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Chapter 902 The Power Angel Trial

Chapter 902 Trial of the Angel of Strength

Eli's body fell to the ground, and when his body was about to touch the ground, his wings flapped behind him.

A gust of wind suddenly blew up, and Eli's fallen body flew into the air.

Eli flew up again, with a chill in his eyes.

Clenching the spear in both hands, he attacked Ji Yang again.

"I underestimated you, I didn't expect you to fly over my head."

Eli felt that Ji Yang's breath was not weak, but he didn't expect Ji Yang to fly.

He even didn't expect that Ji Yang's speed was so fast.

He didn't see how Ji Yang disappeared on the ground just now, and how he got to the top of his head.

This makes Eli very angry. He is a powerful angel and a four-winged angel.

How could he lose in the world, how could he return to heaven to face other angels like this.

And how to face the Supreme Lord.

For this attack, Eli was filled with anger, and his attack became violent.

Waving the spear in his hand, countless spear shadows shot towards Ji Yang.

Ji Yang was surrounded by countless gun shadows.

Eli was holding onto this attack and was determined to attack Ji Yang.

He wants to recover the disadvantage and the face he lost.

"You can fly, why can't I."

"Is this attack really like an angel, but if this is your strongest attack, then you will lose tonight."

"The Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist!"

Ji Yang withdrew the ancient sword in his hand, clenched his fists and swung a hundred punches in an instant.

When these hundred punches were swung, Yi Lai's face changed, and his countless gun shadows were instantly smashed by Ji Yang's hundred punches.

"Boom boom boom..."

The air was filled with the sound of an explosion, and the gun shadows disappeared immediately.

Eli was a little dumbfounded. It was the first time in the world that he was outmatched in attacks twice in a row.

"Who is he, and why is he so powerful?"

"I am a four-winged angel, how can I lose to an ordinary mortal."

Up to this time, Eli still thought that Ji Yang was a mortal.

This can't be blamed on Eli, after all, he only understands the gods of the west, but he doesn't know the gods of China.

He has never been to China, and he thought that the gods in China were the same as the gods in the west.

They all have wings and look like birdmen.

Eli was astonished, but the movements in his hands could not be slowed down.

If the movement of the hand was slow, these fist shadows that pierced the shadow of the spear would hit him.

It's just that Eli's attack was slower than Ji Yang's.

Several fist shadows still hit Eli's body.

"Boom bang bang..."

After punching Eli several times in a row, Eli's whole body shivered with golden light.

If he hadn't relied on his divine power to protect his body, these few punches would have been enough for him.

But even with divine power to protect his body, he still felt his whole body was boiling, and the vibrating force made him vomit blood several times.

"This is the god of the West, it's too weak."

"He was beaten by your kid and he has no strength to fight back. He is too weak."

Ji Yang broke Yilai's attacks again and again, Chi You looked very contemptuous.

How could Yi Lai feel helpless when facing Ji Yang?

Fortunately, he was still thinking just now, if Ji Yang can't beat Eli, he will be ready to attack.

Now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary, I think highly of Eli too much.

Hearing Chi You's words, cold sweat broke out on Ji Yang's forehead, and he refuted Chi You with a bit of displeasure in his voice.

"What do you mean he is too weak, why not me too strong."

"This Eli is considered to be at the same level as the heavenly soldiers and generals. If he can't even beat him, wouldn't I be a fifth-rank immortal for nothing?"

Ji Yang's unhappy voice reached Chi You's ears, and Chi You shrugged disdainfully.

So what about the fifth-rank immortal position, if it was in the past, he wouldn't even be able to hurt a single hair.

Even now, with just one remnant soul, Chi You is stronger than Ji Yang, a fifth-rank immortal.

"Ah... the protection of the gods."

When Ji Yang and Chi You communicated, Yi Lai also couldn't bear the attack of Ji Yang's remaining fist shadow.

If a few more punches fell on him, the divine power protecting him would be broken.

A circle of golden light erupted from his body, and Eli's whole body was wrapped in golden light, making him look much more holy.

This circle of golden light has a strong defense, and the shadow of the fist fell on the golden light, and then shattered.

Eli blocked Ji Yang's attack with the protection of the gods, but the protection of the gods consumed a lot of his own divine power.

At this time, Yi Lai opened the distance between himself and Ji Yang, staring at Ji Yang with anger in his eyes.

"Why, are you not convinced?"

"Come if you are not convinced."

Looking at Eli who was pulling away, Ji Yang didn't rush to attack.

Ji Yang looked at Eli and gave Eli a provocative look.

Faced with Ji Yang's provocation, Eli became more angry, but he did not attack impulsively.

In the two attacks just now, Eli felt Ji Yang's strength.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that if he fought alone, he might defeat Ji Yang.

"No matter what, I have to stop him today."

"Otherwise, even if I can live, if the Kunlun mirror is taken away by him, when I return to heaven, Archangel Uriel will punish me severely."

"If you fight hard, even if you lose your divine power, you can only use that trick."

Eli felt ruthless in his heart, and he was about to unleash his strongest attack.

The use of this attack has greatly depleted his own divine power, and it is impossible for him to recover in the next few decades or even a hundred years.

Wanting to be promoted to the seraph of one's dreams is even more of a luxury.

But for heaven's sake, for the glory of the angels, he had to.

In this way, he at least has the face to go back to heaven, after all, he tried his best.

The divine power was circulating in his body, pouring into the two pairs of wings on his back. With the influx of divine power, the two pairs of wings on his back felt a little enlarged.

The feathers on the wings exude a divine light, and each feather becomes clear.

The clear feathers look very sharp, like golden daggers.

"Be careful, kid, this guy's momentum has increased, and he's about to unleash a stronger attack."

Sensing that something was wrong with Eli, Chi You reminded him.

Without Chi You's reminder, Ji Yang also felt the difference in Eli.

Eli at this time is much stronger than before, at least in terms of momentum.

"Paralyzed, I want to see what you want to do."

Immortal energy circulated in Ji Yang's body, and the ancient sword and the black sword appeared in Ji Yang's hands at the same time.

Purple flames rose from the body of the ancient sword, and purple lightning flashed on the black sword.

Purple flames and purple lightning appeared at the same time, and it was the first time Ji Yang used two swords to perform the Earth Fire Jue and Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique at the same time.

"The Trial of the Angel of Power!"

Eli's eyes turned golden at this moment.

The two pairs of wings on the back were fully unfolded, and Eli let out a loud shout.

As he shouted, the feathers on the two pairs of wings flew out instantly.

Eli himself doesn't know how many feathers the two pairs of wings have, let alone Ji Yang.

Anyway, when the Angel Trial was cast, all the feathers of Eli's two pairs of wings flew out.

This feeling is like a thousand arrows being fired, all Ji Yang sees is a large piece of golden feathers flying like raindrops.

 The third update is sent, the update ends today, and it will continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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