The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 886 I'm not allowed to leave without my consent

Chapter 886 I'm not allowed to leave without my consent (Part [-])
Ji Yang has been waiting in the forest for a while.

It was Ji Yang who asked Lilith to bring Jesse and Jess here, so he was just waiting.

Ji Yang, no, it was Hua Long who was prepared, and Jess and Jesse were no strangers to him.

Moreover, both of them had feuds with Ji Yang.

Jesse has been taught by Ji Yang, and Jesse is quite hostile to Ji Yang because of Lilith's relationship.

Seeing Ji Yang's appearance, Jesse and Jess' expressions changed.

"Why are you, why do you want to see me?"

"You are still alive, my God, how is this possible!"

Seeing Ji Yang here, Jesse and Jess looked a little scared, and what they said made Ji Yang smile.

Especially in the second sentence, the word alive is mentioned.

"Jessie, are you surprised I'm alive?"

The owner who spoke the second sentence was Jesse, and Ji Yang had basically guessed what he said.

Most of the Rockefeller family's stalkers were sent by Jesse.

When he thought about it, he reported the actions of Ji Yang and the Forbidden City, and the United States should kill them.

His words not only caught Ji Yang's attention, but also made Jess and Lilith a little strange.

"It seems that my good brother did something to him, but it didn't work."

"Great, this guy is terrifying, Jesse, you are miserable."

Although Jess is a playboy, he is not without brains.

He has also done some shady things.

Although it is not clear what Jesse has done, he senses a problem.

The fear on Jace's face turned into a faint smile, and he was ready for a good show this time.

"I don't understand what you said. Lilith, why did you help him find us? You two have an unusual relationship?"

"Now I am very angry, Lilith, you make me sad, I want to leave here."

Jesse realized he had said the wrong thing, and he didn't want to stay here any longer.

Because he is really scared now. As the first heir of the Rockefeller family, he has heard something about the Wharton restricted area.

Although what he heard was not comprehensive, he knew that the US side would definitely get rid of those who wanted to break in there.

At that time, the follower also told Jesse that Wharton's military and police had sent many people to arrest Ji Yang and the Forbidden City.

The result, the follower did not tell him.

Because the follower disappeared later and has not been found until now.

Now that Ji Yang is alive, and asking such a question, Jesse knows that the follower must no longer be in this world.

Jesse was scared, Lilith lied to him, and he was very angry.

But he asked, but it didn't mean that he really wanted to wait for Lilith to answer.

At least for now, he wasn't going to listen to Lilith's answer, he just wanted to leave now.

"Leave, I didn't say leave, you and him don't even think about leaving."

It was not easy to meet Jesse and Jess.

This is the country of America, not China, so it is inconvenient for Ji Yang to meet someone.

Now that he saw them and saw Jesse's reaction, he could confirm his guess.

It was even more impossible for Ji Yang to let him go. As for Jess, it was impossible for him to let him go.

Although the man wasn't sent by Jess to follow him, he was also not a good thing.

If this guy had the chance, he would definitely make trouble for himself.

"Who do you think you are? I won't leave if you don't let me go. This is the country of America, not China."

"In the United States, no one can restrict my actions, Jesse, come out, Tyre!"

Jess has his own senior bodyguards, how could Jesse not have one.

Jesse wanted to leave here, but Ji Yang refused to let him, so he had to use strong means to leave.

If possible, he didn't mind his bodyguards killing Ji Yang.

"Taihu, you haven't shown up yet, what are you thinking!"

Jess was going to watch the play, but Ji Yang even counted him in, he was in a bad mood, so he also called out Taihu.

He called Taihu not to help Jesse, but to protect himself.


Two bursts of wind sounded, and Taihu and Tyre quickly appeared in front of Jesse and Jess.

The appearance of these two people did not surprise Ji Yang at all.

Because Ji Yang already felt the aura of the two of them, but Ji ** didn't care at all.

Taihu was still dressed as he had seen last time, wearing a black cloak.

Thiel is a tall black man in a suit, with shiny dark skin and a pair of sunglasses.

Tire's appearance is the same as the bodyguard in the film and television drama.

They are dressed the same, but their aura is much stronger than that of ordinary bodyguards.

His aura is on the same level as the ancient warrior's yellow rank.

"The supernatural bodyguard is just a little lower in level."

This is not the first time he has come into contact with supernatural beings. Ji Yang himself has no count of how many supernatural beings he has killed.

The captain of Sea Eagle Hawkeye was killed by him, and most of the members were killed by him.

The entire Eagle Eye was almost wiped out. If such an impressive record was spread, Ji Yang's name would be enough to make all special organizations around the world tremble.

"Go away, young master, I'll stop him."

Tell and Taihu spoke at the same time.

Taihu and Ji Yang have fought against each other, and he knows how powerful Ji Yang is.

Knowing that he is invincible, but as a bodyguard, he must protect Jess.

Tire had never fought against each other, but Ji Yang's aura made him feel depressed.

"Hmph, I told you, you are not allowed to leave without my consent."

"I let you go last time, but you still want to stop me this time. I won't give the enemy a second chance."

Jess and Jesse had already started to back away after hearing what Tell and Tayhu had said.

They didn't even care about Lilith's safety.

When life is threatened, I just saw what true love is.

Jesse shouted how much he loved Lilith every day, and at this time, he could see clearly whether he loved Lilith or not.

If he really loves, even if Lilith and Ji Yang have something, he should take Lilith and leave at this time.

He should know how dangerous it would be after fighting Ji Yang with the destructive power of Tai Er and Tai Hu.

Ji Yang didn't intend to let them go, so he moved.

While speaking, Ji Yang took the initiative to strike.

His body moved quickly like the wind, and he was in front of Taihu in an instant.

Ji Yang didn't reserve his strength this time, when he got in front of Taihu, he punched directly.

Taihu hastily protected himself with his hands, but this defense was useless at all.

When Ji Yang punched down, Taihu's two arms broke instantly, and Taihu's body flew out directly.

Accompanied by the soft and crisp sound of bones breaking, Taihu's chest collapsed completely, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The body fell to the ground, Taihu's eyes were wide open, and he had lost his breath.

"Taihu, ha..."

As the bodyguard of the Rockefeller family, Thiel knew exactly how strong Taihu was.

Being beaten to death with one punch, Tire was shocked, so he simply chose to take the initiative to attack.

He punched out with great force, and the fist attacked Ji Yang with a gust of wind.

"Crack, ah..."

A low-level ability user is nothing if Ji Yang does not retain his strength.

With just one punch, Tyre's arm was broken.

Ji Yang kicked out, and this kick was going to kill Tyre directly.

(End of this chapter)

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