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Chapter 903 I am the God of China

Chapter 903 I am a Chinese God (Part [-])
"Whoosh whoosh..."

Countless golden feathers flew towards Ji Yang, and Ji Yang heard the dense and sharp sound of breaking the wind.

These flying golden feathers are fast, have strong penetrating power, and have a wide range.

Ji Yang's attack this time surprised and shocked him.

A battle of this level is a battle between gods and gods.

Ji Yang was excited, and his reaction was not slow.

Eli's Force Angel Judgment cannot be hard-wired by the body, and it is also unrealistic to completely avoid it.

Because these flying golden feathers have completely blocked all of Ji Yang's escape routes.

"Earth Fire Art!"

"The nether wind and thunder swordsmanship."

If you can't hard connect, you can't dodge, then choose to attack.

At this time, the sky over St. Peter's Holy See was already covered by dark clouds.

When Ji Yang circulated the immortal energy and the purple thunder flickered on the black light sword, he was already ready to use the nether wind and thunder sword technique.

At this time, the Earth Fire Jue and the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique were cast simultaneously, and streaks of purple lightning fell from the dark clouds.

The lightning passed through the top of St. Peter's Basilica and reached the interior of the Vatican's treasury.

The purple thunder fell, and the purple flames on the ground rose.

The purple lightning and the purple flame merged together, and the heavenly thunder hooked the ground fire to form impressively.

In front of Ji Yang, he was completely isolated by purple lightning and purple flames.

The feathers of the power angel's judgment hit the purple lightning and purple flames, which trembled wildly.

The purple lightning and purple flame blocked the feather's attack, and at the same time the power of the lightning and flame was weakening.

Whether it's Eli's power angel trial, or Ji Yang's sky thunder hooks the fire.

They are all very powerful attacks.

When the two collide, the aftermath produced is also very huge.

"Not good, the enchantment I set up is about to break."

The barrier set up by Chi You could no longer bear the two powerful attacks.

Hearing Chi You's words, Ji Yang frowned.

Once the barrier is broken, what will he face? It will be the attack of the entire Vatican City.

He didn't want to face the entire Vatican City directly, and didn't want them to know that he was coming, but now it seems that he has no choice for me.

"One step at a time is counted as one step at a time, and the soldiers come to cover up the water and the soil."

"Get rid of Eli, the powerful angel, first."

It is impossible for the current Ji Yang to withdraw the Earth Fire Jue and Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique.

If he cut through his own attack, he would have to rely on his body to resist Eli's strength and make the angel judge.

Although Ji Yang's physical strength is not weak, he doesn't think he can easily block Eli's power angel trial.

At that time, Ji Yang will be even more dangerous.

At this moment, Eli's divine power was exhausted.

He landed on the ground, the two pairs of wings on his back completely disappeared, and now he looks like a person.

Looking at the collision of golden feathers, purple lightning, and purple flames in front of him, Eli's face was so pale that he couldn't see a trace of blood.

"How is it possible, my power angel trial was completely blocked."

Eli looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, and his attack with all his strength was completely blocked.

A strong sense of frustration was written on his face, and now he really had no choice.

His divine power has been exhausted, even if he is facing an ordinary person now, he may not be as good.

Eli sat softly on the ground, he couldn't accept the reality in front of him.

In a room in the Holy See of St. Peter, Pope Andrew, who was resting, suddenly turned over and sat up.

He quickly ran to the window and watched the purple lightning fall from the sky.

"Purple Thunderbolt, what's going on here?"

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of explosions sounded, and the sound came from the direction of the Holy See's treasure house.

Chi You's barrier finally couldn't hold on under the collision of Ji Yang and Yi Lai's attacks.

The explosion sound of the collision of the two attacks spread to the outside, and the entire treasure house of the Holy See trembled.

With the sound of the explosion, figures rushed out of St. Peter's Basilica.

These figures included priests, nuns, and members of the Knights Templar.

All the clergy in Vatican City were startled by the sound, and those who rushed out were all looking in the direction of the Holy See's treasure house.

"No, the treasure house has been attacked."

"All members of the Knights Templar rush to the treasure vault, and the others prepare to evacuate."

Who attacked the Vatican's treasury, Pope Andrew is still unclear.

But no matter who it is, he can't let him leave here alive tonight.

Vatican City is the base camp of the Holy See. If someone attacks the Holy See's treasure house and can leave alive, the Holy See will become the biggest laughing stock in the world.

Pope Andrew would evacuate everyone except the Knights Templar, because he was afraid that the next battle would have too much impact.

Other clergy are not as good as members of the Knights Templar, and they themselves have little combat power to speak of.

If it is affected by the battle, it will be the Holy See who will lose.

Pope Andrew shouted the order to exit, and all Templars moved quickly.

Other clergy are also ready to evacuate.

"My lord, there seems to be something wrong with the treasure house of the Holy See!"

At this time, Bishop Nathan had already arrived outside the door of the room where the Pope was. He saw Pope Andrew running out of the room, and said with an ugly expression.

"I see, let's go now."

"Whoever attacks the treasure house must die today."

The pope's voice fell, and his body rushed out quickly.

The Pope's speed was very fast, and he had already disappeared into the corridor in the blink of an eye.

The Pope himself is not a decoration, he has not weak strength.

Bishop Nathan followed the Pope and ran towards the end of the corridor.

The Vatican City shook, and the sound here not only attracted the attention of the inside of the Vatican City.

Even outside the Vatican City, there are many people watching.

"What's going on, what happened to the explosion just now?"

"The explosion came from inside the Vatican City. Could it be that the gods descended?"

"It's possible. During the daytime, the sound of the explosion is said to be the descending of the gods. Everyone pray quickly, hurry up."

These unknown followers of the Holy See prayed devoutly one by one.

But some people are not so stupid, they feel that the sound of the explosion is abnormal.

"Notify the members of the Night Alliance in the Roman branch, hurry to Vatican City, there will be a good show."

These people who feel that the explosion is abnormal are members of the Dark Night Alliance.

They have already notified the members of the Dark Night Alliance in Rome about what happened here.

It won't be long before the members of the Rome Branch of the Night Alliance will rush over.

At this time, the inside and outside of the Vatican City became riots due to the sound of the explosion. Inside the Holy See's treasure house, the attacks of Eli and Ji Yang had stopped.

"Who are you, who are you, are you a demon sent by the Night Alliance?"

Looking at Ji Yang, Eli gritted his teeth and asked harshly.

If at this time, he still treats Ji Yang as an ordinary person, then he is really a fool.

"Let you die to understand that you are a god, and I am also a god, and I am a god of China."

The corner of Ji Yang's mouth sneered, and the ancient sword and the black sword stabbed at Eli at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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