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Chapter 901 Angel of Strength

Chapter 901 Angel of Strength (Part [-])

The sense of danger came from the body of the Kunlun Mirror. Seeing that the hand that was about to touch the Kunlun Mirror, Ji Yang quickly retracted his hand and stepped back.

When Ji Yang withdrew his hand, a golden light shot out from the Kunlun mirror like a sword.

This golden light failed to hit Ji Yang, and directly hit the wall of the dark compartment.

The wall of the dark cell cracked instantly as if being bombarded by a shell, and rocks flew around.

If it weren't for Chi You's barrier to control the sound, the explosion would definitely attract the attention of the entire Vatican City.

"What's the matter, is the Kunlun mirror so overbearing?"

Before Ji Yang's hand touched the Kunlun Mirror, the Kunlun Mirror attacked him.

This fiery little temper is gone.

"The top ten artifacts are ancient treasures. They have existed for thousands of years. No one wants to have them."

"Although the attack just now seemed to be sent by the Kunlun Mirror, the aura is obviously not right."

"This breath is very similar to the breath in the Vatican City, which is the bright and sacred breath you mentioned."

"Think about when you got the demon refining pot and the Shennong cauldron, which one was not guarded, and this Kunlun mirror must be guarded by someone."

Chi You's indifferent voice sounded in Ji Yang's mind, upon hearing Chi You's words, Ji Yang nodded.

If the Kunlun Mirror is so easy to get, it would be abnormal.

"Who is sneaking up on me? If you don't even have the courage to show up, I will take this Kunlun mirror!"

Immortal energy was circulating in Ji Yang's body, his eyes swept towards Si Leng and asked.

Although the attack just now appeared from the Kunlun Mirror, Ji Yang didn't see anyone, and he felt that this person must be hiding around.

However, the hidden compartment is actually quite empty, and no one was found in the place where people could hide.

He began to suspect that the person who attacked him had the same invisibility spell as himself.

"It turns out that this oriental mirror that can communicate with heaven is called the Kunlun Mirror."

The Kunlun Mirror suddenly lit up with a golden light, and then saw a man with a beautiful appearance like a woman, with long golden hair, a slender figure and a man with two pairs of wings on his back flying out of it.

Although he is beautiful, even more beautiful than many women, Ji Yang is sure that he is a man.

Because although the opponent's upper body was covered with tulle, it was very transparent, and he could see through it at a glance.


The wings behind her were not flapping, but the man in front of her was flying in the air.

Looking at the man in front of him, Ji Yang thought of the angels in Western mythology.

"What is an angel, isn't this a birdman?"

Neither Chi You nor Hu Zhongxian had heard of angels, but they knew about birdmen.

The voices of Hu Zhongxian and Chi You sounded in Ji Yang's mind at the same time, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice, feeling very funny.

"He is not a bird man. In the West he is called an angel, and they are the gods of the West."

Ji Yang explained it this way, but Chi You and Hu Zhongxian understood it simply.

But Chi You and Hu Zhongxian were somewhat interested when they heard that angels are gods of the West.

They have all seen the gods in the eastern heaven and the ghosts in the underworld.

But this is the first time they have seen the gods in the west.

"I am the Angel of Punishment Uriel, Archangel Eli."

"During the day, I felt that the mirror was wrong, probably because of the bottle floating beside you."

"What you call the Kunlun mirror can communicate with the heavens. What power does this bottle have?"

Eli looked at the refining pot, his eyes were full of greed and he said loudly.

Is this look what an angel should have?
Eli only knows that the Kunlun Mirror can communicate with the world, but he doesn't know how to travel through time and space.

If he knew that the Kunlun Mirror had the power to travel through time and space, he would definitely go crazy.

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't expect to meet an angel here.

It was also the first time for Ji Yang to face an angel. Ji Yang didn't know the strength of an angel.

According to some knowledge I have, it seems that the strength of an angel can be seen from the number of wings.

In front of him, Eli has two pairs of wings, four in total. His strength should be considered average among angels.

"Boy, you are not afraid, are you?"

"If you're afraid that you won't be able to beat him, let me help you."

Ji Yang's mind was a little confused, and Chi You couldn't understand what was going on in his mind.

But according to Chi You's experience, Ji Yang's mentality changed, and Chi You discovered some problems.

"It's just a bird man, I will be afraid of him!"

He is also a fifth-rank immortal at any rate, how could Ji Yang back down when facing an angel of medium strength.

It's just that he hasn't met an angel before, so he's a little out of touch.

Judging by Eli's attitude, he will definitely not hand over the Kunlun Mirror.

Not only will he not hand over the Kunlun Mirror, he is even spying on Ji Yang's demon pot.

"The Kunlun mirror is something from China. Give it back to me, and I can bring you back to heaven safely."

"If you don't give it to me, then you will become the first Western angel absorbed by the refining pot."

Although he knew that Eli would not hand over the Kunlun Mirror to him easily, Ji Yang still asked.

When he was speaking, a coercion rushed towards Eli.

Ji Yang doesn't expect the other party to hand over the Kunlun mirror directly, but he must not lose to the angel Eli in terms of momentum.

Ji Yang now represents a Chinese god, while Eli represents a Western angel.

This can also be regarded as a battle between the East and the West, right?

Ji Yang must not lose the chain at this time, if he loses today, his face will be thrown to the sky.

But facing Ji Yang's coercion, Eli smiled.

"You can't take the mirror away, but I want the bottle in your hand too."

"In your body, I feel a very strange breath, which is similar to the breath of light, but different."

"I'm going to take you back to heaven and hand it over to Archangel Uriel, so that I have the chance to become a seraphim superior angel."

Angels of the West are not wanting nothing, Eli seems quite greedy.

No wonder there are so-called angels of light and fallen angels among the angels in the West.

With Eli's appearance, he is not a fallen angel now, and he must be sooner or later.

After Eli finished speaking, the smile on the corner of his mouth turned cold, his wings flapped behind his back, and he rushed directly towards Ji Yang.

In Eli's hand, he held a golden spear.

The golden light on the spear pierced towards Ji Yang's chest.

Ji Yang snorted coldly, and swept the ancient sword glowing red towards Eli.

The sword was swept out, and a half-arc flame with a diameter of two meters flew out.

"Um, ha!"

Eli didn't expect Ji Yang's attack to be so fierce, his body stopped instantly, and the tip of the gun pointed towards the flame.

At the same time, the wings on the back flapped, and the body flew backwards.

"This is an angel, isn't it good?"

As Eli stepped back, a voice sounded above his head.

Looking up in astonishment, Ji Yang was actually on top of his head, a fist magnified in his eyes.



Eli hastily raised the spear in his hand to block Ji Yang's punch.

But Ji Yang's punch was a powerful punch from 72, and Eli's hasty block didn't work at all.

Both arms were numb from Ji Yang's punch, and with a muffled groan, Yi Lai's body fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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