The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 885 The person who wants to see you is someone else

Chapter 885 The person who wants to see you is someone else (one more)
"Brother, what a coincidence, our two brothers actually met here."

"Jess, why did you show up at the Kennedy's estate?"

It was true that Ryan had contacted Jess and Jesse, but they didn't know that Ryan had contacted both of them at the same time.

It's unclear why the two were even called over by Ryan.

When I got out of the car and saw the other party, I was puzzled.

"Master Ryan asked me to come, so here I am."

"Brother, you are about to get engaged to Miss Lilith, and you can be regarded as the head of the Kennedy family. Why can't my younger brother come here?"

Jess and Jesse don't have a good relationship, which is known from the last fashion show.

Seeing Jesse's unhappy face, Jess smiled.

Jesse had a slightly angry face, but when he heard that he was going to be engaged to Lilith, his expression became smug.

"After getting engaged to Lilith, my position in the family will be more stable, and the future Rockefeller family will be mine."

"My dear brother, I, the future head of the family, will take you to visit the Kennedy family's estate today, hahaha..."

Jesse laughed smugly and walked forward.

Hearing Jesse's laughter, Jess' face turned cold, and his teeth gritted.

"Asshole, don't force me, I want to be the owner of Rockefeller, dreaming."

"Oh, my heart hurts again. I don't know what happened recently. I always feel uncomfortable."

"I went to the hospital and couldn't find out the reason. What a ghost."

From the first time he met Ji Yang, Jess felt that his health was getting worse.

I went to the hospital for an examination, but I couldn't find any reason.

He thought he was in trouble, and it was useless to go to the Holy See to ask the pastor to pray for him.

Several times, he suspected that Ji Yang had done something to him.

It's just that after thinking about it, the other party didn't seem to have done anything that day.

Now he is so confused, suffering inexplicable pain every day.

Jess clutched his chest and took a few deep breaths before he felt better.

Jess catches up to Jesse and walks with Jesse towards the house.

"Jesse, Jesse, you are here."

Jesse and Jess enter the Kennedy family estate and Ryan finds out.

He sat in the living room and watched the two enter, and said with a smile.

"I've been busy with work recently, so I'm sorry I couldn't come to see Grandpa Ryan."

Jesse and Jace spoke at the same time, saying exactly the same words.

These words are too routine, and it feels even weirder to say them together.

Embarrassing, very embarrassing.

However, Ryan has a thorough understanding of interpersonal matters, and some things are a kind of politeness in themselves.

"Grandpa Ryan, why did you call me here today?"

"Why didn't I see Lilith, where did she go?"

Jesse sat on the sofa opposite Ryan, looking around, he was a little disappointed not to see Lilith.

"I have sent someone to inform Lilith, she will come soon."

"I didn't call you this time, but Lilith. As for why she called you two, that's up to you young people. I don't know the old man."

Ryan shook his head and smiled.

It wasn't Ryan who wanted to see him, but Lilith who wanted to see him.

And they asked two people to come together at the same time, Jesse and Jess were a little confused when they heard Ryan's words.

Jessie frowned and looked at Jess who was beside him. Lilith was usually cold to herself, so it was strange to ask herself to come here.

But she even called Jess, which is even more strange.

Could it be that Lilith didn't know that although she and Jess were brothers, they were also competitors?
On the contrary, it was Jess, with a bit of joy on his face, and began to think wildly in his mind.

Lilith's attitude towards Jesse, Jess is very clear.

Another day would be the day when Jesse and Lilith got engaged, but now she called them.

"Could it be that Lilith wants to say something to me in front of Jesse, does she like me?"

"If I am the one who is engaged to Lilith, then I will be the Patriarch of the Rockefeller family. The beauty and the family will win with one stone, ahahahaha..."

Thinking of this, Jess looked at Jess with a little more sarcasm.

When Jess and Jesse were thinking about why Lilith called them at the same time, Lilith had already arrived in the hall.

"Lilith, you're getting more and more beautiful, what's the matter with you calling me here today, are you talking about your engagement?"

Jessie saw Lilith and immediately went up to her.

What he said was not casual, but with a taste of swearing sovereignty.

What he said was telling Lilith, and he was also telling Jess that Lilith was going to be engaged to himself.

"Let's go out for a walk, I have something to tell you."

Jesse's warm expression made Lilith sick for a while.

If Ji Yang hadn't asked her to meet them, she wouldn't have met Jesse and Jess.

Ji Yang asked her to go out for a walk with the two of them, and now Lilith doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

While Lilith was speaking, she had already walked out of the house.

Jesse and Jess greeted Ryan and quickly caught up with Lilith.

"Master, they won't fight because of Miss, will they?"

When Jesse and Jess left, their eyes were full of gunpowder.

The bodyguard who had been guarding Lilith looked at Ryan worriedly and asked softly.

"When you fight, you start fighting. Isn't it normal to grab women and fight?"

Ryan said indifferently, thinking that when he was young, didn't he also fight with others for women.

Isn't life perfect if you don't fight because of grabbing a woman?

"Jess, remember, Lilith is my fiancee!"

"Brother, what are you in a hurry for? The engagement banquet has never been held. It's too early to say it's your fiancée."

"Brother, there is a saying in Huaxia, I don't know if you have heard it, it is called My Fair Lady and Gentleman!"

If Lilith really wanted her, Jess would not give in to Jesse.

With Lilith, there is the support of the Kennedy family, such a big chip, who would miss it.

After Jess finished speaking, he passed by Jess and walked towards Lilith.

Jesse looked at Jess angrily, his eyes were spitting fire.

"Jess, you are dead!"

Jessie thought fiercely in his heart, raised his foot and walked forward.

Lilith walked with disgust on her face, she didn't say a word, and she didn't look at Jess and Jesse who were following beside her.

This time, Lilith had already walked out of the Kennedy family's manor and came to the forest outside the manor.

"Lilith, what do you see between the two of us?"

Walking into the woods, both Jess and Jesse had a bad feeling.

The scenery of the forest is good, and because it is close to the Kennedy family estate, safety here is not a problem.

They have been here before, but they just feel weird when they come here today.

"I'm too lazy to see you, it's someone else who wants to see you."

When Lilith said this, Jesse and Jess' complexions changed, and they said in unison.

"Who wants to see us?"


An abrupt voice appeared, and Ji Yang appeared in the sight of Jesse and Jess.

 Happy Lantern Festival everyone
(End of this chapter)

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