The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 857 Sneaking into the Office Building

Chapter 857 Sneaking Into the Office Building ([-]rd)

The Forbidden City is right next to Ji Yang, she is wearing a black night clothes.

There was a schoolbag on his back, and something like a night vision goggle on his face.

On the way Ji Yang came, he asked about the Forbidden City.

Asked what she carried in her schoolbag, the Forbidden City told him with a mysterious smile that all the things she carried here were mission supplies.

Although it was a mission item, Ji Yang didn't know what it was.

"The defense is indeed strict. Last time we were able to approach the range of 50 meters."

"It is very difficult to get close within 100 meters now. If I had known, we would not have come here last time."

The Forbidden City frowned and looked at the defense in front of it, and said with some concern.

The defense is so tight, it is very difficult to enter it.

"Even if they are so defensive that even a fly cannot get in, I can still get in."

"Do you know where the genetic information is located?"

Regarding the worries about the Forbidden City, Ji Yang smiled confidently.

Although he didn't know why Ji Yang was so confident, Forbidden City still nodded.

"The superior has not approved the action, just to find the storage location of the data."

"Before we set off, I had obtained the exact location of the data."

The Forbidden City opened the schoolbag behind it, and Ji Yang finally saw the contents of the schoolbag.

In her schoolbag, there were two daggers, two guns, and a tablet computer.

Plus there's some miscellaneous equipment.

The Forbidden City took out the tablet computer, clicked on the computer a few times, and a flat map appeared on the computer screen.

Looking at the plane map, it should be the plane map of the restricted area in front of you.

The Forbidden City expanded the map, pointed to one of the buildings and said softly.

"This building has six floors, but these six floors are not important. On the surface, they are all ordinary military office buildings."

"The key point is the underground. There are two underground floors below the research institute, and the bottom one is the real research."

"The information is stored in the computer of the research institute in the basement, and we need to copy all the contents."

Ji Yang listened to the words of the Forbidden City with a serious face. He took the other party's tablet computer and made an understanding of the route in the restricted area.

"I already know the specific route, just wait for me here."

Ji Yang returned the tablet to the Forbidden City and said softly.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the Forbidden City was slightly taken aback.

"What do you mean, are you going to enter the restricted area alone?"

"Yes, I'll go in alone."

If one person enters it, Ji Yang is more confident than if two people enter it.

Ji Yang didn't know how the Forbidden City was cultivated.

But no matter how high her cultivation level is, Ji Yang doesn't intend to take her in.

The guards around the restricted area were really strict, and Ji Yang went in alone, so he had full confidence.

But if he brought the Forbidden City with him, Ji Yang would not be so confident.

Forbidden City frowned, she understood that Ji Yang didn't want her to hold her back, but she still nodded in agreement.

"You take these with you. This is a wireless communication device. I will assist you on the periphery."

"This is a copy device, you plug it into a computer, it can crack the password by itself, and then make a copy."

"But you have to be careful, because it takes time to crack the code, and you must not be found."

"When you copy the data, I will find a way to attract the guards outside the restricted area."

The meaning of the Forbidden City is very simple, that is, division of labor and cooperation.

Ji Yang was in charge of intruding and copying the data.

The task of the Forbidden City is to attract the attention of the guards when he copies the data, so as to reduce Ji Yang's troubles.

Whether sneaking into the restricted area or hiding outside the restricted area, neither Ji Yang nor the Forbidden City is safe.

"Do you need to attract guards, wait for my notice."

"I'll be back soon, you just need to hide yourself first."

If he has a way to get in, Ji Yang has a way to get out.

If there is no need to put the Forbidden City in danger, then it will not put her in danger.

The Forbidden City looked at Ji Yang solemnly, and finally nodded.

Ji Yang has surprised her again and again, and she believes that Ji Yang can complete the task.

"You have to be careful, I will guide you the route, when you need my help, tell me anytime."

"Sure, wait for my good news."

The time is almost up, and it is time for Ji Yang to act.

Patrol squads followed one another, and there were quite a few soldiers guarding around.

And around the restricted area, there are many cameras placed in the open and in the dark.

Even if you avoid patrols and guards, how to avoid these cameras is very troublesome.

The Forbidden City is really curious how Ji Yang will avoid so many people.

Just when the Forbidden City didn't know what Ji Yang would do, she found that Ji Yang beside her had disappeared.

A person suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the Forbidden City was really shocked.

"Hualong, Hualong, where are you?"

Bauhinia City didn't dare to shout, so she could only ask Ji Yang through the walkie-talkie.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just invisible."

That's right, Ji Yang used the stealth method in the 72 changes.

As long as he is invisible, no one around can see him, not even a camera can capture him.

It is precisely because of this method that Ji Yang is so confident in invading the restricted area.

Hearing Ji Yang's answer, the Forbidden City felt relieved.

Through the communication equipment carried by Ji Yang, she also saw the movement of the screen. At this time, the screen was showing a group of patrolling soldiers.

Such a short distance is only two or three meters away.

But around that team of patrolling soldiers, the Forbidden City did not see Ji Yang.

From this point of view, Ji Yang was indeed invisible.

"I didn't expect him to have such a skill."

Ji Yang was able to turn invisible, which surprised the Forbidden City.

At the same time, the Forbidden City is more confident about today's mission.

You can't even see people, how do people in the restricted area know that someone has sneaked into the restricted area?
Using the method of invisibility, according to the memory of the route in his mind, Ji Yang quickly walked to the building where the underground research institute is located.

Around this building, many soldiers stood.

Almost five meters away, there was a soldier guarding it.

If it were an ordinary office building, it would definitely not have such tight defenses.

The Forbidden City told Ji Yang that if he wanted to enter the basement, he had to go inside the building.

So Ji Yang had to enter the building first.


"Who, who hit me?"

The soldier guarding the gate felt a pain on his face inexplicably, as if he had been slapped.

He asked softly to a soldier not far away angrily, and the other party gave him a look if you were stupid.

"I think you are dozing off and dreaming, so watch carefully, and watch out for the superiors to deal with you."

While the two soldiers were talking softly, they didn't know that someone had already entered the building.

And the slap just now was just slapped by Ji Yang out of boredom.

 During the Chinese New Year, there are a lot of drinking games, and it will be delivered in the third shift. The update ends today and will continue tomorrow. Xieben is going to participate in the drinking games again. I really don’t want to drink...

(End of this chapter)

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