silent, and they all began to think about the dance they could dance.

The atmosphere of silence felt very depressing. Chang'e felt a little melancholy and helpless when she thought that the other party had helped her twice, but she could not satisfy the other party's request.

"I thought about it."

When everyone was silent, the fairy in red slapped her forehead and said softly.

"Elder Sister is still amazing, what do you think of Eldest Sister?"

"Yes, big sister, are you really suitable for men's dance?"

"Hong Yi, tell me quickly, what is it?"

When the fairy in red thought of it, Chang'e and the other six fairies asked curiously.

Seeing that other people were so curious, the fairy in red also told everyone what she thought.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard what the red-clothed fairy said, and they all felt that the dance that the red-clothed fairy thought of was very suitable.

"Xiaobai, find the fairy in red and let her teach you how to dance."

After Ji Yang waited for a long time, his heart was scratching like a cat. He thought that Chang'e and the Seven Fairies were going to reject him, but he was relieved after seeing Chang'e's words.

At the same time, I also have some expectations in my heart, I don't know what dance the fairy in red will teach me.

 PS: Some people may have objections to the name of the Seventh Fairy. Xieben searched some information, and there are many names for the Seventh Fairy. It is also difficult to determine the identity. In the end, Xieben also decided to call the Seventh Fairy by the name in "Journey to the West".

(End of this chapter)

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