The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 858 Opening the Door for Free

Chapter 858 Opening the Door for Free (One Update)
The defense outside the office building is very tight, but there is no defense at all inside the office building.

It seems that the people who arranged the defense thought that the tight defense outside was enough.

There were not many people in the office building, and Ji Yang, who was in the invisible state, looked at the scattered people passing by him, and these people seemed to be very leisurely.

When Ji Yang entered the office building, he originally wanted to use the method of escaping the ground or penetrating the stone to enter the ground.

But what makes Ji Yang a little depressed is that the underground and the ground are separated by something.

The isolation should be special material or metal.

Whether it is Dundi or Toushi, it is impossible to travel directly to the past.

"I don't know if Sun Wukong has a way to pass through metal, I have to learn from him next time."

Ancient and modern are different after all.

In ancient times, building materials were relatively simple, but now the technology is advanced.

All kinds of building materials emerge in endlessly, and sometimes spells don't work.

"Hualong, you have already entered the building, the door to the basement is on the left side of the room."

After Ji Yang entered the building, he did not see the entrance to the basement.

Originally, Ji Yang wanted to ask about the Forbidden City, but unexpectedly, the Forbidden City took the initiative to find Ji Yang.

Hearing the voice from the Forbidden City, Ji Yang did not speak.

Although I can hide my body, I can't hide my voice.

If you speak by yourself, you will be discovered by the people around you.


The first floor of the building was very empty. Ji Yang looked to the side, and there was nothing but a wall.

Ji Yang didn't pay attention to it before, but with the reminder from the Forbidden City, Ji Yang focused on observing.

The entrance to the basement is not usually hidden, there is not even a gap in the wall, this entrance can be done.

However, through observation and probing with immortal energy, Ji Yang finally discovered the location of the entrance.

But this entrance is also made of special materials, Ji ** can't go through it at all.

But how to open it, he didn't know.

Found the door, but couldn't get in.

Is there anything more depressing than this?
Just as Ji Yang was thinking about how to get in, several people walked in.

"Captain, last time that guy didn't move for such a long time. Could it be that he left the country of America?"

"I think it's possible. He ran away. He's smart. If he dares to come, I'll let him be buried with Pajessi and Ken."

"I don't think so, I think he must be planning something."

Although Ji Yang didn't know these people, he was able to guess after hearing what the other party said.

These people should be people from Sea Eagle.

Because Xiaobao's real name is Ken, and Pajessi is its former owner.

"Whether that person is in the United States or not, just don't forget the mission."

"We are not here just to catch that person, you all cheer me up."

"The people in the research institute have integrated all the information in the past few days, and they will leave here tomorrow morning."

We will move out of here tomorrow, Ji Yang came at the right time.

If you come one day later, then there is no point.

These people who walked into the building were the eagle-eyed people of the sea eagle.

It was Hawkeye's captain Bai Luo who spoke at this time.

Hearing Bai Luo's words, the others all nodded.

But looking at their eyes, it seems that they are all unwilling and disappointed.

Because once the research institute moves out, the value of the restricted area will be greatly reduced.

The person who attacked the restricted area last time may not be found anymore.

Because of the deaths of Pajessi and Ken last time, Hawkeye was often ridiculed in the sea eagle.

If this vengeance cannot be avenged, let alone that the face cannot be recovered, this vengeance cannot be avenged either.

"Captain, there is a strange smell here, could it be that someone came in?"

After Bai Luo finished speaking, a tall, thin, stooped old man with white hair on his temples suddenly looked at him.

When the old man spoke, his nose twitched a few times and his eyes turned around.

When his eyes saw Ji Yang's hidden position, he frowned and looked at it for a long time.

Ji Yang thought that when the other party found him, he turned his head to other places.

The old man's nose is quite good.

"Old Qiao, there are thousands of people in the restricted area. I think you smell too much and your nose is not working."

Hearing the old man's words, a thin and somewhat wretched young man opened his mouth.

Hearing that someone questioned him, Old Qiao frowned.

"Little devil, hasn't country R taught you to respect the old and love the young?"

"Let's say there are thousands of people, even if there are tens of thousands of people, the old man's nose will not smell bad."

"Huh, relying on selling old people, you have the ability to find people."

"Little devil, the old man endured you for a long time, looking for a beating!"

"Come on, just hit me, I'm still afraid of you, a Huaxia old man!"

"That's enough, stop arguing, Mr. Qiao, devil, you are all from the Sea Eagles of the United States now, not from the Chinese, from the R country!"

"If you have this kind of thought again, I have to consider whether it is suitable for you to stay in the sea eagle!"

Seeing that the two men under him were about to make a move, Bai Luo's eyes narrowed, and he gave a light drink to them.

When he yelled softly, Qiao Lao and the devil both shut their mouths.

Enter the sea eagle for a day, and that is the person of the sea eagle.

Not everyone can enter the sea eagle. If you want to leave after entering, you have to die.

Bai Luo's words were basically telling Mr. Qiao and the devil that if they talk nonsense, they will die.

Seeing that Mr. Qiao and the devil had calmed down, Bai Luo's face turned slightly better.

"Arva, go and open the door. This is the last night, so you have to keep your spirits up."

"Hawkeye is the intelligence department of the sea eagle. It is best at searching, discovering and guarding. If something goes wrong today, it will not only shame you and me, but the whole Hawkeye!"

After giving orders to a fair-skinned Caucasian woman, Bai Luo said loudly to the others.

When everyone else in Hawkeye heard Bai Luo's words, they all nodded their heads.

They all know how important their tasks are.

Ji Yang, who was invisible, now had a smile on his face.

I couldn't find the door by myself, and now someone opens the door for me for free, which is really cheap for me.

Arva walked to the wall without a single gap, pressing her palms against the wall.

As soon as she put her hand on the wall, a hidden space appeared on the wall.

Inside the dark compartment is a device similar to fingerprints or face recognition in movies.

Aerva clicked on it a few times, and after pressing his palm on it, Ji Yang heard a strange sound from the wall.

Then I saw the wall shake, and a gap that could allow one person to pass was exposed.

This door is really well made, and even a little gap can't be seen.

"Captain, the door is open."

The door opened, and Alva whispered to Bai Luo.

When she was talking to Bai Luo, Ji Yang had already walked in through the gap.

This door can only allow one person to pass through at the same time, if you don't go in quickly, it will be difficult later.

These guys are good at searching and discovering. If Ji Yang really feels abnormal, it will be easy for Ji Yang to expose it.

 One update, please recommend, monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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