The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 83 Pei Min Sword Dance

Chapter 83 Pei Min Sword Dance
Wearing a red classic long dress, wearing a red tulle, with picturesque eyebrows and a slight smile on her face, she looks dignified and majestic, yet dignified. This is the head portrait of a fairy in red.

Are all the women in the Heavenly Court so beautiful? This fairy in red is not bad compared to Chang'e. I wonder if the other six fairies are also so beautiful. If they are all so beautiful, the men in the Heavenly Court will be miserable. Ji Yang sighed in his heart. .

If all the seven fairies were so beautiful, but the men in the heaven could only look at them but not touch them, it would be like a person who is extremely hungry, and a table of delicious food is placed in front of you, but you can only look at it but not eat it, this feeling is quite uncomfortable.

After sighing, Ji Yang also chatted with the fairy in red. The fairy in red was also very polite to Ji Yang, giving people a sense of knowledge and understanding. Ji Yang also had a good impression of her.

"Xiaobai, although my six younger sisters and sister Chang'e are good at dancing, because we are all women, the dance we dance is not suitable for you. However, I have a dance that I learned in the mortal world many years ago. If you want , I will teach you, if you don’t want to learn, you can make other requests.”

After a brief acquaintance with Ji Yang, the fairy in red also brought the topic to the main topic.

She chatted with Ji Yang not to get to know each other, but to teach him how to dance.

Mortal dance?
When Ji Yang first heard these words, Ji Yang was somewhat lost. What he wanted to learn was the dance of heaven, but after thinking about it, the mortal dance that can be remembered by the fairy in red must not be comparable to ordinary mortal dances. Yes, if you learn it by yourself, you might be really good.

"Then trouble the red fairy."

As soon as Ji Yang spoke, he was waiting for the fairy in red to pass the dance to him.

The fairy in red didn't keep Ji Yang waiting for a long time, Ji Yang's body trembled as he said ready, and then his head buzzed, and some information appeared in his mind.

This is not the first time Ji Yang has experienced this kind of thing, and the information provided by the fairy in red is not much, Ji Yang also has no special feelings.

"Pei Yujian dance, I have already taught it to you, sister Chang'e is already playing sandbag throwing, I don't want to go to play."

The fairy in red stopped talking to Ji Yang after she finished speaking.

Even if the fairy in red wants to talk to Ji Yang at this time, Ji Yang may not talk to her, because at this moment Ji Yang has been stunned by the information in his mind.

Ji Yang guessed right, the mortal dance that the fairy in red can remember is really amazing.

This Pei Yu Sword Dance is a "Sword Dance" performed by General Pei Yu of the Tang Dynasty.

During the Kaiyuan period, because of his mother's death, Pei Min wanted to invite the great painter Wu Daozi to make murals in Tiangong Temple to save the souls of the dead. Wu Daozi asked Pei Yu to dance the "sword dance" to inspire the painting. The momentum of the fierce sword dance was moving, and the painting thought was quick. With the help of gods, a mural of "For the Spectacle of the World" was painted on the wall.

Tang Wenzong even made an imperial edict, calling Li Bai's poems, Zhang Xu's cursive script, and Pei Yu's sword dance the three wonders of the Tang Dynasty.

"Hey, this fairy in red is really generous. She taught me a set of mortal dances. It's also amazing."

Ji Yang felt that it was right for him to learn dance today.

Such a cool sword dance, if I danced by myself, I don't know how many girls would fall under my jeans.

If Ji Yang didn't have a sword in his hand at this time, he would have danced already.

Although Ji Yang failed to dance with Pei Yujian in reality, he danced vigorously in his dream.

Naturally, Ji Yang in his dream would not be able to dance solo. An audience is a must. In these audiences, both Chang'e and the Seven Fairies are there, and they are all shouting for him. The crazy appearance made Ji Yang laugh in his dream.

But just when Ji Yang was about to have a drink with Chang'e and the Seven Fairies, chatting and strengthening their relationship, he was woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone.

"Master, whoever called early in the morning didn't know if Rao Ren Qingmeng would be struck by lightning."

Reluctantly, he brought the phone over, and the person who looked at the phone turned out to be Fat Hou Sen. If this guy didn't continue to dream like a flower early in the morning, what would he do with himself?

"Fatty man, you interrupted my dream, if you don't give me a reasonable reason today, I promise to turn you into a national treasure panda next time we meet."

Hou Senfat on the other end of the phone thumped in his heart when he heard Ji Yang's words. The national treasure panda has two cute dark circles under his eyes. Ji Yang meant to punch him with panda eyes.

Thinking of Ji Yang's appearance when he beat someone, Hou Senpang couldn't help swallowing.

"Hey, we two are the best buddies, you won't be so cruel, what dream did you have? Dreaming that Chang'e is still the Seventh Fairy, can't it be like a flower?"

When Hou Sen's fat and cheap voice came, Ji Yang's face was also not very good-looking.

I did dream about Chang'e and the Seven Fairies, and I also dreamed about the critical moment.

But when it comes to Ruhua, Ji Yang will think of the nostril-picking woman who let him take him for a ride yesterday.

Thinking of her, Ji Yang felt uncomfortable in his stomach.

"Ruhua is yours, I won't snatch it from you, if you have anything to do, let it go."

Ji Yang felt uncomfortable in his stomach for a while, and his tone of voice was not very good.

Hou Senpang seemed to hear that Ji Yang's tone was wrong. He was really afraid that Ji Yang would give him two punches when he met him excitedly, that would be uncomfortable.

"It's like this. Most of the students in our class have found places for internships, and we haven't seen each other for a long time, so I'm going to get together, so I'll ask you if you want to go."

Class reunion, think about it, it has been more than a month since I left school, and a lot of things have happened in this month, since everyone is going to have a reunion, I will go by myself.

"time and location."

Ji Yang also asked directly without talking nonsense.

"Zuichunyuan, it's twelve o'clock at noon. There's been a traffic jam recently. You're an intern anyway. It's embarrassing to take the bus. You can call here. My buddy will reimburse you. Remember, don't be late at twelve o'clock."

Fatty Sen is quite a buddy at this time, and he still knows how to estimate his face at this time. Since he is so interesting, let's forget about disturbing his clear dreams today.

"Fighting, do I still need to fight now, wait for my brother to come on stage handsomely."

Even Hou Senfat doesn't know his current situation, let alone other people. When he appears in his current form, everyone will be surprised.

It is eight o'clock now, and there are still four hours before twelve o'clock. Since Ji Yang intends to appear handsomely, he must also prepare a decent set of clothes for himself.

After waking up and taking a shower, Ji Yang drove to LH urban area, which is very prosperous, and there are countless brand stores.

Versace, this is the store.

Ji Yang used to only be able to wear street goods, and he didn't know much about branded clothes, but Hou Senpang bought a Versace dress before, and he held this dress to show off to himself for half a month, saying it was a world famous brand.

"Fatty man, a piece of clothing has been showing off to me for half a month. Today, I bought a whole outfit from top to bottom. Let me see if I don't blind you."

(End of this chapter)

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